‹ Prequel: The Heart Never Lies

Stay With Me



We arrived back in London early the next morning and upon getting home, we slept until around noon that same day. Once awake, we began to pack for our honeymoon and that took almost all afternoon. We didn’t finish until dinnertime, which our flight was only two hours after.

I was standing in my room, making sure I had everything I needed, when Danny came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

“Ready?” he asked as he placed his chin on my shoulder.

“I think so. I’m making sure I have everything,” I answered.

Danny was silent for a moment.

“Do you have the presents you–?”

“Gah! Yes, I do! Now let’s not mention that!” I blushed, ignoring his chuckles.

“Just checking,” he smirked as he let go of me. “There’s a taxi downstairs waiting to take us to the airport by the way.”

“Good.” I gave him a stern look. “Since there is an innocent bystander, there will be no inappropriate touching or kissing.”

“I can keep my hands to myself,” Danny replied as he shoved his hands in his pockets and gave me a child-like stare.

I rolled my eyes before I looked around the room once more.

There were a few minutes of quiet until I clapped my hands together and then smiled at Danny.

“Ready?” he questioned seeing my expression.

Nodding, I picked up a nearby suitcase and grinned.

Danny put an arm around my shoulders and kissed me powerfully.

“Then let’s go,” he whispered, kissing me once more and taking the suitcase from my hand.

He walked out of the room and I stared after him with a lop-sided grin.

Being completely oblivious as to where Danny was taking me was driving me insane. I had no idea where we were going, but I did know that the plane ride was taking forever. It didn’t help that we had to land in several cities in exotic countries out east.

Where we were going never clicked in my head even when I realized we were heading southeast to the only country around there.

I was awoken by Danny several hours after falling asleep and I eyed his excited expression suspiciously.

“Where are we?” I asked sleepily.

Danny stood up and helped me up. “You have to wait until we get off the plane.”

“Then let’s get off this thing!” I exclaimed, pushing Danny in the same direction everyone was exiting.

“Hold on, love.”

I watched him grab our few things from the carrier above our seats and then smiled when he looked back at me. “Now let’s go,” he chuckled, grabbing my hand and leading me off the plane.

A tan woman greeted everyone as the plane emptied and her accent blew me away.

“Welcome to Sydney!”

I stared at Danny wide-eyed and he grinned proudly as we walked to the luggage pick-up area.

Silently, we got our things and then went outside to be met by an Australian taxi.

Danny quickly loaded the suitcases into the trunk of the taxi while I watched the setting sun in complete awe.

“Come on,” Danny smiled, nudging my hand with his to gain my attention.

We both climbed into the back of the taxi and patiently rode to our destination, me cuddling up to Danny as we rode.

“I cannot believe we are in Australia and in the same house McFly stayed in while recording Radio: ACTIVE. It’s unbelievable!” I rambled as I walked around the giant home in excitement.

I heard Danny chuckle from the bedroom we were staying in and then he came out of thin air, pulling me into a warm embrace.

“Will you quit wandering now and relax?” he asked me politely.

My face turned red, “I’m sorry. I’m just getting familiar with the house.”

“Don’t worry,” he pushed some hair out of my face, “you have weeks to roam. Right now, you need to relax after the plane ride.”

I nodded, “Alright. I guess I’m going to take a bath then since I feel gross.”

Danny smiled and let me grab what I needed.

When he left the room, I grabbed a pair of the silk pajamas I got from the girls and stared uneasily at the other gifts in the same bag.

Shivering, I shook my head and entered the bathroom in haste.

I was happy to let the warm, soapy bath water heat up my body when I crawled in. I let the water come up to my neck and I closed my eyes for a while.

I sat in the water longer than I realized, but a soft noise caused me to open my eyes to look for the source.

Instantly, my face heated up and I curled up in a ball, my knees to my chin.

“H-How did you get in here?!”

My voice was two octaves too high.

Danny smirked as he walked toward me, “Key.”


“Why what?” he questioned as he squatted by the side of the tub.

I pulled my knees even closer to my body. “Why did you… come in here?”

He innocently looked down at his finger that was making mini whirlpools in the water.

“I noticed that there was a bag on the bed that you conveniently left open and I snooped,” he answered, looking at me from under his eyelashes.

“Danny!” I exclaimed, my voice going even higher.

“You should have expected it, love,” he winked. “So why didn’t you take any of the lingerie with you in here?”

“Oh my gosh…” I mumbled, embarrassed. “I-I figured I would sleep after my bath… Jet-lag you know…”

Danny raised an eyebrow and then started stroking my shoulder with his fingers.

