Eternal Ties

Back to School

When we reached the house, Chris pulled up in the driveway and got out without saying a word. I heard the front door slam and breathed a sigh of relief, exhaling all of the tension that filled the air during the long ride home. I didn't know why he had left me in the car and, frankly, I didn't care, as long as I was alone.

I had had only a few moments to myself when I heard someone tap on my window. I turned to see Sandra, a sullen look on her face. I sighed and opened the door, climbing out and slamming it behind me, stretching.

“I know you think that I don't take Christopher seriously, but you shouldn’t have done that” she sighed.

“Done what?” I snapped, flipping my hair over my shoulders and walking towards the house, Sandra keeping up with me easily.

“Rejected him” she said as I opened the door and stormed in.

“I don't want to be his little love slave” I muttered, sauntering into the kitchen and looking searching through the fridge for some breakfast.

“He just seems really pissed…” her sentence ended with a gasp as I felt a strong hand grip hold of my arm.

I turned around to see Chris staring down at me, face fuming, “I need to talk to you Maria…now” he growled, pulling me out of the kitchen and into the living room, flinging me on the couch.

“Day by day, Maria, day by day you grow to be an even bigger pain in my ass” he growled, advancing on me.

“Shut up…shut up….please” I whispered, lifting my feet into a half-fetal position, digging my head into the cushions, my eyes squeezed tight.

“What did you say to me?” Chris snarled. I felt him sit down next to me and lean over me, his cool breath against my ear.

My body started to shake violently as I broke out bawling, tears streaming down my cheeks. I felt him sigh in frustration, “Maria…please calm down”

“Please don't hurt me” I sobbed. These were the words I would utter every time Greg grew angry with me, but he’d still hit me anyways, telling me I deserved it.

“I’m not going to hurt you, Maria” he murmured, a hand on my hip, causing me to jump.

“Just because I won’t let you kiss me…that makes me a pain in the ass?” I mumbled, staring down at Christopher’s hand moving to rest on my waist, allowing him to have a better grip on me. I couldn’t run away now.

“You need someone looking after you, Maria, vampire’s daughter or not, you are still human, and a small one at that, just let me take care of you” he whispered, his voice soothing. I felt my back press against the hard contours of his chest and stomach and his cool breath on my cheek.

“Please, Christopher, just leave me alone” I pleaded, pressing my forehead against my thumb and forefinger, eyes closed.

“Look, I’m sorry about how I’ve treated you the past couple days, and I’m especially sorry I hit you, but I’m not used to having a human around, one so fragile” I felt his hand on my cheek, stroking it.

“I don't trust you” I murmured, trying to move my face away from his touch.

“Maria…your father left you to me” he sighed, “He believed I was the only one who could keep you safe from the…dangers in this world after he left”

“I don't believe that…there’s nothing in this world my mom couldn’t keep me safe from” I said, trying to sound confident.

“Wrong, Maria, wrong in so many ways” he whispered.

“Leave me alone” I begged, “Please”

“If I let you go, that means you’d have to go clean my bedroom, let’s see…either kiss me or clean my bedroom…” he purred, rubbing my stomach.

“Clean your bedroom” I said quickly, struggling to get up.
And that’s how it was for the next two weeks, I was the maid. Chris hired two others, Labette aka LaLa, and Zoë, but they weren’t vampires; they were witches, sisters in fact. With them around, work was done much faster on account that with a snap of a finger they could have the floors bleach themselves. We spent our free time watching scary movies in the theater room. Christopher never noticed. I bet he’d never been in half of the rooms in his house.

Christopher and I didn't talk much. Probably the only words I’d said to him were “Yes, Mr. Haynes” or “Right away, Mr. Haynes”. I had also not had one clear dream those entire two weeks. Just when something was started to take shape or make sense, it’d begin morphing into something else. The only clear words I remember being spoken were “Made for him”. I have no idea what that meant and honestly didn't care. I had convinced myself that what Cain had told me was a bunch of hooey.

“Hooey I tell you!” Zoë exclaimed, imitating her Italian immigrant father while we were hanging out in the kitchen one late afternoon.

“How come he sounds Russian if he’s supposed to be from Sicily?” Sandra mused, painting her nails bright orange.

“Zoë is not the best impersonator” Labette smirked, plucking my eyebrows, “It hurts less if you stay still you know”

“I know I know” I muttered, bracing myself for the uncomfortable feeling that was getting hair torn from the sensitive skin above your eye.

