‹ Prequel: The Heart Never Lies

Stay With Me

We Are Family

Sunlight lit up my room brightly and when it hit my face, I woke up trying to keep a sneeze in. I thankfully kept from blowing my brains out, but I refused to move out of my bed.

My pillow was warm and soft, moving up and down as it breathed. I rubbed my head against it with a smile.

“You did that last night.”

I smiled more at the sound of his voice and curled up against his side, letting my leg lay across his waist. “Maybe I’m a cat leaving her scent.”

Danny chuckled, “Whatever makes you happy.”

I started drawing circles on his chest and I sighed, “Do we have to get up.”

“I don’t mind staying here all day.”

Pressing up against his side, I wrapped my arms around his torso and repositioned my leg so it was further across his body. “We’ll do that then,” I smiled, closing my eyes.

“Do you sleep with your pillows like this?” Danny snickered, brushing my hair with his fingers.

“Uh huh. It makes me feel close to something which happens to be you in this case.”

“I like it.”

“Of course you do,” I replied in a flat tone.

Danny chuckled and then a comfortable silence surrounded us.

Suddenly my bedroom door opened and a small voice cried out in joy.

“Mommy! Daddy!”

I opened my eyes to see Dougie with a smirk on his face and Little Nathan in his arms.

“Why don’t you go lay down with your mummy and daddy?” Dougie suggested and was answered with an eager nod from Nathan.

“It’s not fair…” I frowned, burying my face in Danny’s chest. “I blame you, Danny.”

He chuckled again and smiled at Nathan. “Come here.”

Dougie happily put Nate on the bed, letting him crawl over to me and Danny, then leaving with a cackle.

Nathan sat on Danny’s stomach and used my leg to support his back, reaching for my face.

“Seep?” he questioned me.

“No, I’m awake,” I replied, lifting my head to smile at him.

Little Nate leaned forward to lay on his tummy and started puckering his lips at me.

I giggled, “What are you doing you silly goose?”

“Kiss!” he grinned. “Mommy and Daddy! Kiss!”

“Yep, I blame you,” I said as I turned my head a bit to look at Danny.

Danny shrugged and grinned. “You’re irresistible. Nathan is only agreeing.”

Rolling my eyes, I looked back at Nate who was puckering his lips again. I did the same to him and quickly pecked his lips. He squealed at me and wrapped his arms around me the best he could in our position. Nathan gave me wet kisses all over my cheeks and I squirmed, squealing like he did before.

“Alright, alright,” Danny interrupted, pulling Nate off me and grinning at him. “I saw her first, Romeo.”

A shy giggle escaped my lips before Danny kissed me deeply and brushed his hand against my cheek.

“Mine!” Nathan whined, forcing Danny’s face away from mine and hugging me again.

“Looks like you have some competition,” I smirked, sitting upright and holding Nathan in my arms.

Danny sat up, too, cupping my face and kissing me the same way. “I wanted you first and I got you first.”

I blushed, “True…”

“Kiss! Kiss!” Nate exclaimed.

Danny and I grinned at each other and then we both attacked Nathan’s face with our lips.

Squeals and laughter filled my room, letting the house know we were awake and ready to take on the day.
♠ ♠ ♠
I love Nathan/Danny/Sydney bonding time. :) It makes me smile even if I did write it. :D I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please comment like you do! xD