‹ Prequel: The Heart Never Lies

Stay With Me


Two Months
Picture Mail: Sydney stood in the middle of her living room with a big grin on her face, showing how large her stomach was getting.
Message: I’m getting fat! XD

She’s so beautiful.

Four and a Half Months
Picture Mail: The ultrasound of the baby growing inside Sydney.
Message: It’s a boy! I can’t wait to see you!

He’s as beautiful as his mum. I can’t wait to see her again.

Five Months
Her parents were upset with me, I knew that, but seeing Sydney’s glowing face was enough to make me forget about their judgment. Sydney looked so gorgeous smiling at me from the couch, her stomach slightly larger.

I came in and wrapped my arms around her gently, kissing her head and telling her how pretty she looked.

I hardly let go of her whenever we were together and her parents always watched me closely, but I didn’t mind. They could be upset with me for what happened, but Sydney wasn’t and that was great. I enjoyed being around her.

By the time I had to leave, her parents didn’t look at me with disappointment like before. I think they finally accepted that Sydney and I were happy together and that they couldn’t do anything to keep us apart. We were too crazy for each other

Five and a Half Months
Picture Mail: Sydney slept with her head on Danny’s shoulder, his head resting on hers. Danny’s hand was gently resting on her growing tummy and her hand sat on top of his. Both looked so peaceful sleeping on the living room couch.
Message: I think my parents have forgiven you and me. =) I wish you were still here with me.

I wish I were still there, too, but at least her parents were okay with our situation.

Seven Months
Picture Mail: Sydney’s stomach was even larger and she was still grinning for the world to see.
Message: Ah! Look how fat I am now! XD

Even with an over-sized stomach, she was still the prettiest girl I’d ever seen.

Eight and a Half Months
Message: I’m so glad you’ll be here on New Year’s and then staying until I have the baby! =D Now we can pick out a name together! Love you!
I was glad, too.

Nine Months
Seeing Sydney in so much pain sucked and I knew it was my fault… She did kind of point that out once, apologizing right after. She said it wasn’t true, but I disagreed with her.

I think when all was said and done, my hand lost circulation because of Sydney squeezing my hand so tight. I didn’t think I would ever play guitar again. Okay, it wasn’t that bad, but it did hurt pretty bad.

Nathan Aston is so beautiful. He has Sydney’s smile and nose. He definitely has my hair. I don’t think I’ve seen a baby with so much hair. I can’t wait to watch him grow.

Ten and a Half Months
Picture Mail: Danny held Nathan in his arms, the baby boy sleeping soundly and Danny staring lovingly at him. A small smile lit up Danny’s face.
Message: Nathan and I miss you already! I love you and I can’t wait to come back to England soon! By the way, that picture is my background. It makes me smile. =)

I smiled brightly. I so wanted her back in England.

One Year
Message: =( Nathan has an ear infection, so I have to wait longer to see you. I’m sad and so sorry. =(
My lips formed a frown. I didn’t want to wait…

One Year, One Month
Message: Nate’s all better, but we can’t afford to head back. =( Don’t use your money on us. You used enough for the hospital fees. I love and miss you, Hon!
I cursed silently. I wanted to help her so bad, but with tour coming up in a couple months; it would be too hard on Sydney and Nathan.
I cursed again, but let it slip passed my lips.

Message: Watch your mouth. =P
She’s good.

One Year, Five Months
Message: Hope tour is fantastic! Nate’s doing fine. So am I. =) Still saving up! Love ya!
We would see each other soon.

One Year, Eight Months
Picture Mail: Nathan sat in his high-chair with a green birthday hat. He had his piece of cake in front of him and an enormous grin on his face.
Message: Happy Valentine’s Day! I loved the flowers and Nathan loves his b-day present! Sorry we can’t be together today. =( I love you SO much.

Nathan looked so cute. I wished we could be together, too, but it wasn’t something she would have to apologize about.

Two Years, One Month
Message: I’ve gotta stay here even longer. =( Doc doesn’t want Nathan on a plane yet. I’m so sad… =’(
I was sad, too. The doctor was right though. Nathan didn’t need to fly yet. We would see each other very soon.

Two Year, Five and a Half Months
The guys and I surprised Sydney on her birthday by showing up at her house unannounced. I don’t think I’ve seen her so happy to see us. Little Nathan was just as happy, clapping his hands and laughing in the middle of the floor. He knew his mama was happy. Plus, Dougie was making silly faces and giggling with Nathan.
I wish we could have stayed longer than just two weeks…

Two Years, Six Months
Picture Mail: Sydney’s and Nathan’s grinning faces filled the screen like they were saying hello.
Message: You boys are amazing. =) Thanks for visiting. Nate was so happy to see you. He loved the guys, too. We’ll be back in your arms soon. =D

They looked so happy and I loved them so much.

Two Years, Eight Months
Picture Mail: *Video* Nathan danced around to McFly’s cover of “Rockin’ Robin” and every time he heard Danny’s voice, he exclaimed, “Daddy!”
Message: I can’t believe Nate’s two and talking already! Wish you were here! We love you!

Nathan knows good music when he hears it and he knows his daddy’s voice. I love them.

Three Years
Message: I wish we were in England already! >=( I’m so upset we’re stuck waiting longer. We WILL find a way to get there.
I knew that she’d find a way. I would wait for her.

Three Years, Five Months
Message: I’m 22 now! I’m the age you were when I met you. =) Who knew my life would be so… FANTASTIC?! Love you!
Fantastic could hardly describe it…

Three Years, Seven Months
Message: I have the BEST V-Day gift for you! =D I can’t wait!
Curiosity got the best of me. I wanted to know what she had planned.

Three Years, Eight Months: Valentine’s Day
I was lying on the couch, flipping through the telly channels, and waiting for Sydney to text me. It was Valentine’s Day and Nathan’s birthday, so I was expecting something.

My phone went off and I looked at the message in confusion.

Suddenly the doorbell rang and Dougie came out of nowhere to answer it. I was too busy trying to understand what Sydney’s text meant to look at the door.

“Ah!” Dougie screamed, followed by a couple laughs.

One was programmed into my brain.

My head whipped around and in the doorway I found Sydney and Nate, Dougie hugging them tightly.

I jumped out of my seat and rushed over, taking Nate in my arms. I picked him up, making him squeal happily, and I planted sloppy kisses on his face.

Nathan giggled and touched my face with his tiny hands. His smile turned into a grin and he wrapped his little arms around my neck.

“Daddy!” he exclaimed, giving me a wet kiss on my cheek.

I saw Sydney smile at us and I smiled back at her.

She gave me a short kiss, putting her hand on my arm, “Happy Valentine’s Day.”

It definitely was a happy day.

Message: We’re home. =)
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I'm back and with part three! I sure hope you liked this chapter and please, please, PLEASE comment! :) I'll love you if you do. :) The first official chapter will come out the next time I have time and when I get a bit further in the written part. :)