Girls In White Dresses


The next morning I was rudely awakened by Kelsey.

“Lyssa, I’m hungry,” she whispered poking my side.
“Get food,” I grumbled and rolled over, covering my head with my blanket.

I heard her slide out of the bunk and walk softly over to the fridge and open it. Then she closed it and walked back.

“There’s nothing here,” she complained.
“What am I supposed to do?” I mumbled.

I felt her pulling the covers out of the bunk and I let go so I didn’t get pulled out as well. I groaned and slid out of the bunk clumsily. I stomped into the bunk room and poked Pete’s cheek.

“Pete wake up, I’m hungry,” I said.
“Fine, we can get the pink tour bus, gosh calm down,” he mumbled incoherently. I giggled and poked him again.
“Go away I said yes already,” he said and rolled over out of the bunk.
“Fucking floor, why did you make me fall on you?” he asked with his face in the carpet.
“Get up Pete,” I said and lightly kicked him.

He stood up sleepily after a few minutes of whispered profanities.

“Hnn?” he asked.
“I’m hungry,” I said. He sighed and grabbed some clothes from under his bunk.
“Whoever is hungry get your asses up and get ready!” he yelled on his way to the bathroom.

I walked back out into the living room and grabbed clothes from my suitcase in a little cubby by the door and went up into Kelsey and my bunk to get dressed. The curtain was closed because Kelsey was already up there and getting dressed. I laughed at her struggling to get one of my shirts on. She had her arm in the head hole and was trying to get her head in the arm hole. I helped her with it after watching her struggle for a minute.

“Thanks,” she said and we jumped out of the bunk. Joe, Andy and Patrick were sitting on the couch rubbing the sleep out of their eyes. I walked into the back and into the bathroom luckily the shower was a separate room. I could hear Pete singing through the closed door as I brushed my teeth. Kelsey came in.

“Uhm. I don’t have clothes or a tooth brush. I don’t mind using your clothes but I don’t know if you mind?” she said.

“We can go to Wal-Mart or something after we eat,” I said.
“Okay thanks. I have about 100 dollars on me so if we go clothes shopping I need to go to the bank,” she said.
“Okay,” I replied and finished brushing my teeth.

Kelsey and I walked out into the living room after we did our make-up and sat there for ten minutes before Pete came out.

“Finally! You took longer than the girls!” Andy exclaimed. I laughed.

“It’s because we don’t need to do as much, we’re prettier,” Kelsey said.
“Yup,” I added and we walked out of the tour bus. There were restaurants close to the arena so we just walked to a little diner.

When we got there a waitress seated us and went to look for menus.

“I WANT PANCAKES!” I exclaimed bouncing up and down on my chair when she came back.
She looked at me like I was five.
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here's the layout for Fall Out Boy's tour bus as I see it in my head.