The Amalgamation Of Two Worlds


** Damon’s POV **

It was as if I was a child. Pulling on my memories, my resorts from the past, to comfort my present state. As a child, I always got into one too many scraps. And I always got the shit beat out of me one too many times. I wasn’t a child anymore, neither was I afraid as I had been. I don’t tend to look back on my childhood much, for many obvious reasons, but as I stared into the darkness, watching the steady rhythm of breath in her chest, I couldn’t help it.

I’m not a sentimental guy, nor am I one to reminisce about the past and gush about all memories. I don’t care about the past. I don’t care what I have done, or what I am going to do. All I care about is the present. But at times, occurrences too similar to ignore, pop up.

I know my limits; my amount of control I can keep and the amount of control it takes me to stop from killing something. I can balance that out, I’ve been doing so since I hit puberty and had my almost instant muscle mass come in. I may need to feel the blood of others on my hands, and I may at times need to hear the screams of others, but that was normal. That was normal for what I was, but with the mixed heritage and species, I was different. I needed it, yet I didn’t. I craved it, yet my body feared it. I wished for it, prayed for it... yet denied myself the very things my mind screamed at me to take.

Truth of the matter is, I like it. My body may not always agree, but I like it. I like being in control, and having it spiral out like it did earlier, did not leave my body happy. Ever since the incident with the king, I’ve been itching for a challenge. Something that would have my blood racing, my mind acting quickly, and my body responding in a way that only combat can cause. I needed it, and having the opportunity dangled in front of my face, than cruelly torn away was like having your life offered back, just to be stabbed in the back and left to rot. It was unfair, it was cruel, and it left my body in turmoil.

When I was a child, I always had opportunities dangled in my face. I would be taunted and made fun of, until I took the bait. As soon as I would, the bravado would be ripped away as I took the beating I brought upon myself. But once I grew, I no longer suffered that. Everything that dangled my way, I took. I took it with force and I never let anything get to me. That changed today, and my body was desperately wanting a way to right the wrong that had been issued against me. But the truth was, I realized, was this wasn’t the first thing that had been dangled in front of me, then torn away.


I had allowed her to go, but that was almost as bad. In doing so, I let her win. In doing so, I let her best me. I may have gained more, I may have won more, but that didn’t matter. She was dangled in front of me, I took her... then I released her? No. That doesn’t happen. I don’t do that, and the truth hit me hard in the face. But the big question was, what to do? She was annoying and a pain in the ass, and every minute spent with her was like being repeatedly jabbed in the eye with a dagger. It was torture by slow means.

Trees blocked us, and her sleeping form was unaware of my eyes. She was a stubborn human, proving more so when she demanded to sleep outside; on the ground. Opposed to a tent. And why? There weren’t enough. Of course Hayden offered to sleep outside, of course Gabriel offered to kick some men out of their tents, but oh no. Never Audrey. Never sweet stubborn little Audrey. Once she gets a thought in her head, it sticks like glue. So there she was, sleeping in the dark, the boy Gabriel sleeping not far from her. He was like a lost puppy, clinging to whatever or whoever was nice to him, then protecting them to his death.

Her hair had been blown haphazardly around her face, yet her eyelids remained closed. Her hands were balled up around her small body, which was slightly curled inwards, in a weak attempt to stay warm. Her chest was heaving with deep breaths as, no doubt, a nightmare wracked her mind. It had been bound to happen. While the demon’s curse had been lifted upon entrance of Earth, the memories would still hit her for quite a while.

“She is rather beautiful, isn’t she?” I spun fast, my eyes narrowing in anger at the surprise he caused. Hayden stood, in all his angel glory, his back leaning slightly against a tree. His hands were crossed against his arms, and though his posture screamed normal, his eyes said otherwise. He was still battling with the feelings of the darkness.

“Staring is a form of stalking, you know.” He said, when I didn’t respond. At this I narrowed my eyes more.

“I wasn’t staring at her.” I snapped, turning away.

“Huh.” His eyes then turned to Gabriel, who was the only other person in that general area. “I suppose he is attractive, if you swing that way.” My fist swung at his face before I could control my anger. He, however, had anticipated this and jumped back, a laugh bubbling out of his throat. “You’re kinda predictable that way, you know?” I snarled, stalking closer. Now was not the time to push my buttons. I had been denied blood on my hands, and now he was taunting me, luring me an-

He cut me off with his hands held up, in a surrender pose. A small smile still lingered on his lips, however.

“Chill. I came to let you know we’re packing out. First thing in the morning we’re leaving. Any humans we managed to save have the choice of staying, being sent to a safe home we’re arranging... or to do whatever they please. Thought you’d want to know.” Away? Somehow the thought of Audrey being away didn’t ease my nerves, which it should have. The prospect of never seeing her should have been rewarding, gratifying, but instead I felt a strange pulse of anger. No. I would not allow her to be dangled, then torn away. No.

** Audrey’s POV **

A gasp. My gasp. A sob. My sob? Internal pain, emotional pain. Mine, all mine.

I allowed myself to lay there without movement. I didn’t want to get up. I didn’t want to face the darkness. No light would meet my eyes. No heroic person would, and no savior. I was in it again, and the dreams of the past were eating away at my soul. But it was all I knew, and that small thought, no matter how un-comforting it was, was still a small comfort. This I knew. Pain I knew. Damon I knew. And strangely enough, this was my life.

At that thought, I squeezed open my eyes. A small light, bright nonetheless, was sitting not far from me. Gabriel sat beside it, tying his shoe. It seemed like such a simple gesture, like such a normal thing to do. And strangely, seeing him tie his shoe, calmed me. It was normal. I was normal. That thought, however, lasted a whole two seconds before Hayden and Damon walked in.