“You seem fine now. Besides… you have gifts to use.”

I gave him a look of uneasiness and he smirked again.

“You promised…” he trailed off, knowing I’d get the picture.

I started grumbling under my breath, but I was quickly silenced when Danny forced our lips together.

“You know you want to…” he said between kisses that trailed down my neck and to my shoulder.

Sighing, I lowered my head in defeat.


Danny smiled, but continued kissing me.

“Um,” I blushed, “Could you leave so I can get out?”

“Why? It’s not like I haven’t seen you nude before…”

“I’m still modest! Now go or I’m going to change my mind!” I snapped in frustration.

He quickly straightened up, “Sorry. I’m going.”

I nodded and watched him go through the door, shutting it behind him.

I started getting out, but the door opened once more and Danny threw in (that’s right) a pair of lingerie I brought. The door shut instantly afterward thankfully.

Blushing and rolling my eyes, I got out of the tub and wrapped a towel around me as I let the water drain from the tub; then I looked at myself in the mirror.

Since I knew what to expect… I was even more nervous than I thought I would be.

Shyly, I stepped out of the bathroom in my pajamas and I was greeted by an empty room. I sighed in relief and I put my dirty clothes in a mesh bag I brought for laundry.

When I glanced toward the bag, I found it wasn’t sitting where I left it, but a familiar bottle was.

My cheeks turned a bright red.

Embarrassed, I ran out of the room and into the kitchen to distract my mind.

“This is crazy…” I muttered, sticking my heated head in the freezer.

“Are you okay?”

In shock, I jerked my head away from the freezer and knocked my head on the door.

“Shoot!” I exclaimed, rubbing my head gingerly.

Danny chuckled and came to my side.

“Don’t put your head in the freezer if you don’t want to get hurt. Why was your head there anyway?”

“I got… hot…” I mumbled as I looked down.

There was silence until Danny laughed.

“Shut up,” I frowned.

He stood in front of me and made me look at him. “There’s no need to be embarrassed, love.”

I bit my bottom lip, not convinced or comforted by his words.

“Hold on," he sighed before walking to the bedroom.

He came back with the bottle, but no grin or smirk on his face.

“What?! In the kitchen?!” I exclaimed in shock.

Danny rolled his eyes, “No. Give me your arm.”

I awkwardly held my arm out to him.

He rolled up my sleeve up to my elbow and before I could stop him, he put the ‘stuff’ on my arm. He slowly massaged it into my skin and he watched my reaction.

At first my face showed pure disgust, but very slowly it changed to mild curiosity.

“Um… weird…” I blushed, pulling my arm away and trying to ignore the strange feeling it had.

“See? Not bad,” Danny reassured, washing his hands in the sink. “Give me your arm again.”

I did and he washed it for me.

The feeling didn’t completely disappear.

Danny put some of my hair behind my ear and he stared at me intensely.

“Danny…” I said shyly with red coloring my cheeks.

In a flash, I was in his arms bridal-style and being carried to our room. The red on my face darkened and Danny’s lips turned up into a smile. He shut our door with his foot and gently placed me on our bed, climbing on to lie next to me. Lying on my back, I turned my head toward him to find him staring at me, he lying on his side.

Slowly and methodically, his fingers ran along my stomach repeatedly, causing me to shiver and get goosebumps. Danny started planting kisses on my nose and lips as his arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer to him. He pulled his lips from mine to stare at me and a small and sweet smile graced his lips. I didn’t smile back, but I did swallow and show all my fear through my eyes.

“Don’t be afraid,” Danny whispered, kissing me quickly.

I continued to stare at him, but with more expectance. I swore I saw him roll his eyes before he kissed me with more passion than ever before.

He wasn’t afraid of holding back anymore.

He was mine and I was his.
♠ ♠ ♠
The first banner was supposed to be in the last chapter, but I forgot. Lol. Haha.

I hope you liked the chapter because now there is only ONE MORE LEFT!!! Yes, I am sad that it has to come to an end, but I am relieved because now I can write the other wicked awesome ideas that have been swimming through my head. I'm currently working on one that was inspired by The Prince of Egypt. I LOVE that movie. :)

Please comment and let me know what you think. :D And if you have Twitter, look me up. My twitter name is clarinet72009. :)

Thanks y'all!

P.S. If you find some awkward mistake in this, please let me know asap cuz I made ditzy mistakes in the last chapter. Lol.