The Amalgamation Of Two Worlds


** Audrey’s POV **

Vampire what?! My mind seemed to reject the idea, seemed to pull away and lock itself down. It didn’t want to comprehend it, didn’t want to fathom why a vampire hunter was after myself... why was a vampire hunter after me? No. Couldn’t think of it. Just the word vampire sent thoughts, sounds, smells, images, feelings, all racing through my veins. Was he poising me? Had he gotten something into me, without me knowing? Because if not, what was wrong with me? Whatever it was, it could wait. I had to get away from him.

“What are you thinking now?” He finally asked, his hands still on my cheeks.

“That you need a therapist more than I do.” That earned me a hit and yet another bruise. Well, at least I could affect him, that was always good. I just had to get him really really mad... and hope he needs me enough not to use the sword. “Is that why you took away my medicine? Wanted someone as crazy as you?” Anger rippled across his face as he dragged me even closer.

“You’re already far in, sweety, don’t make it worse. Tell me the dreams, and we can all live happily ever after.” I could hear the scorn dripping off his words.

“There’s no such thing as happily ever after.” At this he smiled.

“Spoken like a true vampire survivor.” What? This was getting too weird. I had to get away now. I had to get more medicine, I had to go to the police, I had to... I had to... I just had to do something, anything. “Start talking.” My mouth opened, probably for something that would earn me another hit, but no sound came out. Instead, I froze.

My eyes were locked onto the street lights. Or for a more accurate phrase, the disintegrating street lights. Each bulb was smoking thick black smoke puffs, before just falling to the ground in a pile of ash. That wasn’t right, that wasn’t natural.

The man holding me, whom’s name I still didn’t know, and wished to keep it that way, followed my gaze. His eyes narrowed, his hands leaving my face. They immediately pulled out his sword as I stumbled back. Now was my chance, my perfect opportunity, but I couldn’t move. My eyes were glued to the man, and his comrades who were now coming out of the shadows and bushes. The lights were still disintegrating, coming closer and closer to where we were. Over half the street was already plunged into the darkness, and now that I strained to hear anything in the darkness, I could. Screams? What was going on?!

The street continued to darken, but once it reached the first comrade of the man, it stopped. I could see all their muscles tense, all their hands grip their swords tighter. In a time like this, I really wished I had a weapon. Anything would be better than nothing.

It was oddly quiet, with the exception of the distant, yet growing, noise. Nothing and nobody moved, and I wasn’t sure about them, but I’m sure a cat would scare the crap out of me right now. My nerves were shot, for nothing good ever happened in the silence. It’s just that tell tale rule. It’s always quietest before the big bang happens. And that was what we were all waiting for. Only, when it came, it wasn’t a bang. I would have preferred a bang. I would have preferred a ghost jumping out yelling BOO, or a crazy man screaming. I would have even preferred a serial gun waving maniac, but sadly, none of those things came. It was something else, something my mind wouldn’t even think about it.

It happened so quick that we were all left standing there for a moment, before what happened actually sunk in. From the shadows, came a figure that looked like a man, but was anything but. It hit the comrade in the front with full force and claws... severing his torso from his body. He didn’t even have time to scream before what was left of his head, was squashed in the things hands. And what did the thing do after that? He dripped the blood in his mouth then ripped what was left in piece and tossed them in the air, like confetti. And how long did this take to happen? Less than a minute. It was a wonder that I grasped the situation so fast. And when I did, I did what any sane person would do; I ran.

The other men stayed, which was fine with me. One less thing to worry about, but what the hell was that thing? Normal people didn’t rip the top half of a body off, nor did they drink head blood, or make facial confetti. This wasn’t right. Everything wasn’t right. All I had wanted was to escape the man with the sword, but now I ended up with some freaky thing killing people. However, on the bright side, which my therapist said to always try to look for, I was pretty sure the man with the sword would be dead in a few minutes. Which left one less problem for myself.

I kept running till I hit a main road... that made me pause. The lights were all out also, and the only reason I could see what was going on, was due to the fires. Many buildings and homes and vehicles were all engulfed in flames, or already destroyed by the fire. People were running, and of course, screaming. What would a massacre be without screaming? Bodies, or more accurately, pieces of bodies, scattered the road. The road itself seemed to be painted red with blood, and the sounds of sobs and people weeping tore at my heart. Their pain was so raw, so hurt with the loss of their loved ones.

No mercy was being shown, and whatever was happening, was spreading. So I did the only thing I could think of; I ran the same way the people were. By now, there were only stragglers.

My legs had never moved so fast... not that I remembered, anyways. My feet pounded on the ground, hitting the occasional body now and then. It wasn’t preventable, and though every time I did nick one, or step directly on one, my stomach clenched in disgust and guilt, I couldn’t do anything about it. They had no choice left. I did... and as selfish as that seemed, I wanted to get out alive. If they still held a chance, I’m sure I would have helped them, or tried to, but now, now I could only send silent prayers upwards for them.

Blood was soaking through me shoes and part way up my pants. That itself put my stomach in turmoil, but I kept running, even through my heavy laboring pants. That’s when I spotted the man. He was old, with grey hair and a hunched back. He was hurrying down the road, his cane making clicking sounds on the pavement.

