‹ Prequel: The Heart Never Lies

Stay With Me

One More Day


One day left until I was married. One day left for Danny and I to spend our time together before our evil friends would keep us apart until the wedding. One day left until Danny would kiss me in front of all our friends and family to show we were going to be together until the end.

I was losing my mind.

The night all of us arrived at Porthcothan, I chose to be the naughty child and snuck to Danny’s room while everyone was sleeping.

I was unhappy that, even though Danny and I had been sharing a bed for quite some time, my parents made sure we had separate rooms. There was no way I was going to sleep in a bed without Danny to keep me warm and protected.

Danny welcomed me into his room whole-heartedly. He didn’t understand my parents’ reasoning either.

Unfortunately when we woke up the next morning, my mom was standing outside the room with a frown on her face.

Did she honestly think we’d do something bad before the wedding? I had Danny trained better than that… well, sometimes.

Thankfully the subject was dropped for the day until it came for us to go to sleep the next night.

After we said goodnight to Nathan, who was rooming with the girls, Danny and I obeyed my parents and went to our separate rooms. That time when most everybody was asleep though, Danny snuck over to my room, the two of us laughing silently and later falling asleep together.

It was fun breaking the rules every once in a while.

No one gave us crap when we woke up the next morning though. I guess they figured they were up against two very stubborn people.

When we knew my parents had given up on keeping us apart at night, Danny and I both immediately locked ourselves up in my room so no one would disturb our last day together until the wedding.

“Do you want to do anything today?” Danny asked, kissing my cheek.

I shrugged and smiled. “I don’t care if we sit around all day or walk the beach. I just want to be around you all day.”

Danny grinned and kissed my lips.

“Staying here sounds like a better idea,” I said in a dazed state as I stared at Danny.

“Then we’ll stay,” he replied, kissing me again.

I nodded and kissed Danny back.

There was a knock on the door and I groaned, burying my face in Danny’s chest.

“Why are you to staying in there all day?” the familiar voice of Tom asked through the door. “You have family to hang out with, a son to take care of, and guests to entertain.”

“Go away and let us be selfish!” I whined, making Danny silently laugh.

“You two are going to be selfish for three whole weeks when you’re on your honeymoon, so get over it and get out of there!” Tom retaliated.

“No!” both Danny and I said, chuckling afterward.

We heard Tom sigh, “Will you at least come to lunch with us?”

Danny and I looked at each other and then Danny locked our lips together, putting my brain on the fritz.

“Guys? Will you?”

With a smirk on his face, Danny pulled away from me. “Yeah, we will go.”

“Great! Meet us in the hotel lobby in a half hour!”

We heard Tom walk away from our door and fill the room with peace… until I hit Danny’s shoulder.

“You took advantage of me! That’s not fair!” I scolded. “I wanted to spend the day with you and only you.”

“Sorry, love, but it’s only lunch. We can be alone the rest of the day if that makes you feel any better.”

I stuck my bottom lip out even though I liked his suggestion and I stared at him through my eyelashes.

Both of Danny’s hands touched either side of my face, staying in place, and he gave me a long kiss; continuing with shorter kisses that through my thought process out the window.

“We’ll make it a short lunch,” he whispered with a smile, kissing me a few more times.

“O-Okay,” I stammered.

Finally, the two of us forced ourselves apart long enough to get ready, but immediately came to each others side when we had ten minutes left to spare.

Danny was busy giving me short kisses when Julie and Katie knocked on the door and told us it was time to go.

We reluctantly got up and left the quiet of our room to join our friends for lunch.

After Danny and I practically shoveled down our lunch, we dashed out of the restaurant and took refuge on the beach.

We figured everyone would expect us to go back to one of our rooms, but the beach seemed to be a more peaceful place to be.

Danny held my hand, our fingers laced together, and we silently walked a little bit.

“So what are you going to do most of the day without me?” I asked sweetly.

“I’m gonna have a cry,” he answered with a cheeky grin.

I laughed and swung our hands between us for a few seconds.

“What are you gonna do?” he questioned me.

Shrugging, I looked down at the sand, “I’m gonna pray the day goes by fast so I can see you again.”

Danny pouted, “You had a better answer than me.”

“Aw,” I put my head on his shoulder, “You’re answer was sweet though.”

“But yours was better.”

“You’re silly.”

He smiled at me warmly and then suddenly picked up in his arms bridal-style.

“Put me down!” I laughed as he nuzzled his nose against my cheek.

“I would rather keep you here.”

My arms circle around Danny’s neck and my head fell against him. “Okay.”

