Girls In White Dresses

What Happened? Is She Okay?

I burst into the dressing room and saw Lyssa and another girl. Lyssa was lying down on the couch and the girl was kneeling next to her. When the door banged against the wall the girl looked up.

“What happened? Is she okay? What did that bitch do?” I asked.
“Uh. She got punched. She’s okay. Just kinda sore,” the girl said.
“Who are you? You aren’t a roadie or a merch girl,” I said and knelt by Lyssa. I brushed her hair out of her eyes.
“I’m Kelsey. I met Lyssa in the lot. She said she was alone? Uh. Wow. You’re Pete Wentz?” she asked. Lyssa groaned.
“Lyssa!” we both shouted.
“God, guys why do you have to be so loud?” Lyssa grumbled.
“Why do you always have to get hurt jackass?” I asked and hugged her tightly. All the other guys burst in through the door.
“LYSSA!” Andy yelled and practically jumped on top of her.
“Andy!” she said.
“I though you were a goner, Lyssy. I would have missed you so much!” he exclaimed and kissed her cheeks and forehead repeatedly.
“Okay. Stop raping my sister,” I said.
“It’s not rape if you like it,” Andy mumbled and got off Lyssa.

Enter Lyssa

“Okay, I remember punching that bitch and then it goes black,” I said.
“You punched her, and she punched you in the mouth. Then you called for Bill and he dragged her out, that’s when you passed out. I think you hit the ground. I’m sorry I didn’t catch you, it was unexpected,” Kelsey said. I sat up and felt dizzy.
“Whoa,” I said. Patrick sat on one side of me and Kelsey sat on the other. Pete stayed kneeling in front of me, I was covered on all sides. I laughed.

“I’m a prisoner now!” I exclaimed. Everyone else laughed too.
“So, Do we need more merch girls? We do right? Right? Right?” I asked Pete excitedly.
“Who do you have in mind?” he asked.
“My Kelsey, and she will stay on the bus, she can share my bunk with me!” I exclaimed happily and hugged Kelsey. Her mouth was gaping. I gently closed it.

“Well…” Pete started.
“Please please. I need more girlfriends Petey.” I gave him my best pouty face. I perfected it when we were younger and I was glad to find out that it still worked.

“Yeah, if she wants to, you can’t force her to you know.”

“She’ll really be working merch?” Pete asked.
“You know me well, brother, she will not be working merch. She will be keeping me out of your hair,” I said smiling.

I looked at Kelsey. She nodded vigorously and I squealed.

Later in the bus

The guys weren’t on the bus, who knows where they were. Kelsey and I were sitting up in our bunk. She had already made arrangements with family to take care of her apartment. She said her job didn’t really matter, cause if worse came to worse her dad would help her out. She said something about him being rich but I didn’t pay attention, I was just watching her.

“Lyssa. Lyssa!”
“I asked why you didn’t tell me that you were Fall Out Boy’s little sister. I had an idea but I wasn’t quite sure…”
“Oh, cause everyone kinda freaks when I even mention the name Wentz.”

“What time is it Kels?” I asked.
She looked at her watch.
“11:30,” she replied.

“Okay. Well, I’m going to bed. Night night,” I said and crawled under my cover. I eventually fell asleep.
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Had to sleep sometime. Comments are really awesome.
Oh, btw. I'm getting this and You Shine Bright up to chapter ten before I update The Darkest Red. Sowwie. Love you guys/girls. Lol