‹ Prequel: The Heart Never Lies

Stay With Me

And So It Begins

Nathan and I were searching a nearby supermarket for a list of items the boys needed and since they were gone at the recording studio, I chose to shop then.

I picked up a box of cookies, knowing I would crave them at some point, and then I brought the cart of food to the check-out line.

“Mommy!” Nathan cried with a grin.


He pointed to a magazine rack, “Mommy and Daddy!”

My face paled a little, seeing that Danny and I were indeed on the cover of a very popular magazine, and I cautiously looked around me.

I was used to having people recognize me, but Nate had never experienced what I’d learned to ignore. I didn’t want him to get upset, so my paranoia hit me hard.

Thankfully we got through the line pretty fast and I was able to get Nathan and I out the door; but I froze seeing a group of unfamiliar faces and cameras just outside the door.

Not good.

Hurriedly, I rushed to Tom’s car, the group following me with their questions and Nathan looking back at them in confusion.

I loaded all the groceries in the trunk, still ignoring the flying questions, and then I went into protective mode when I heard Nathan ask for me.

“What, honey?” I questioned him quietly, trying to keep the prying ears from hearing.

“I want Daddy,” he sniffled and buried his face into me.

A new round of questions flew by me, most about if Danny was “Daddy.”

I still refused to answer the nosy group as I picked Nathan up and then buckled him into his car seat. Once I shut the door, I looked at a guy with a camera and I smiled sweetly.

“Would you be a dear and go put that away for me? Then leave me and my family alone,” I said, pointing at the cart and then loading into the car.

Somehow I managed to back out of the parking spot without hitting anyone and I got out of the lot fast.

Nathan sniffled again, “I want Daddy.”

“Daddy’s busy right now, honey,” I replied, my grip on the steering wheel tightening.

“But… I want Daddy.”

I sighed, “Sometimes you can’t get what you want, Nathan.”

He began to cry a little and I almost pounded my head on the steering wheel in frustration.

“This is not what I need right now…” I muttered under my breath, changing my destination silently.

Music reached my ears when I entered the recording studio, Nathan in my arms still sniffling.

When he heard a very familiar voice, he lifted his head from my shoulder and looked at me in question.


I nodded, “Yes. We’re going to see Daddy for a bit, but then we have to go home because I need to get some groceries in the fridge. Okay?”

“Okay,” Nathan nodded slowly.

I pushed open a door that led to the studio and I smiled seeing the boys sitting around the soundboard, listening to a song they just recorded.

Dougie noticed me first and he quickly got Danny’s attention when he saw Nathan looking upset. Danny instantly looked up, stopping the track, and rushed to my side.

“What’s going on?” he asked me in worry.

I handed Nathan to him, “The paparazzi scared Nate when we were at the store today. Nate found a magazine with our faces on it and the headline was questioning where I’ve been for the past three years and where you kept disappearing to.

“Of course that brought attention to me and they followed me to the car, asking questions about Nate and me. Then when Nate said he wanted you, a whole round of new questions came at me and I got out of there fast. I didn’t know what to do seeing Nate freak out like that and I’m so stressed out over it…”

Danny shifted Nathan to an arm and then he brushed my bangs behind my ear with his free hand. “We’re almost done here. I’ll take you home since you’re a bit troubled, okay?”

I nodded and lazily plopped down on the floor.

“Go sit in a chair,” Tom ordered with a snicker.

“Nope. I’m staying right here because it’s where I wanna sit. The bloody paparazzi scared my baby, who cried for his Daddy, and I’m not happy about the situation, so I’m gonna sulk right here on the floor.”

The boys stared at me in surprise, but it didn’t faze me.

“You’ve never said that before…” Harry commented uneasily.

Concern appeared on Danny’s face as he looked down at me. Then he turned to the guys and frowned.

“I think I should bring her home now,” he said quietly.

Tom nodded in agreement, “Go ahead. With Syd saying ‘bloody,’ she most definitely needs some quiet time.”

I rolled my eyes, “Just because I said ‘bloody’ doesn’t mean I need to go home. I’m fine.”

Dougie shook his head and point his finger at me like a father scolding a child. “You and Danny go home and chat about this. Quit being a girl and let him take you home.”

“I am a girl, Dougie,” I frowned.

“Just go!” all three boys cried in exasperation.

I slowly stood up, “Fine, fine. I’m going home, then.”

The boys watched me exit the studio and then Danny went after me, saying his “see you later” to the others.

“What’s going on, Syd?” Danny asked me with concern in his voice.

“Let’s see,” I began bitterly, “With my face plastered on the covers of magazines, the media are deciding that watching me is a great idea. What they don’t realize is that I have a three year old son who has never been around so many strange people that are all talking at the same time! They made my baby cry for his Daddy when I was right there!”

My eyes watered in frustration and I looked away from Danny so he wouldn’t notice.

He did anyway.

“Don’t cry. I’m sorry Nathan got scared.” Danny hugged me with his free arm, “Neither of you should have to deal with that.”

I sniffled, not really paying attention to what he said. “He wanted you… over me… Why?”

“Come here,” Danny ordered, grabbing my hand and taking me out to the car.

Fluidly, he got Nathan buckled into his car seat and then he took me to the passenger side. Danny, instead of letting me sit, took the seat, but his held his arms out to me.

“What?” I questioned in annoyance, wiping my eyes.

“Come here,” he replied, nodding towards his lap.

Sighing and rolling my eyes, I sat down on his lap and let his arms wrap around my body comfortingly.

Danny kissed my temple and held my hand. “I don’t know why your baby wanted me over you, but I apologize for it.”

My eyes transfixed themselves on our laced fingers and I kept my mouth shut; thinking before speaking.

Patiently, Danny waiting, placing kisses on my head and slightly rocking from side-to-side.

I finally spoke up. “I-It’s not your fault… I’m just… just acting stupid… The stupid media idiots stressed me out… You don’t need to apologize…”

My head was forced to turn towards Danny and then my mouth was covered by his, sending shivers down my spine. When Danny pulled away a few second later, he smiled sweetly and brushed my hair away from my face.

“I do need to apologize because I’m the reason you’re being followed and getting stressed out. I should have realized that being with you would make the paparazzi follow your every move,” he disagreed.

“But it was my choice to date you. I knew my picture would show up in some pretty popular magazines and I was prepared for it,” I argued softly. “It’s Nathan’s reaction I wasn’t prepared for.”

Danny squeezed my hand and pecked my cheek. “How about we go home so you and Nate can get a nap? Then we can talk this over later, okay?”


Carefully, Danny slid me off his lap and onto the seat while he got out of it. He shut my door and then climbed into the driver’s seat, starting the car.

After we got on the road, a small voice grabbed my attention in the silent car.

“Mommy?” Nathan asked curiously.

I turned my head to look back at him, “What is it?”

He reached his hand out to me and I instinctively held it in one of my hands.

“I love ‘ew, Mommy.”

A small smile graced my lips and I rubbed my thumb against the palm of Nate’s small hand. “I love you, too, sweetie.”

Nathan grinned at me and pulled his hand out of mine.

I faced the front again and glanced at Danny to see him smiling brightly.

… I needed to learn to keep myself from overreacting so much.
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Honestly, this chapter isn't one of my favorites because I probably should have made Danny react... not so calmly. I mean, his kid and girlfriend just got 'attacked' by crazy paparazzi and he's just calmly tell her okay? Eh... I guess that's the critic in my head telling me that I did something wrong. Oh well. I hope you at least enjoyed it. :) The end was cute, I will admit. :) Please comment because I love them all dearly and I read them with a smile on my face. :) Thanks. :D