Carefully, Danny took a seat in the sand and held me close to him, my bum on his lap.

“There’s no hope sneaking into each others rooms tonight, is there?” I questioned.

“Doug and Harry are sleeping in front of the door and I’m sure your friends will do the same.”

“Great…” I frowned. “Is Nathan going to sleep with you or me?”

“I can take care of Nate. You need your sleep more than I do,” Danny smiled.

“You need sleep, too, but thank you.”

Danny kissed my lips shortly, but then I connected our lips again several more times.

“You’re lucky that I’m afraid to upset you because after that, I’m ready to take you right here, right now,” Danny admitted in a whisper.

“On the beach?!” My face turned scarlet, “You honestly just said that?!”

My laughs echoed in the air around us, turning Danny’s embarrassed look into one of relief and happiness.

I kissed Danny very quickly, “Let’s go watch movies.”

“Your room or mine?”

“Hmm… yours.”

“As you wish,” Danny smiled as he stood, still holding me.

“You can put me down, you know. I’m not incapable of walking.”

“I know. I want to carry you. I guess you could say I’m practicing.”

I giggled and stared at Danny lovingly. “Now that you have me thinking about it, we need to go house hunting.”

“Already taken care of, love.”


Danny looked down at me, “I had your friends come with me to find a house in a little place called McFly Village. Don’t laugh because it’s enclosed, so no fans or paparazzi can get in without permission.”

“Okay. I like that. Are the other McFly guys moving into this village, too?”

“Yep. Doug will be in the same house with us, but on the first floor. We’re on the top floor and the other two live next door.”

“This is cool. I can’t wait ‘til we move in. When do we?”

The hotel came into our view and Danny excitedly continued toward it.

“After we get back from our honeymoon.”

A red color tinted my cheeks and I looked away from Danny. “That’s exciting.”

I heard Danny chuckle at my embarrassment and he quieted as he carried me into the hotel.

He casually crossed the lobby and headed toward the elevator, setting me down momentarily. Once the doors opened, he picked me up and entered the small enclosure.

“You turn red when I mention our honeymoon,” Danny confirmed in the private space on the empty elevator. “Why?”

“Oh, um…” I blushed again. “I just get all nervous about it because, uh… I have a wild imagination?”

“I can accept that, but why the question?” he smirked.

I shook my head, but Danny continued to pry.

“Will you stop asking if I tell you that my gifts from a few days ago weren’t exactly… innocent?”

His eyes widened and a smirk grew on his face, but he never said a word as he carried me into his room.

He set me on the edge of his bed and then turned the television on.

“What is going on in your head, Mr. Jones?”

He shrugged, “I have a wild imagination.”

I put my hands on either side of my face to hide the tomato colored blush from Danny. “I can’t believe you just said that,” I said quietly.

He took a seat next to me and spoke softly in my ear. “Believe it, love.”

Danny kissed behind my ear and then wrapped me in his arms. My embarrassment went away as I cuddled into him and put my arms around him.

After a few minutes, Danny let go of me to grab the television remote; then he sat back against the bed’s pillows and locked his eyes on the screen.

I chuckled and moved to sit beside him. “Boys and their television,” I smiled.

Danny glanced at me out of the corner of his eye as I put my head on his shoulder and rested my hand on his chest.

“What movie are you looking for?” I asked quietly.

He shrugged, “I don’t know.”


Eventually Danny settled on some action-adventure movie, but he fell asleep in the middle of it; he woke up again by the time the credits started rolling.

The afternoon continued lazily and without interruptions until it was time for our friends to force us apart and go to bed.

I gave Nate a goodnight kiss before Tom got him ready for bed and then I gave Danny one.

Julie had to pry me away from Danny since I refused to let him go and Harry had to drag Danny into the room to keep him from running after me.

That night was probably the worst sleep I ever had.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry that my updates are so slow. I'm seriously lacking motivation and a lot of crap has been coming up lately. I've been trying to write, but I just don't seem to get anywhere even though I know what I want to happen next. Maybe it's because I'm almost done? I don't know. I think this chapter is terrible because of it though.
I don't know how soon I'll post because too many things have happened. Some friends lost their dad (c.o.d. is classified), I've had rubbish luck today, and again I'm not motivated. I will try though for all of you wonderful readers.
Please comment because I like comments and I need something to make me smile again.

Happy 23rd birthday Mr. Daniel Alan David Jones. :) He makes me feel old... How weird is that? I feel old because he turned a year older. Haha. I'm so weird.