‹ Prequel: The Heart Never Lies

Stay With Me

Getting All the Ladies Together

Something soft brushed against my closed eyelid; repeatedly stroking the side of my nose as it slowly moved across my face.

I kept my eyes closed and let whatever it was stroke my skin gently. I didn’t really care what it was. It felt nice waking up to it.

“Wake up,” a very familiar voice whispered to me.

I groaned, but didn’t move an inch.

“Sydney,” the voice whispered again as ‘whatever it was’ traced my lips. “You have a party to get ready for.”

“Mmm,” I replied in distaste.

“Come on, love.”

“Danny,” I whined softly.

“Sydney,” he mimicked, the object tracing my features disappearing and being replaced by Danny’s lips.

My eyes fluttered open when he pulled away and I smiled slightly at him. “Was that you touching my nose?” I questioned in curiosity.

Danny smiled back at me and stroked the bridge of my nose with his finger. “Uh huh.”

I closed my eyes again, enjoying his cute way of loving me and I sighed deeply.

“Are you happy?” he asked me in a whisper.

“Very,” I replied.

He kissed my nose and then climbed out of bed, leaving me feeling cold.

“Why did you leave? I’ve lost my personal heater,” I complained, snuggling into the warm spot Danny had occupied.

“I need to start packing,” Danny answered.

“For what?”

“We need clothes for the few days at Porthcothon.”

“Oh… What time is it?”

“Uh… it’s around nine-thirty.”

I sat up and looked at Danny pleadingly. “I don’t even have to be at my party until three and you can pack while I’m gone, so please come back and keep me warm.”

Danny smiled and rolled his eyes at me after he got his shorts on. “You’re needy.”

“We won’t get to see each other for a whole day until the wedding; I’m gonna be needy.”

I watched Danny slip on a t-shirt and ruffle his hair a bit.

“Please?” I begged, giving him puppy-dog eyes.

“What do I get out of it?” he smirked, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Um… Whatever you want?”

“Honeymoon fun?” he suggested instantly.

My face turned pink, “Depends on what you mean by that.”

“Just a bit of fun; that’s it,” Danny smiled innocently.

I sighed, “It’s not exactly fair, but I’m cold so whatever.”

“Yay!” Danny exclaimed as he jumped onto the bed and landed by me.

“You’re ridiculous,” I chuckled, snuggling into Danny.

He stroked the bridge of my nose again, “But you love me.”

“I do,” I giggled, twitching my nose.

“I like the sound of that,” Danny grinned. “I do… Yeah. I like it.”

“Three days,” I smiled.

“And we fly over tonight,” he added happily.

I giggled a bit more and snuggled closer to him.

Danny turned so he was lying on his back, wrapping his arm around me as I rested my head on his chest and wrapped my arm around his torso.

I ended up falling back asleep because around noon, Danny shook me awake telling me he was hungry. His stomach growled to prove his point.

While Danny was feeding his tummy, I got myself dressed in some jeans (despite the weather) and a t-shirt and I took care of all my hygienic needs.

I came downstairs, singing a random song that was stuck in my head, and I skipped into the kitchen.

Danny looked up from the food he was shoveling in his mouth and he grinned at me.

“What are you singing?”

I shrugged, grabbing some chips (or crisps), “I think it’s the Jonas Brothers, but I’m not sure.”

He chuckled and continued eating.

Silently, I made myself a sandwich and then I sat at the table beside Danny.

“Where are the others?” I asked.

“They went out to lunch. They left while you were upstairs. They brought Nate with them, as well.”

“Why didn’t you go with them?”

Danny smiled sweetly at me, “I want to be here with you.”

I blushed, “Aw. You’re so sweet.”

A cute grin lit up his face and he kissed my cheek quickly.

Lunch together sped by and both of us went upstairs to pack a bit until the others got back. We didn’t talk much, but we were okay with that. Danny did steal a few kisses from me though and they weren’t the short and sweet ones. They lasted long enough to distract me greatly.

When I finally got at least the clothes I needed packed up, I sat on the edge of my bed and watched Danny for a little bit.

He looked at me curiously, wondering why I was sitting down with a thoughtful look on my face.

“Are you alright?” he asked me, coming to stand by me.

I looked up at him and smiled, “I’m fine. I’ve just finished packing, so I’m sitting.”

