The Amalgamation Of Two Worlds

Blooming flowers

** Damon's POV **

The sun was shining brightly, reflecting off the little bit of dew left from nightfall. Flowers were opening up, blooming, to reveal their true colour. Birds chirped, flying as they did so. Crickets... crickets made the sound crickets make. The grass was greener than the leaves on the many trees, and the wind barely made a whisper.

All in all... I hated it.

I couldn’t help letting out a hiss, my hands immediately going up to shield my eyes.

“Huh.” Said Hayden, earning a very deadly glare from myself. “I was wondering if the myth about vampires bursting into flames was true. Then again, it could be ‘cause you’re a mutt.” I started towards him, only to be stopped by Mack. I was really beginning to hate everyone in the stupid Zaccur.

“It’s still irritating, isn’t it?” Hmm, what gave it away? My deadly hiss, the fact my shoulders were hunched, or my hand shielding my face? I may not be bursting into flames, but I was damn uncomfortable. My eyes were stinging, feeling as if a small flame had lit underneath them. My skin was looking even paler in the sunlight, and feeling incredibly warm. I wasn’t about to catch on fire... but warm isn’t normal for a vampire. We’re cold. We’re always cold, and being warm was irritating! It was annoying, and it was setting my nerves on edge. It wasn’t a feeling I was used to, and my body had immediately went into defensive mode.

Damn. Every other time I had come to Earth, it had been night. Why couldn’t it be night now?

The Demonio had beaten us by an hour or so, but Mackenzie figured we had a whole day to prepare. According to him, The Demonio love the night as much as I do, and when first issuing panic, when striking first, that’ll be their opportune time. For everything is more frightening at night... maybe that’s why I hate the sunlight. So The Demonio would strike first at nightfall, and when everyone was in a frenzy, they wouldn’t stop. That meant for now, we had to get ahead of the game and be ready. For if we don’t stop them tonight, it’ll be a lot harder... though, the challenge of that was oddly appealing to myself. That, I didn’t share with Mackenzie. Oddly enough, despite the sunlight, the annoying men around me, this was quite amusing.

You always hear of those world domination acts in stupid human movies, or books... but to actually experience it? It was corny as hell, but the bloodshed that was sure to come, had me as giddy as a kid on Christmas day.

“So what’s the plan?” Asked Zenon, coming up to my side. I glanced at him, to find his eyes locked onto me. Good. He wasn’t turning to Mackenzie for leadership. I may have agreed to help, for what choice did I have? But I don’t do the whole ‘follow orders’ thing well.

“Yeah, what’s the plan?” Came another voice, this one shocking me for a moment. I turned, as did Zenon, to see Brale standing behind us, his arms crossed. He had a slight bruise on his head, which was all that remained from the gash he got from his last feeling. That accident prone kid had fallen straight on a sword, which made even myself wince. Since then, I had been teaching him how to act brave, to show strength. He wanted to learn more fighting moves, but he had the basics down pact. If he didn’t have the bravery to back it up, what was the point? But even though I had been teaching him, I didn’t think he would turn to me to lead, rather than Mackenzie.

“You sure you can tough it?” Asked Zenon, sizing the kid up. Brale shifted his feet towards Zenon, a subtle hint of courage, before staring him straight in the eyes, his arms still crossed. Hmm. The boy caught on fast.

“I can tough it. But can a weapon maker?” The boy caught on fast... but maybe a little too well. I stepped in front of Zenon before he could do anything.

“As much as watching you two fight would lift my spirits, now is not the time. Save it for when we’re through here.”

“You think we’ll manage it?” I looked at Brale who was watching me. His eyes looked strong, and his face looked questioning.

“Don’t know. Don’t really care. Either we manage, or we die. No reason to dwell over something that hasn’t happened yet.” Zenon nodded in agreement, as did Brale. Well, would you look at that. I had a bunch of lackeys.

“You must have something planned, though?” Zenon said, his eyes beginning to look slightly worried. I didn’t blame him. These things were nasty, and coming from me, that meant something.

“A couple ideas.” When I didn’t continue, Brale spoke up.

“Do we get clued in?” The kid held his composure as he said it, but I could tell that he was itching to hear what it was.

“First plan, we take out a group.” When neither responded, just stared, I continued. “Usually I’m the type to do the tearing and bleeding a body dry myself, but in a situation like this... well, you work with what you can. I want to win, so that outweighs my need to hit something.” Again they didn’t say anything. “Are you guys stupid? We’re not going to take them out. The Zaccur aren’t. We’re going to set a trap or something. Something that’ll go kaboom. That clear enough for you? Or do I need to make actions? Draw it out? Got it?” They both nodded, probably more to tame my anger than in understanding.

“And you think that will work?” At this I laughed.

“Not a damn bit. One group isn’t enough for a victory. But it’ll be fun to watch. And it sends a message.”

“Which is?”

“No one messes with me.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for how short it is!! I'm gonna try and get the next one out this weekend, though.