The Amalgamation Of Two Worlds

Memory lane

** Damon’s POV **


How could th-


Angry breaths were leaving me as the human kid who looked even younger than Audrey, was swearing and cursing like crazy, trying to get someone to help her. Her wounds were superficial, and no one could help her now. I knew what was happening, I saw it in her eyes before she fell. But I didn’t do anything. What was I supposed to do? She was supposed to be out of my life, out of my hair... and now... now... damn! The girl had a knack for getting in trouble. And of course, it always had something to me. I wasn’t her babysitter, I wasn’t some damn vampire savior. I saved her for self preservation purposes, I couldn’t have done it without having bait. No other reason... none at all. And I wasn’t about to protect her again, I wouldn’t!

“She was doing fine. I don’t understand...” murmured Hayden, his eyes filled with concern as he watched Gabriel try to position her body in a more comfortable position. Didn’t matter. She was unconscious, and probably would be for a while. What did it matter?

I slammed my fist into a nearby tree as anger consumed me. This wasn’t supposed to happen! I wasn’t supposed to see her again. I didn’t want to see her, I didn’t want her annoying antics or thoughts near me! I was sick of her, so why was she back in my life? I had finally gotten rid of her, why did she have to come back?

“Damon?” I spun on the voice, sure that my anger was evidence in my eyes. I could practically feel them glowing, feel them radiating off hate. I was beyond my boiling point. My muscles were twitching, with the need to hurt something, with the need to feel blood in my mouth. My fangs were straining to be let down, making my gums pound in pain and water in anticipation. And my eyes... they were letting all my molten anger show through my eyes, and they were just waiting to watch something writhe in pain by my own hands.

“What did you do to her?!” The human boy finally snapped, obviously seeing my facial expression. Mackenzie and Hayden were also glancing between myself and Audrey now, confusion on their face. How stupid could they get? Didn’t they know that the only human to ever escape the dark lands alive, was laying before them? Didn’t they know the legendary bait was in their hands? No, they didn’t. Idiots. Complete idiots.

“I didn’t do anything.” I hissed, my eyes narrowing.

“Damon...” said Mackenzie slowly, looking wary. Good. He should be wary, it was the smartest thing I’ve seen him do. I was in a state to cause pain, and at the moment, everyone around me seemed like good candidates. “Do you know her?” I let out a bitter laugh at that. Did I know her?

“You could say that,” I snapped. Confusion covered their faces as they glanced back down at her. The human was glaring at me, obviously blaming me for what had happened. In a way, it was true. My face and voice had triggered the images we had tried so hard to block from her. But did I feel guilty? No. Not one little bit.

“How? Damon I don’t und-“ another bitter laugh left me.

“I thought I was a legend? I thought you knew all about me? So think about this logically.” My voice was filled with resentment and hate, and my words had them flinching. “What female human did I know?” It didn’t take long before the recognition hit their faces. Idiots.

“Audrey.” Breathed Mackenzie. That was the last straw I could take. Seeing her, fine. Watching her faint, fine. Saying her name in my head, thinking about her being my bait... fine. But something inside me snapped when I heard someone else say her name. Something inside me raged, and I didn’t hesitate to take off.

I needed to be alone, or I was going to kill one of them.

** Audrey’s POV **

“All I would have to do,” he breathed, getting closer, “would be to grab your head,” his fingers twitched, “and slam it against that wall.” His arm tensed. “Would take around three seconds. You wouldn’t know what hit yo-“

It had to end. This was too much. It had to end. Nothing was worth it,
nothing. Why wouldn’t it end?

“I will reach the end.” I finally said, feeling Caleb’s eyes on me. I would meet the end, I knew I would. Whether it was due to Damon bringing me, or whether it was because I decided that staying with them was more of a hindrance, and I was better off fending for my own. I would get there one way or another...

“You’re the bait. The king is now in with all of your previous masters, well the ones who are still alive. Once you’re caught, you’ll be tortured then killed in the most painful methods, sounds fun, doesn’t it?”

"What, no thanks? No dying gratitude from saving you from a lifetime of pain? I feel under compensated."

Her chest contracted and it took a lot more strength than it should have to breathe. But she managed, and it stung. Her lungs burned and it was a struggle to keep breathing.

A vicious blow landed on my head, and darkness swam in my vision before my arm was yanked painfully. An even more torturous scream tore from me. Hands wrapped around my head, and for a brief moment, I thought, 'at least she’s going to end it'. But of course, my luck is never that good. My head was lifted off the marble for a second, before being slammed down against it. Pain ricocheted through me, but no scream left me. My throat was raw and I could taste blood. I was beyond screaming, I was beyond struggling. I was going to die. There was no stopping the inevitable.

Screeching of tires. Screams. More screams. Why?!

“Sweetheart, I think you’re delusional. No one was trying to kill you, no one would have locked you up, and there was no one else in the vehicle. You’re lucky to be alive. Sweety, you were in a car accident when driving to work.”

"If I don't come back, you're worse than dead. So that is why you're coming in with us, and if things begin to go down the drain... I'll kill you myself. If I can't take you to the end, I'll make damn sure I can do the next best thing. Fair is fair.”

Air. My lungs heaved, my chest lifting off the ground... or whatever I was on. A very unappealing gasp left me as I struggled to pull oxygen into me. My mind was still swimming with more images, with more pictures, scenes... memories. Feelings, thoughts, sounds, were also consuming them. It was like an endless downpour of emotions, and it was confusing the hell out of me. What was... what had...

No. I knew what had happened. Or I did now. And for once, I wish I didn’t. I wish I had forgotten those sounds for life, I wish I had forgotten all the pain and hardship I had suffered, but I had wanted answers. And I got them. I just wish I hadn’t gotten the pain that came with them.

But the one thought that kept swimming through my mind, that kept surfacing, no matter how much I tried not to think of it, was Damon. He had... I hated that... how could he? Sure, I would give up the memories of the sounds and events I witnessed, but to have everything washed away? To wake up and feel like a completely lost, stupid, girl? No. That wasn’t acceptable. That wasn’t right! He had no right to do that, to make me forget everything. My throat was hoarse, I soon found out. But I couldn’t not talk. This was urgent. I needed this, and I didn’t care that my vision was still swimming or that my head was throbbing like someone was repeatedly taking a hammer to it. This was something I needed to do.

“Where’s Damon?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry!! It's just a filler, I promise the next chapter they'll actually talk face to face. Promise!