“Oh,” Danny replied.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and put my head on his stomach, closing my eyes. One of his hands stroked my head while his other hand rested on my shoulder.

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I’m happy,” I sighed, tightening my hold on him for a second. “There’s only three days left and I’m happy.”

Gently, Danny pulled out of my arms and sat right next to me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

I put my head on his shoulder and listened to his breathing. I felt him rest his cheek on the top of my head and I smiled a little.

Two fingers eventually lifted my chin up so my gaze could meet Danny’s and he studied my face in wonder.

“You really are happy?” he asked me again in a whisper.

A smiled appeared on my face, “Couldn’t be happier.”

“Good because I’m not letting you go.”

Danny pressed his lips against mine softly, running one hand through my hair and my hands placed themselves on his chest as I kissed him back.

We both smiled and pulled away, he staring at me and I shyly drawing pictures on his shirt.

He suddenly nuzzled his face into my neck and I began giggling, trying to get away.

“Danny!” I squealed. “Your scrufflies tickle.”

“Scrufflies?” he questioned, looking at me with curious eyes.

I ran my finger along his chin, “Scrufflies.”

A couple chuckles escaped his lips and then Danny started nuzzling me again, my giggles filling the room.

Life with Danny was going to be interesting. Fun, but interesting.

A group of ladies that included my three friends, my mom, the boys’ moms, and myself all sat around a large table in a nice restaurant; one that I couldn’t remember its name.

There were several neatly wrapped gifts sitting in front of me and all the women were staring at me expectantly.

“Are you going to start opening them?” Katie asked with a grin.

“Sure. I guess I’ll start opening them now.”

I picked up the first box, unwrapped it, and opened a box to reveal purple silk pajamas. I looked at the card to see who it was from and then I got up to hug my mom to say thank you.

Time went by as I opened a few more gifts receiving nice comfy slippers from Tom’s mom, another pair of silk pajamas (black) from Dougie’s mom, bath soaps and salts from Harry’s mom, and some lingerie from Danny’s mom.

After I opened her gift, she announced how she knew her son well enough to know what he would be after.

My face turned bright pink as I gave each mother a hug and my mind wandered to alone time with Danny after the wedding.

When I went back to my seat, I picked up another gift (Julie’s) and I tore through the wrapping paper.

Julie started snickering as I stared at the gift in confusion and soon the older women began cackling.

I started reading the package, not understanding why it was so funny, but then my face paled before turning scarlet. I instantly started fanning myself.

“2 in 1 Sensations Set?” Katie questioned. “I don’t get it.”

“Y-You don’t want to…” I stuttered in embarrassment.

“Danny will have fun,” Julie snickered.

I timidly nodded in agreement, “You have definitely made the possibility of a… uh… experimental honeymoon.”

The women burst into laughter (minus Katie who didn’t exactly know what the gift was for) and I shyly set the gift by the others.

I hugged Julie, laughing a bit and smiled at her.

“Danny might make you his new best friend.”

“Dougie said something similar when he found out what I got you,” Julie replied.

“Dougie knows?! Oh goodness. He’s not going to let me live it down.”

All of us chuckled a little and then I grabbed the next gift (Kayla’s).

I opened it and was greeted by more lingerie that was thankfully less revealing; still revealing, but not by too much.

“I’m gonna be set, huh?” I blushed, giving Kayla a hug.

“We have to make your man happy, too, you know,” Kayla snickered, nodding a bit toward my other gifts.

Still with a blush, I began unwrapping Katie’s gift and I sighed happily finding a box of chocolate covered strawberries and two bear stuffed animals that had magnets in their noses to make them kiss.”

“They’re cute,” I grinned, hugging Katie.

“I didn’t want to go too extreme with your gift,” she smiled. “You can share the strawberries with Danny if you want to.”

“I love them.” I smiled at everyone, “I loved all the gifts no matter how awkward they may be.”

Some chuckles resounded and then chatter followed as the party continued with enthusiasm. The only problem I had during the party was how I was going to keep Danny from finding my playful gifts.
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Sorry it has been forever, but my motivation is dwindling greatly. I finally got 16 typed up today and I'm still writing 17. I wish I wasn't sooo... lazy lately. Well, I hope you enjoyed and please comment!!! :D I want many comments when I come back from whatever my family is doing tonight!