He I would help. How could I leave him? Something in me, some instinct, just screamed to protect the ones who couldn’t protect themselves. So I found myself heading towards him.

I was not even ten feet from him when he got hit. The thing blind-sighted him, and myself too, for I hadn’t even seen it. This time, I got a front row scene.

The thing was built like a man... a man with bulging muscles. But he wasn’t a man, and if he was, he was deformed man. He had black burns around his eyes, and a very large, very deep scar, stretching across his face.

Blood splattered far enough to hit me as the thing mutilated the old man. This wasn’t right! The man had done nothing, so why was he being killed?! And I had been so close to helping him, to making him feel safe... this wasn’t right!

Tears blurred the images as my feet finally began to inch backwards. The thing kept gorging the man, and I couldn’t stand it! He was dead already, but that wasn’t right. He deserved respect, honor! He deserved to be in one piece. Before I could even contemplate my own life, I found myself throwing the biggest rock I could find, at the creatures head.

The rock made a loud thunk sound as it hit the things head before bouncing away. I continued to back up as it lifted its head, its black eyes now locked onto mine. Oh shit. Probably a little late for regret, but I felt it. But on the positive side, wow my therapist would be proud, two in one day, it stopped ripping the old man apart. Only now it had a new target; me.

I knew I couldn’t fight it off. How would I stand a chance? So I did the only thing I could do, I ran; for the millionth time that night.

I stumbled over a near by body, and I’m sure that was the only reason why I kept from losing my head. So instead of landing on me, the creature landed off to the side. It’s hands shot out, the claws gleaming in the little bit of light there was. I screamed and jumped back, my heart pounding. The thing only nicked me, but the power form a mere swipe, sent my body crashing into a brick building that was, surprisingly, still standing.My back immediately seared with pain as I gasped, trying to get the air that had been whooshed out, back in my lungs.

My head snapped up to find the creature approaching me, its eyes narrowed into slits, it’s clawed hands flexing repeatedly as it came closer. Hisses were leaving it’s narrow mouth and darkness seemed to radiate around it. I was so dead.

I slowly pushed myself to my feet, my sight swimming for a moment from pain. I could feel the scratches on my back, I could feel the bruises forming. How had he thrown me so hard? And what was he? Or it?

It was close enough to smell, to touch, when a series of screams issued down the road. The things head snapped around, and I mean literally snapped, you could hear the cracks as it turned. The screams continued, and they tore at me more than the scratches in my back. They were laced with pain, fear, dread and so much more. They were desperate, they were horrible. And I wished they would stop. But regardless of my wishes, I took advantage of the opportunity and ran. The thing didn’t even turn, it just kept it’s creepy little head in the direction of the sound. After that quick glance, I didn’t look back. I didn’t want to.

In the movies the dark allies are always the worst place to be, but I took one anyways. The dark allies were supposedly what held the monsters, but what was there to fear when the monsters were already on the streets? I couldn’t keep on that road, where the thing could just look forward and see me, I had to weave, to get away. And I had to get away now.

My lungs were heaving painfully by the time I got out of the alleyway, just to get onto a new main road. This one also only had a few stragglers, and a lot of bodies. I continued on, even though my body and lungs were screaming to stop. If I stopped I was dead. So that kept me going.

I was just thinking that maybe I could make it, maybe everything would be okay, when something grabbed me. A scream went to tear from my throat, but a hand clamped down over it, pulling me back against it and into an alley. This body was... warm? Well, not warm, but warmer than the night. It held me tight against him? It? But the hand remained. A head appeared by my face, sending my heart into more erratic beating. This was it, this was the end. But damn if I was going out without a fight! But just as the thought entered, his words entered my ears.

“Calm down. I’m not going to hurt you. I’m here to help.” It whispered, before turning my head to look down the alley. Once my eyes adjusted, I made out more figures. An old woman with a child sitting across the alley against the wall, rocking the kid as tears, and a little bit of blood, streamed down her face. The kid was just staring wide eyed at nothing. Then to my left, was a man. Well, a little younger than myself, around nineteen? He was standing, his body tense and alert, but his eyes holding fear. He caught my gaze and managed a small smile, which I returned when the man holding me let go.

I turned to him now as he inched towards the end of the alley, obviously looking for another person to pull in. He was tall and broad, with muscles covering his body. They were obvious, but not bulky. A blonde mess lay upon his head, and his eyes were the brightest blue I ever saw. But I pulled my eyes away and landed on the other man who was watching me warily. He was taller than me, which I suppose wasn’t too hard, with short dark brown hair. He was your average type of male, with a bit of muscles, but not much. His eyes also matched his hair, and he seemed to have baby skin. The type of skin that stayed soft no matter what. Where he held the adorable look, the blonde hair man held that... angelic look.

“Gabriel. You?” I gave a small smile. Things were tearing people apart, people were dying in swarms, many things were burning, and he was providing an introduction? I ignored my negative thoughts and answered.

“Audrey.” I glanced at the blonde, then back at Gabriel. He caught my drift and walked up to him.

“What’s your name?” He asked, nudging him. The blonde sent him a look to keep his voice down, before turning his eyes back to the scene. Gabriel was just about to walk away when he answered.

“My name’s Hayden.”