‹ Prequel: The Heart Never Lies

Stay With Me


Dressed in black skinny jeans and a green plaid polo, I came downstairs in search of my date for the night. Luckily, I found him in the kitchen wearing black pants and a green plaid button-up shirt; very similar to what I was wearing.

“We match,” I snickered, glancing between our outfits. “The only difference is you’re not wearing skinny jeans and your shirt is a button-up shirt.”

“Our greens are different,” Danny added. “Mine’s lighter.”

I shrugged, “Mine’s cooler.”

He rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around my waist.

“So are we really going out tonight matching like this?” I grinned, leaning into Danny.

“If you don’t care, then I don’t. But if you do, I’ll go change.”

“That’s fine. I find it cute actually.”

Danny kissed me and smiled, “Well then, are you ready to go?”

I nodded, “Yep! Let’s go on our fabulous date!”

With a nod, the two of us grabbed our jackets and then hopped into the car, anxious to start the night together.

“You’re not making me dance like our first date, are you?” I questioned.

“I wasn’t planning on it, but we can arrange for it if you want to.”

“No thanks. My dancing feet are non-existent.”

Danny chuckled, “Okay. Whatever you say.”

It was my turn to chuckle. “You spoil me rotten, Danny,” I said.

“You deserve it.”

My smile widened and I reached over to play with Danny’s hair a bit. “No, I don’t. What makes you think that me, a simple and awkward American girl, deserves what you, a gorgeous British rock star, gives me?”

Danny glanced at me with a cute grin, but he didn’t answer me.

I took my hand away from his hair and I pouted. “Fine. Don’t answer me.”

He chuckled and then turned the car onto an empty street, speeding up a little.

Sighing, I let my head fall back against the seat and I stared out the window at the dark scenery.

I felt Danny grab my hand and kiss it gently, but he still spoke no words.

Before too long, Danny stopped the car in a pretty isolated area and excitedly got out of the car, helping me out with a grin.

He started leading me towards a soft glow behind some bushes, his hold on my hand gentle and warm. He stopped when we were a few feet away from the light and turned to me.

Danny grabbed both my hands and kissed me softly. “You deserve everything because I love you and I’m proud to call you mine.”

I blushed as he kissed me again and then led me around the bushes to a cute little picnic dinner. The light was coming from a tiny lantern in the center of the whole set up, giving a warm and romantic feel to the date.

“Aw, Danny,” I said shyly. “How did you have time to do all this?”

He wrapped a blanket from the ground around my shoulders, “Tom and James set it up while you were getting ready.”

“That’s so sweet of them.” I kissed Danny’s cheek, “It was sweet of you, too.”

Danny grinned and motioned for me to sit down, he sitting beside me. He grabbed a basket where the food was stored, opened it, and then frowned. Silently, he showed me the contents and I laughed loudly.

“McDonald’s?!” I snorted. “I should have known with James helping. That’s so funny.”

“I don’t think so,” Danny pouted.

I snuggled into Danny’s side and rubbed his leg. “Don’t be upset. You know I don’t mind eating fast food on a date.”

“But it was supposed to be fantastic…”

Grabbing barbecue sauce and a box of McNuggets, I set them on my lap and began to eat them. After each bite, I would place a kiss on Danny’s cheek in hopes that he’d get over it.

I went to kiss his cheek again, but he purposely turned his head so I would kiss his lips instead.

He smiled at me, our foreheads together, and I smiled back.

“I think it’s fantastic just being with you, Danny. You don’t need fancy food to make me happy,” I reassured, going back to eating my food.

“If you are happy, then I am happy.”

We kissed shortly and then we ate our food in good spirits.

Before too long, we finished and ended up sitting a few feet away from the soft light to stare up at the stars.

Danny leaned back against a tree and I sat between his legs, the blanket wrapped around the both of us. My head was on his shoulder and Danny had his arms wrapped around me tightly, he giving me soft kisses on the side of my head.

The silence around us was so comfortable that I started to doze off a bit and didn’t notice Danny finger something in his pocket.

“Sydney,” he whispered, giving me another kiss on my head.

“Mmm…” I replied, turning my head towards him a bit and keeping my eyes shut.

I could tell Danny was hesitating about something and his heart rate sped up.

"What’s wrong, Danny?” I questioned, pressing my lips against the area under his chin.

Slowly, he sighed and hugged me. “Nothing, love.”

I nodded against him and then opened my eyes to gaze at the stars.

“Standing in crop circles naked, gazing at the stars!” I suddenly sang, earning a laugh from Danny.

“I love you,” he chuckled, lifting my chin up so he could kiss me properly.

A giggle escaped my lips, “I love you, too. Happy Valentine’s Day.”

“Happy Valentine’s Day,” Danny replied, planting another kiss on my lips.

L is for the way you look at me.
O is for the only one I see.
V is very very extraordinary.
E is even more than anyone that you adore
And LOVE is all that I can give you to.
LOVE is more than just a game for two.
Two and LOVE can make it.
Take my heart and please don’t break it.
LOVE was made for ME and YOU!
♠ ♠ ♠
Aw. :) There's their date! xD I hope you liked and please let me know of your fabulous thoughts on this chapter! xD I love you guys! xD