‹ Prequel: The Heart Never Lies

Stay With Me



I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard McFly say goodbye and thank you to their fans, meaning the concert was over and me and Danny were gonna be alone to talk.

I was pretty much excited beyond excited.

Once the boys came backstage, Harry Tom and Dougie smiled at me and then rushed to their dressing room.

I knew what they were doing and it made me blush.

An arm wrapped around my waist and I looked to see Danny grinning at me.

“Hey,” he greeted.

“Hey,” I smiled.

“You wanna talk now?” Danny questioned me.

“I think you should shower and change first,” I giggled.

He chuckled with me, “Alright.”

Grabbing my hand, he started running to the dressing room while pulling me behind him.
I could only laugh at him.

We entered the boys’ dressing room where the others were bustling around to change into clean clothes.

“You two chat already?” Harry asked.

Danny answered first while grabbing himself some clean clothes. “Nope. I need to shower first for her.”

The boys watched Danny kiss me quickly and then disappear into the bathroom, leaving me blushing.

Tom smirked, “You have him wrapped around your finger.”

My face turned pink, “How?”

Dougie piped up, “He doesn’t drink very much now since you came along and I haven’t heard him let out a cuss word in a pretty long time.”

Tom nodded, “We’ve all ended up that way and it’s just because of you.”

“I haven’t!” Dougie exclaimed and then dropped the f-bomb.

I gave him a look and he shrunk before me.

“Sorry,” he apologized.

Harry laughed, “Nice. You’ve got us all trained. Danny is the worst though.”

“I don’t mean to. Sorry guys.”

All three shrugged it off.

“We don’t care,” Harry replied. “Tom tried to be the mother of the group, but it never really worked out. Then you came along, taking over the role like a champion.”

I shyly laughed and scratched the back of my neck. “Um, thanks… I think.”

Harry pat my back, “Get your things together and we’ll just meet you and Danny back at the bus when your done, okay?”

I nodded, “There isn’t a meet and greet?”

“Nope. Fans will end up finding us anyway,” Tom answered, ruffling up his hair a bit.


Harry smiled, “Have fun with Danny.”

Blushing, I nodded and watched each boy leave a few minutes after each other. When all three of them were gone, I decided to lay across a small couch and closed my eyes with a smile on my face.

I guess I ended up falling asleep because I woke up to Danny saying me name repeatedly.

My eyes opened and Danny smiled at me.

“Sorry. It’s just late,” I apologized before yawning and stretching.

“It’s fine. Do you still wanna talk even thought you’re tired?”

“Yeah,” I grinned. “Let’s talk.”

“Here or on the way to the bus?” he questioned.

I looked around, “I guess here because fans won’t interrupt.”

Danny chuckled, “Okay.”

Sitting up, I let Danny sit beside me and grab my hand. He played with my fingers for a while and I smiled.

“So… We’re gonna get married,” I grinned, placing my head on his shoulder.

“Yep. Are you glad?”

I nodded, “Very. I’m gonna have to call my bridesmaids soon.”

“You already picked them out?”

“Don’t be so surprised, Danny. Girls will plan out their wedding once they hit high school.”

Danny chuckled, “They really do that?”

“Yep. Some get it all planned out, even the smallest details. Others just get the most important details planned.”

“What do you have planned, love?”

I smiled and started playing with Danny’s fingers when he quit playing with mine. “My dress, the colors, the location, and time of day. I guess I have the bridesmaids picked out, too.”

He hugged me with his free arm, “Alright.”

“This isn’t exactly what you wanted to talk about, is it?” I chuckled.

“No, not exactly.”

I sat up and smiled at him. “Alright. What did you want to talk about?”

Danny instantly started digging through his pocked and he reached out to grab my left hand. He gently held it in his hand just as he pulled out a cute little ring from his pocket.

He gazed at me intensely. “You’re absolutely sure you want to marry me even though I still have to stay dedicated to McFly and the paparazzi will follow us even more?”

I smiled sweetly and nodded. “I’ve managed to survive this long, so I think I’ll be fine.”

Danny smiled and kissed my lips softly before he slipped the ring on my finger.

I started giggling happily, watching our fingers lace together, and I planted multiple kisses on his lips.

We sat there with each other, Danny twirling the ring around my finger, until five minutes went by and we thought it best to head out.

Our hands never separated as we walked, Danny swinging our arms between us and still fingering the ring on my finger. We smiled at each other constantly and my stomach flipped every single time.

I couldn’t wait to tell everyone back in the States.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hated not posting last night, but I needed a day to rest. I think I'll start doing that on Sundays. I just relax and not rush things. :) But I'll try and keep posting a new chapter each day. I need to get moving then. Haha.

So, Dougie dropping the f-bomb made me giggle when I wrote it so heh. :) Dougie made me happy yesterday too. :) Yay random Dougie moments that make me giggle for five minutes straight. Haha.

Please comments because I need many happy comments that make me smile. :) Stress and a lot on my mind... Just need some happiness. :) =] Thanks. :]