“So you’re supposed to be Chris’ assistant right? Then how come you’ve barely spoken to him…at all?” Zoë said, raising an eyebrow.

“He’s pissed because I wouldn’t kiss him” I said, holding back a smirk.

“What? Can I take your place then? That guy is drop-dead gorgeous, I don't know why you just won’t let him sweep you up in his arms and make sweet love to you” Zoë said with a dramatic air.

“Maria wasn't going to make it that easy for me now was she?” I heard Christopher’s rough voice say with a hint of humor from the doorway.

“Good evening sir” I said, getting off the counter and pulling my skirt down.

“How would you girls like to go back to school?” he asked, taking off his gloves. I gave Sandra a confused look. She just shrugged and asked, “What do you mean, Mr. Haynes?”

“You girls shall enroll in Maria’s school and act as if you are students, I have already gotten a job there as a teacher” Christopher explained.

No, I wasn't going back to school. Greg would find me and he would kill me. I knew it. I brushed past Chris and went upstairs, my heart pounding from the thought of Greg’s cold eyes, his fist colliding with my cheek, my stomach, my arms. The only good thing about being here was that I was safe from Greg, but now Chris was trying to hand me to him on a serving plate.

“Maria…” I heard Chris whisper as I collapsed on my bed, burying my face in my pillow. I felt him sit down beside me and his hand on my back.

“Please sir…I don't wanna go back…please” I begged, my voice muffled from the pillow, crying into the already tear-stained pillow.

“Sweetie, you can call me Chris, they’re not around” he purred, rubbing my back.

“That’s rich coming from the guy who hasn’t talked to me in two weeks” I muttered.

“I’m sorry, baby, you didn't seem to want to talk to me” he explained, moving his hand to my head, rubbing my scalp.

“That never stopped you before” I said, giggling slightly.

“True” he chuckled, “But I just wanted to let you blow off steam”

“Well…thanks…” I mumbled.

“Now why are you crying? I thought you’d want to go back to school” he said, concerned.

“One word, Chris: Greg” I said, sitting up to face him. His facial expression didn't change one bit, “He will never hurt you again” he growled, taking my chin between his thumb and forefinger.

“How do you know?” I whispered, my eyes still shining with tears.

“I’ll be there, Maria, I can stop him…trust me” he soothed, wiping away my tears.

“What are you gonna do?! Suck all the blood out of him in the hallway?! I know this may sound new to you, but there’s something called ‘the law’ and in the ‘the law’ killing someone is illegal” I snapped, my voice oozing with sarcasm, with air quotations and everything.

“Honey, I’m a disciplinary dean, I can have him expelled if I catch him beating up on you, he’ll be out of your life forever” he explained, smirking a little at my cynicism.

“How’d you get the job?” I asked.

“My dear, I am more than qualified” he said with a coy grin. Then he said, with mock authority, “I don't want to ever see you in my office, you hear?”

“Greg’s gonna kill me…just like you said…” I whispered, not even hearing his last words, staring beyond his eyes and out the window at the grey dusk.

“What did I just tell you, Maria? Greg will never hurt you while I’m around” he said, wrapping his arms around my waist.

“Chris no…you’re doing it again…” I mumbled, my hands on his chest, trying to force him away, but he wouldn’t budge.

“Doing what?” he purred, pulling me close.

“Trying to seduce me” I gulped as he looked down at me, a slight smirk on his face, his lips only inches from mine.

“Isn't it working?” he said, taking my chin between his thumb and forefinger. He didn't think he was going to kiss me, he knew. He knew he could get his way with me.

“I’m doing everything I can to make it not work” I mumbled, not looking at him.

He grinned and instead of kissing my lips, he kissed my forehead, his lips lingering against my skin for only a moment before he retracted his arms and got up, his eyes warm, like they were in Cain’s house. I liked it when they were warm.

“I got you some school supplies, you may come downstairs with me if you wish to have first pick” he said with a playful smile.

I nodded, suppressing a grin and followed him downstairs.

“So I got what I thought might be suitable for teenage girls to take to school” he said leading me to the dining room.

“You sounded like a robot when you said that” I giggled, sitting down at the dining room table and beginning to sift through the numerous pens, pencils, backpacks, folders, and notebooks. “You know I don't really need any of this, I have all my stuff at my house, only if someone would let me go there” I said, glaring up at him.

He sighed, ”You and Sandra may stop at your house on the way to school tomorrow morning, but only for a few minutes”

“Yessir” I muttered, getting up and going to the movie room, leaving Chris to stare after me.