‹ Prequel: The Heart Never Lies

Stay With Me

Cruelty of the Lover's Kind

"Boys are like lava lamps: fun to look at, but not very bright." =]

“What if you sang the first verse and chorus and then I start the second verse, harmonizing with you on the chorus?”

Danny smiled, “Fantastic.”

The two of us were sitting in the basement by ourselves, his guitar on his lap and I seated beside him.

Harry was sweet enough to watch Nathan for us, which meant no distractions during practice time.

“When are we going to do this?” I asked, gazing at Danny curiously.

“About two weeks from now.”

“Sweet. That means we have loads of time.”

“Not really,” Danny disagreed, beginning to play a really complicated song on his guitar.

I watched his fingers move smoothly along the fret board, giving each string a new note to create when he plucked the strings.

Smiling, I scooted closer to him and kissed his neck softly.

He stopped playing and looked at me curiously. “What is it?”

Carefully, I took the guitar out of his hands and gently set it on the floor. I crawled onto Danny’s lap and wrapped my arms around his neck, lightly kissing his cheek.

“Danny,” I paused for a dramatic effect. “Finger me like you finger your guitar.”

His eyes widened and his mouth fell open in shock. “What?!”

I started giggling at his reaction and failing to keep my serious stare.

Once he realized I was teasing him, he frowned at me. “Thanks for getting me all excited for nothing. I really appreciate it.”

My giggles grew and I covered my mouth and nose to muffle my snorts.

Danny didn’t look amused; telling me that I was in big trouble for what I did.

“Oh you big baby,” I grinned, ruffling his hair. “You should know better than to think I’d actually go against the rules again, silly.”

Silently, he took me off his lap, picked up his guitar, and then went to his room. No words spoken to me.

His door shut and I scratched my head awkwardly.

“Oops,” I said with a guilty look. “I guess now is the time to find a way to apologize.”

Harry was watching t.v. when I came down from my room about two hours after Danny shut himself in his own room.

“Has Danny come up here at all?” I asked.

“I haven’t seen him,” Harry answered, his eyes glued to the t.v.

“I guess he’s still in his room.”

Quietly, I scampered to Danny’s room, praying he wouldn’t be so upset that he would refuse speak to me and I took a deep breath.

Suddenly, the door opened and Danny looked at me in surprise while I had a look that said I had been caught with my hand in the cookie jar.

“Um…” I blushed.

Danny stared at me expectantly.

Out of nowhere, I tackled him to the floor and hugged him tightly.

“I’m sorry!” I exclaimed, giving him a quick kiss. “I shouldn’t have said something like that in your moment of weakness.”

“Weakness?” he questioned with a smirk, turning so I was pinned under him. “I have to disagree with you.”

He kissed me and I fell into it, forgetting our compromising position. His hand ran down my side and stayed at my waist, but a smile grew on his face that I felt against my lips.

I wanted to ask him what he was thinking, but he purposely made sure I couldn’t say a word.
Very slowly his hand left my waist and trailed along my leg. He hardly moved his hand down several inches when his hand moved horizontally across my leg to where it settled on my inner thigh. His thumb traced small circles and all I could think of was how thankful I was to be wearing jeans. My fingers starting twitching into a fist, reading to come in contact with his face before he went too far.

Instantly everything stopped and Danny smirked down at me.

“Oh, and I’m sorry for setting you up for that.”

My hand connected with his shoulder, “You jerk! I was about to punch you!”

Getting off me, he shrugged and stretched. “It’s just a bit of payback, but I'm glad you didn't”

“You could have scared me or something. You wouldn't have had the chance of getting hurt.”

He shrugged again and left his room without words.

I continued to lay on the floor until I got bored and decided to go upstairs to check on Nathan.

What I found made me instantly cover my eyes and turn red.

“Dougie, I’d rather not see that and way to let Nathan follow in your footsteps, Danny.”

“What? There’s nothing wrong with being naked,” Dougie’s voice replied.

“Um, with a lady in the house? I think there’s a problem with your thinking. How in the world did you… strip… so fast?”

“Lot’s of practice,” Danny answered, coming to stand by my side and wrap his arm around my shoulders.

“Ew…” I whined. “Naked boys.”

Dougie snickered, “Didn’t you two have to get naked to end up with Nathan?”

My hands continued to cover my eyes, “Oh shut up. Speaking of Nathan, why in the world is he sitting in the middle of the room as naked as you two are?”

“He got messy so Doug went to change his clothes, but Nathan got away hence the reason he’s naked. Dougie just thought he’d strip himself and I felt like joining the party. You wanna join?” Danny explained, whispering the last part to me.

“Uh, no thank you. No one in this house is going to see me nude.”

“Oh, but I already have, love.”

“Well Dougie hasn’t and doesn’t need to. Now could the two of you at least put some pants on so I can get Nathan dressed again?”

Suddenly Danny hugged me from behind and made sure our bodies were as close as they could get, making me scream.

“Ah!” I yelled, forcing myself away from him. “Keep your naked parts away from me!”

Danny and Dougie laughed, the sound of their hands clapping together reaching my ears.

“Boys,” I muttered, peeking through my fingers so I could walk over to Nathan.

“Momma! I’m like Daddy!” the three-year-old grinned.

“I see that, but he’s going to put some clothes on and so will you.”

“But I don’t wanna!” Nathan whined.

“I don’t care. Come on and let’s go get you dressed.” I sighed and put my hands on my hips before I even thought of turning around. “You better have your boy parts put away you two.”

Both snickered at what I said.

“I’m not kidding boys.”

“Alright, fine,” the boys agreed in disappointment.

Thirty seconds later, the boys gave me the okay and I turned around to see them in their boxer shorts.

I shrugged, “It’s better than nothing.”

“I’d rather it be nothing…” Dougie pouted.

“Whatever, Dougie. Danny, help me get Nathan back in some clothes please.”

“Yes ma’am,” he grinned, picking Nathan up and carrying the whining child up the stairs to Dougie’s old room.

He and Harry were sharing a room so Nathan could sleep somewhere other than mine or Danny’s room. It’s not like Harry and Dougie had a problem with it.

I smiled to myself and started to follow my boys up the stairs.

I sure had a group of boys to baby-sit all the time when Tom’s not around. Who am I kidding? I love each and every one of them.
♠ ♠ ♠
They were truly mean to each other in this chapter. It was great, honestly. :)

I wanted to wait until tonight to post it, but with it being Valentine's Day, I wanted to treat you lovely readers with a chapter. :) Depending on where I get tonight, I could post another chapter. Be thankful for this holiday even though I hate it myself. Heh. :) But if chapters come out of it, I'd love it. :D

Please comment my lovelies and have a very happy valentine's day or singles' awareness day. However you want to look at it. ;) Love you even if the boy you love doesn't love you back. They must be clueless. ;)