Girls In White Dresses

The Official Start Of Tour.

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew I was being gently shaken and the bus wasn’t moving anymore.

“Lyss. We’re here,” Phil said softly.

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and stood up.

“We’re here?!?” I asked excitedly and squealed like a little girl. Everyone looked at me weirdly. I pouted.

“Uh. Okay then. It’s like six now. Our show is at 7:30. I believe. You working merch?” Pete asked me. I shook my head.

“I’m watching tonight. First show of tour! Most definitely watching!” I shouted and ran around the bus excitedly. Andy caught me and held me still.

“Rawr!” I yelled at him and he stuck his tongue at me.

“Put that back in your mouth or I swear I will bite it off,” I said darkly. He pulled his tongue back in his mouth quickly. He stared at me like I was crazy.

“I wuv you Andrew,” I said smiling sweetly.
“Yeah yeah I know Lyssy,” he said and I hugged him tightly.
“Can’t. Breathe,” he said. I let go and he let go.

“LET’S GOOOO!!!! I’m bored!” I shouted and ran out of the bus looking for someone, anyone to make me not bored anymore. I saw a girl in a My Chemical Romance hoodie and skinnies. I ran up to her.

“Hi! I’m Lyssa! I’m really bored! Will you entertain me? I like rainbows and kitties! I love music! I play drums, guitar, flute, microphone, trumpet, organ, keyb-”
“Uh. Hi. Please, don’t continue. Wow, that sounded rude. I’m sorry. I’m Kelsey,” the girl said.

Kelsey had long pale blue hair and green eyes.

“I’m 21!” I exclaimed. She laughed.
“You act five. I’m 19,” she said.
“Awesome! You're here to see Fall Out Boy play?” I asked. She nodded.
“Cool! Me too!” I said excitedly.
“Oh, are you alone?” she asked. I nodded this time.
“Me too,” she said frowning.
“We can stick together!” I said and grabbed her hand. She looked down at our hands nervously. I giggled and dragged her across the parking lot to the line for the venue. Luckily I had a full tour pass so I could get in.

“You’re following them for the whole tour?” she asked. I nodded and she looked at me in awe.
“Wow, I can only go to like three shows. I wish I could follow them,” she said looking a bit sad.
“Where are you from?” I asked.
“Illinois. I kinda feel connected to them in a way because I’m from where they are. How about you?” she asked.
“Chicago,” I replied and laughed slightly at her expression.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wonder why Lyssa isn't telling Kelsey that she's Pete's sister? Hmm. I dunno. Do you?

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