‹ Prequel: The Heart Never Lies

Stay With Me

Chatting With the Girls

“Okay, so what have you and Mr. Jones planned out?” Julie asked me, getting down to business.

The girls and I were sitting around a table at an outdoor café with plans on the wedding in front of us.

I studied the list in my hands and answered. “Um… We have the location, which we already have reserved–”

“Ooh! Where?!” Katie interrupted with a grin.

“Porthcothan Bay,” I answered. “It’ll take a plane ride to get there, but Danny insisted that we could make everything work out. Oh and Nate’s gonna be our ring-bearer. One of Danny’s cousins is the flower girl.”

“Aw,” Kayla smiled.

“Yep!” I looked at the list again. “We have the music, Tom’s taking care of that; the florist which we’re flying her in the night before; Tom and the boys’ mothers all want to make the food, plus the cake, so we don’t need to worry about that either.”

“Who’s providing the chairs and things like that?” Julie questioned.

I smiled, “The people at Porthcothan said they’d provide all that.”

“Is the reception there?” Kayla took a sip of her sweet tea and smiled.

“Yeah. It’s easier than asking for another location. It costs too much.”

“But McFly are, like, rich,” Katie pointed out.

“I know that, but I’m not going to use up all their money. Yeah, they have a lot of it and it’s nice knowing that it’s available, but I’m not just gonna rob them for this wedding.” I looked at the list with a small smile, “I’m not marrying Danny for his money either, chicas.”

Julie smirked, “No, you’re marrying him for his body.”

The girls laughed loudly and I shook my head, a smile on my face.

“That is not why I’m marrying him, silly.”

“Yeah, sure,” Katie snickered.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Kayla. “Anyway, Miss Kayla, would you like to be my photographer before and after the wedding? My dad could take over during the actual wedding.”

Kayla nodded and grinned, “I would love to!”

“Okay, we have the photographer now,” I stated, writing it down on paper. “Who’s gonna marry us?”

Silently, we all looked at each other with tiny smirks on our faces.

“Dave,” we all said in unison, laughing after.

I wrote that down. “I’ll have to give him a call tonight and see if it’s alright. He’ll probably bring the whole family over.”

The girls nodded in agreement.

“How many people are going to be there?” Kayla asked curiously.

“I’m not sure. We’re inviting friends and family, so I hope there won’t be too many. I really hope the paparazzi won’t know where the wedding will be.”

“It’ll slip out somehow,” Julie said.

“Great,” I replied flatly.

“Do you have the invitations?” Kayla changed the subject.

“My mom’s making those and she’s gonna send them all out for us. Danny and I gave her the addresses we wanted the cards sent to, so she has that under control.”

“Your wedding doesn’t sound very expensive with all these helpers,” Julie said knowingly.

I shrugged, “It seems that way, but with flying everyone in plus the expenses of renting out a beach and then all the little extra things, it really adds up.”


Katie slammed her hands down on the table in excitement to grab our attention. “What about the honeymoon?!”

I instantly blushed, thinking about it. “What about it?”

“Do you have an idea where it’s gonna be and when it’s gonna happen?”

“No. Danny and Tom refuse to let me know anything about it. It’s their big secret and they’re planning it together.”

“Why is Tom helping?” Kayla questioned.

“Danny wanted his help. I guess Tom has some good ideas. Danny is a bit of an airhead sometimes, but he makes me laugh.”

Kayla made a small sound and we all burst into a fit of giggles.

“Oh my gosh!” I exclaimed randomly.

“What?” my friends questioned me one after another.

I grinned, “I was just thinking about Nathan and I just remembered that when I was going to give him a goodbye kiss this morning, I noticed he had some freckles on his cheeks! He looks so cute! He’s gonna end up looking like Danny!”

“I have never seen a guy with so many freckles,” Julie replied with a chuckle.

“I think they’re cute,” I added. “Apparently Danny used to complain about having freckles, but I haven’t heard him say much about them. I’d smack him if he complained anyway, because he looks adorable with freckles.”

“Nathan has a walking dot-to-dot board,” Kayla snickered, the rest of us joining in.

I agreed. “I should point that out to Nathan when he says he’s bored. Danny will have so many random lines and shapes on his arms.”

We giggled and joked some more until we got our minds focused again; starting on the topic of dresses.

“What’s the plan for our dresses?” Katie asked, getting excited.

“Well, the dresses will be black and I’m gonna find a way to add some green to them. You know it’s an evening wedding, right?”

“Now we do,” Julie replied. “I like the colors for the dresses. What kind of style are we looking for?”

“I’m not sure. We can search some ideas when we get back home,” I answered.

She nodded, “Got it. What’s the information on your dress?”

“We’ll have to look for that, too,” I blushed.

“There’s four months until the wedding and you don’t know what your dress is going to look like?!” Katie exclaimed in shock.

“I did and I told Danny I did… but I got to thinking and I figured that I could find a dress that was… prettier than the one I’ve had picked out since high school.”

“You just want a dress that Danny can easily get you out of,” Julie mumbled, making my mouth hang open.

“No, that’s not why!” I laughed.

“But it’s part of it.”

I shivered, “No. No it’s not.”

Julie looked at Kayla and Katie, “She’s trying to convince herself that I’m not right.”

“Oh shush,” I waved her off with a timid smile.

“Yep, you want a dress that Danny will be so anxious to get you out of.”

Katie scrunched up her face, “Yuck. I don’t want to think about that…”

Kayla laughed a little, “Yes. Let’s not think about what Syd and Danny will do behind closed doors.”

“Guys!” I whined, covering my face while they giggled at me.

“Sorry,” they apologized, still in laughter.

“Alright you jokers, let’s head home so we can look for dresses.”

The girls cheered, helping me pick up everything on the table and then walking home with a large amount of laughter coming from our group.
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Whoo! I'm in a great mood and while I'm waiting for my mac n cheese to cook, I felt like posting the next chapter. :) I'm on a roll on the writing part of my story (I'm like two or three chapters ahead) and it's going good. :) It's nice having a friend who is helping me out with information and stuff. :)

Please comment! xD I love all of you muchly!