‹ Prequel: The Heart Never Lies

Stay With Me

Welcome to England!

"Best friends are the sisters that God forgot to give us." xD Okay, maybe not forgot. xD

“Welcome to the McFly house!” Dougie greeted when Danny, my three friends, and myself got back from the airport.

Katie, Kayla, and Julie grinned brightly, making me giggle at them.

“Get the others and have them bring the bags in,” I ordered Dougie who saluted and called out to the other two. Then all three went to the car and started unloading.

Danny kissed my head and then followed the others to the car to help unload.

I grinned at the girls, “I think it’s time for you to meet Nathan!”

Kayla squealed and awed as I led them inside to the kitchen where Nathan was finishing up his lunch.

When he saw me, he grinned as he held up his arms with his lunch all over his face.

“You’re so messy,” I chuckled, wiping his face and hands with a wet paper towel.

“He’s so cute!” Katie exclaimed, Kayla and Julie making their own sounds of agreement.

I laughed and picked up Nathan in my arms. “Danny will have to give him a bath later.”

“Aw,” Kayla replied, obviously picturing Danny and Nate together.

“Nathan,” I cooed,” You wanna meet Mommy’s friends?”

Surprisingly, he nodded eagerly and grinned. “Yeah!”

Laughing, I pointed to each friend. “That’s Aunt Julie, Aunt Katie, and Aunt Kayla.”

Nathan held his arms out to them and Kayla was the first to take him in her arms.

The girls started talking to him, making him giggle, until Julie spoke up.

“So where are we crashing while we’re here?”

“The three of you are getting the room downstairs because it’s bigger than my room,” I answered.

“I thought you said Danny sleeps down there,” Katie said.

I blushed, “Well… he did. We both decided that he could sleep in my room only if he kept the touching to a minimum.”

Katie made a face, “Ew.”

“Not that kind of touching!” I cried, causing the girls to laugh.

“What’s going on in here?” Danny asked as he entered the kitchen with a smile.

“Daddy!” Nathan exclaimed, trying to jump out of Kayla’s arms.

Danny took him in his arms and grinned. “How are you doing?”

Nate giggled shyly, “Good.”

“Are you being nice to Mommy’s friends?”

With a nod, Nathan burying his head in Danny’s neck and mumbled something that sounded a lot like, “I like ‘em.”

I glanced at the girls who were watching the boys with big eyes and occasionally giving me thumbs up. I giggled at them.

Danny set Nathan on the floor after giving him a kiss and the five of us watched him run out of the room to his pile of toys in the living room.

“He’s so cute!” Kayla squealed.

“You’re so lucky to have such and adorable kid,” Julie smiled.

I blushed and Danny put an arm around my shoulders with a huge grin.

“He gets it from his mum,” he replied, looking down at me.

“You don’t have to compliment me in front of my friends, Danny.”

He smiled and kissed the tip of my nose in response.

“Ah! The cute is so… cute!” Katie exclaimed, causing me and Danny to turn pink.

“Um, are the boys done taking everything downstairs?” I asked Danny shyly.

He nodded, shy like me. “Uh huh.”

“Okay.” I smiled at my friends, “I guess we’ll go chill in the living room.”

The girls nodded and willingly followed me and Danny to the living room where Tom and Dougie already were. My three friends sat on the couch and then me and Danny sat on the floor in front of a chair.

“Where’s Harry?” I asked.

“Loo,” Tom answered before Dougie could reply with his comment.


To be cute, Danny started kissing my left hand, starting on my palm, up to my fingertips, to my ring, and then to the back of my hand.

I just rolled my eyes and blushed seeing my friends glance over with smiles.

Tom and Dougie began to chat with my friends, Harry joining in, while Danny and I occasionally commented on something. Danny talked more than I did.

Suddenly, Nathan came out of nowhere and jumped on Danny’s lap, landing in a very painful place.

“Ah!” Danny cried, curling up immediately after I took Nate off his lap.

The boys snickered and a few giggles escaped from the girls; Julie and Dougie laughing the loudest. I even snickered, but I quickly stopped and gave Nate a motherly look.

“Nathan, you hurt Daddy. You need to apologize, honey,” I said seriously.

Danny still was in a ball on the floor and I frowned a bit.

“Maybe you should wait ‘til Daddy recovers,” I giggled, rubbing Danny’s back.

“It’s not funny,” Danny whined, sitting up like an old hunch-backed man. “It really hurt.”

“Poor baby. I’m sure the ‘boys’ are going to be fine.”

My friends and McFly laughed while Danny scowled, keeping one hand covering himself.

Still snickering, I looked at Nathan. “Apologize to Daddy, Nathan.”

He looked down, ashamed with himself, “Sorry, Daddy.”

“Good,” I kissed his cheek and turned my attention to Danny. “Tell him it’s okay.”

“But…” He sighed, “It’s fine, Nate.”

Nate hugged his daddy and then scurried over to the girls who immediately swooned over how adorable he was.

Danny whispered in my ear while everyone was distracted. “Any harder and we would have some problems, love,” he said in all seriousness.

I pat his chest and giggled, “It’s funny how a guy will be so serious when his ‘buddies’ are on the line.”

“They are kinda important to a guy.”

Rolling my eyes, I made a sudden movement towards Danny to scare him and I succeeded.

“Wah! Don’t joke around like that!” Danny exclaimed, standing up to avoid me.

“Scared, honey?”


Everyone laughed, coming into our conversation, and a couple “Ooh!”s rang out.

I stood up with a smile, picking up Nathan. “I’m gonna take Nathan up to his room for his nap so feel free to bug the boys to get them to take you on a tour of the house,” I announced. “But leave poor Danny alone because he’s a little distressed.”

I got some chuckles and a frown from Danny, but I grinned at him.

“Come on, Nate. Time for your nap.”

“Okay…” he pouted, but let me lead upstairs at his slow pace.

I got him into his bed and he thankfully didn’t complain about napping. I was so relieved to see him fall asleep so quickly.

When I came back downstairs, everyone was gone except for Danny who was laying on the couch with the t.v. on.

I sat on the edge of the couch, my back touching his stomach, and I played with his curly hair.

“I’m sorry for teasing you like that,” I said softly.

He shrugged, but didn’t take his eyes of the t.v.

Sighing, I situated myself so I was lying in front of him, my back to his chest, and I pulled the blanket on the back of the couch over us. I snuggled into Danny’s warmth as well as the blanket’s and I closed my eyes in content. I smiled when Danny’s arm slid over my side and his hand grabbed my left.

“I’m glad you’re not mad anymore,” I commented quietly.

He squeezed my hand and kissed my neck. “Just go to sleep for a bit, love. I’m over it.”

I nodded and happily welcomed my own nap time with Danny watching over me to keep me safe from anything that would disturb me.

What more could I ask for with a guy like him to keep me safe? I don’t think much more could make me happier… other than getting hitched to him… forever.
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I'm getting behind in my writing! But there's a lot of family things going on... My brother needs a lot of prayer... A LOT of it...

Anyway, I hope you liked (and laughed at) the chapter and I may not post tomorrow cuz I'll be at church all day. I'll try writing though, but I can guarantee I'll get anything done. It depends on what my youth minister has me do with the boys tomorrow. Lol. Maybe the boys will get along this time too... Doubt it. Both have to have total control over whatever task they receive. They're not good at working with each other. Haha.

Please comment because they are much appreciated and I love to smile at them. :) Thanks homies. :)