‹ Prequel: The Heart Never Lies

Stay With Me

Yes I Will

Dance with God and he'll let the PERFECT man cut in.

By the grace of God, I was spared from anymore naked moments with the guys and Danny and I got the song down so we were totally ready for the concert.

“Danny?! What am I supposed to wear?!” I called out in panic.

Okay, so I wasn’t totally ready. Honestly, I was scared out of my mind.

“What are you wearing now?” he questioned, poking his head out of my bathroom.

I don’t know why, but he always had to use my bathroom.

“Um,” I looked down at my outfit. “Jeans and a t-shirt.”

“Wear something nice, but cool. Why don't you wear that black shirt with that white vest of yours?”

“It won’t look weird?”

Danny rolled his eyes, “It’ll look fine. Don’t be so panicked.”

I dug through my closet for my long-sleeved black shirt and vest in a hurry, “I can’t help it. I haven’t sung in front of thousands of people before; maybe a few hundred, but not much more than that.”

Warm arms wrapped around my waist, causing me to pause for a moment.

“You’ll do fine and you’ll look fine,” Danny reassured.

“You say that now, but something horrible will happen."

He softly drew circles on my stomach, calming my nerves a bit. “Just relax and go with the flow.”

I watched his fingers run along my stomach, “You’ll be there the whole time, right?”

“Right next to you, love,” he answered after kissing my head.

So Danny succeeded in making me feel better, but my nerves didn’t quit freaking me out. Sadly it only increased the closer the performance came. I was surprised that I didn’t throw up while McFly played the song before Danny and I were to sing.

“You ready?” a male stage-caller asked me, scaring me a bit.

“Um… I hope,” I answered as I looked down shyly.

“Here’s your own mic and when the lights go out, you’ll get out there. A stool will be next to Danny’s and you’ll sit on that. Your mic is already on, so don’t worry about touching that switch. Leave that to the sound guys. You got it?”

I nodded slowly, taking in everything he told me and panicking inwardly.

The idea of messing up was really getting to me.

“Lord, please let this go well,” I begged quietly.

I was so busy freaking out that I didn’t notice the song end, nor did I realize the stage went black.

“Get out there!” someone exclaimed, gently pushing me towards the stage.

I nervously scampered to the stool I was to sit in, trying to ignore the roaring crowd around me.

Sitting down, I looked to Danny who grabbed my hand and kissed my cheek.

“You’ll do fine,” he whispered just before he began to play the intro to Walk in the Sun.

The stage lit up in warm colors and one spot light only on Danny, the crowd cheering at the song choice.

Before Danny brought his mouth to the mic, he smiled at me, reassuring me silently.

I quietly listened to Danny sing in the dark, looking only at him or the fans closest to the stage, and I sang silently with him.

When Danny finished the chorus, he nodded at me as he dipped his head to watch his fingers move along his guitar strings.

Somehow, I broke past my panicked feelings and started to sing the second verse with more confidence than I felt I had.

Danny glanced at me when I started singing once the other spot light lit me up and he smiled, making me smile a little seeing him watch me out of the corner of my eye.

The chorus came along for the second time and I switched to harmony like we planned.

With Danny singing with me, I felt ten times better about the idea of singing in front of thousands of McFly fans. It wasn’t as scary.

Just when I started getting comfortable with singing in front of so many people, the song came to an end and Danny gave me the biggest grin he could muster.

He stood up and hugged me, telling me something, but I couldn’t hear over the crowd.

Secretly, he kissed the side of my head, but fans saw anyway and I could have sworn I heard a few 'aw's come from them.

Timidly, I started to slink off-stage while Danny introduced me to the crowd, but something stopped me.

“Where do ya think you’re going? You can say hello to the audience,” Danny smirked, tugging on my hand that he grabbed before I could get away.

Blushing, I put my mic to my mouth and waved to the fans. “Hi,” I squeaked, making a decent amount of fans laugh.

The rest of McFly got on the stage and Tom went up to his mic, looking towards Danny.

“So are you gonna ask her, Dan?” he asked with a twinkle in his eye.

Danny gave Tom a warning look, but then Dougie got to his mic and started chanting, “Ask her! Ask her!”

Everyone in the arena started chanting with Dougie, Harry even joining in.

I looked at Danny and he had a half smile on his face, staring down at the stage.

Finally, Danny looked at me and took my mic from my hands, placing it on the floor; then grabbing both my hands.

I don’t think I’d ever been in an arena so quiet when he gazed at me. It was like one sound would mess everything up.

Danny smiled softly at me, “You said three is your lucky number and I can’t wait any longer.”

My face turned bright read, “Danny… On stage?”

“I don’t see a problem asking you right now,” he smiled and squeezed my hands.

“Ask her already!” Harry yelled from behind the drum-set, making the girls up front laugh.

We both laughed nervously, looking away from each other for a split second.

“Do I have to kneel?” Danny questioned with discomfort on his face.

I giggled, “You don’t have to.”

“Okay,” he smiled and bent over so his lips were by my ear. “Will you marry me?”

Making sure my mouth was close to his ear, I whispered back, “Yes, I will.”

Danny leaped in the air and started running around the stage with his arms in the air.

The audience laughed and some clapped, understanding what just happened.

“I take it she said yes,” Tom chuckled from the mic just before Danny gave him a wet kiss on his cheek. “Yuck. Essence of Danny.”

Danny continued jumping around and kissing the guys until he came to me, crashing his lips onto mine.

I heard the crowd cheer and even gasp, but Danny refused to let my lips go.

“Danny,” Tom sighed. “Quit snogging her and let her breathe.”

More laughter from the audience.

He surprisingly obeyed, but he continued to stare at me with a huge grin.

“Um, your concert?” I blushed, my brain a little frazzled.

He pouted, “Oh yeah…”

With a shy smile, I picked up my mic off the floor and waved to the crowd. I gave each boy a hug and Danny a kiss before I exited the stage.

“We’ll talk later,” Danny had whispered to me before he would actually let me go.

The boys started talking a bit to the crowd and themselves after I went backstage, but I wasn’t paying attention.

I got a lot of congratulations from the crew which I was grateful for, but I was so relieved to get out into a mostly empty hall.

“I’m getting married,” I told myself to make sure it wasn’t a dream and then I grinned. “I’m getting married!”

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, dialing James’ number to check on Nathan and let James know of the news.

“Hello?” his voice said in my ear.

“I’m getting married, James! I can’t believe it! I’m so happy!” I exclaimed.

He chuckled, “So he finally asked you?”

“Well, he asked me, like, two weeks ago, but we had just argued so I said no.”

“He asked before? Wow. I thought he was too chicken to ask you two weeks ago.”

“Danny interrupted my sentence when he asked. But anyway, how’s Nathan?”

“I put him to bed about an hour and a half ago, but he’s doing well.” he answered.

I smiled, “Fantastic. Thank you so much for watching him. It should be another two hours before we get back, so yeah.”

“Got it and it’s not problem watching Nathan. He’s a good kid.”

“Aw, thanks. Well, we’ll see you soon!”

“See ya,” James replied.


We both hung up and then I leaned against the wall, sliding down to sit on the floor.

I was getting married and it wasn’t just anyone I was marrying. I was marrying the Daniel Alan David Jones.
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Wee! I posted another chapter and it's happy. :) I may not be, but that's okay. V-Day does that to me. :D

Please comment because I could use some nice words and just someone to talk to. Heh. It's lonely here in my room. :( It's sad. But I'll be okay. :D Please comment!