Such a large contrast sat between them. Hayden, so gentle, so kind, so helpful... and so angelic. Whereas Damon was cruel, so dark, so unforgiving and so demonic. Seeing them together was just odd.

Gabriel looked at them then shot a glance at what he must have assumed was my sleeping form. His eyes tightened slightly when he noticed I was awake. Was he worried? A weird feeling settled in me. Warmth? Companionship? It was a new feeling, and I welcomed it.

“What’s up?” Gabriel finally asked, grabbing the small lantern and moving to sit closer to me. I sat fully up and crossed my arms, shooting Damon a glare. His eyes remained on mine, but strangely, he ignored my glare. Hayden shot us both a smile, before sitting down. Damon chose to stand.

“A safe haven is being set up as we speak. We’re all heading out in an hour or so, and we’d like it if y-“

”No.” I said, earning me a strange glance from Damon. Was he okay? It wasn’t his well being I was concerned with, it was mine. If he wasn’t fine, that may mean the same thing for me. I knew how to act around the normal Damon, how to play the situation to my favor, but when he was acting weird? It was like walking around blind. “A safe haven won’t be safe. You know it. It would only be temporarily.”

“I stay with her.” Was Gabriel’s remark. Hayden frowned, leaning forward.

“Audrey, you got out. Why get right back in the middle? A safe haven will be the safest place to be right now.”

“I know more about this than everyone they’re targeting. If I just sat back and let it happen... I... I can’t do that, Hayden. I won’t sit back and just take the end of Earth. I worked my hardest to get here, to get out of The Dark Lands, and I’m not just going to sit around and let it come back to me!” I couldn’t hide the anger that showed itself part way through, and I hoped Hayden didn’t think little of me because of it. I wouldn’t just sit around, and whether or not he allowed me to follow him, I would do something. I just had to. I wouldn’t just sit back and take it. I knew what it was like being in the middle, being all alone and defenseless, and I didn’t wish that feeling on anyone.

“I go where you go.” While it was only one more word than his last sentence, I appreciated the sentiment.

“I can’t, or more likely won’t force you to do anything, bu-“

”Shut up Hayden. She wants to come, let her. Her own death sentence.” I ignored the shut up part, and the death part, and focussed on the weird aspect of Damon’s sentence. He had stuck up for me. He had argued for my wants. What the hell was going on?

Hayden eyed Damon also, and I was sure I looked more suspicious than him. It was the lion theory all over again. If it sounds to good to be true, it usually is. There’s always a catch, always. So what was it? Or was it adding up to something? Something big? The calm before the big storm? Whatever it was, I didn’t trust it. It was Damon, and I would never let my guard down around him. It was a self preservation thing, and I prided myself on never doing so in the past.

“So it’s settled?” Asked Gabriel, his eyes on me. “We’re going?” I kept Damon in the corner of my eyes as I answered him.

“Gabriel, yo-“ he knew what I was going to say before I said. While I loved having someone watching my back and actually caring in a way I couldn’t remember ever feeling, it scared me. Everyone around me died, disappeared or just faded away. Gabriel was too young for that, too youthful. He had his whole life set up for him, whereas I was already scarred for life. I couldn’t forget what I saw, but Gabriel still held a chance of living a normal life. I didn’t, so why would I let him ruin his?

“No. Don’t try it, Audrey. I go where you go.”

“But your fami-“

”Dead. All dead. No family. No friends. Only you. You going to take that away from me?” That stung, like shoving a knife in me. He knew it would too, that was the worst part. But what was I to say to that? There wasn’t anything I could say, so I looked away, not wanting to see the frustration on his face. He knew my thoughts, he knew I didn’t want him getting hurt... and it annoyed him. He wanted to believe he was invincible and able to handle himself, and out of everything, that scared me the most.

** Damon’s POV **

Interesting. She didn’t want him to come. She was protecting him. And here I was sure her top priority was herself, but apparently not. So, she wouldn’t die to protect myself, or I’m sure, any other creature from The Dark Lands but from Earth? A human? Yes. She would die to protect him, it was written in her eyes. She was attached to him, and strangely, that angered me.

** Hayden’s POV **

I sensed, not felt, it going bad before it did. I stood immediately and shot Damon a look. He ignored it, his eyes fixed on Gabriel. What was his problem? I thought I finally understood him, thought I’d finally figured himout, then he goes and does this! After he sticks up for Audrey? What was going on his head?

I liked Audrey. She was an interesting, strong and brave human. She was a legend, and while I found her highly entertaining and loyal, I didn’t wish to see her go down. I didn’t want to be the one who picked up her bloody parts, or the one who got even on her murderers. I’d rather her live. Have one happy case of a human from The Dark Lands. That would be nice. One happy ending would strike hope in me, and at the moment, that would be highly appreciated.

I didn’t understand it. I’ve never had horrible thoughts, I’ve never been the one to start a fight or encourage one, but now... now...

My limbs had actually trembled with the need. The thought. Ever since I could feel the darkness, taste it, see it, hear it, I’ve been off. I’ve been trying my hardest not to show it, for I didn’t want Mack panicking, but it was hard. It was trying to change who I was, and at times I wasn’t sure who was in control. I didn’t want to change, for when it came down to it, in the end it would be me left. Not the darkness, and in the end, I would be feeling the consequences. Be feeling the pain of what I had done, or almost done. As I was now.

The look in Damon’s eyes had... had... I don’t know what it did. It froze me, it shocked me, it exhilarated me. He had wanted to hurt Gabriel, I had seen it, and I had done nothing. I had sat there and froze. Why? I’d like to say I didn’t know, but a strange thrill had been running through me. Almost like I wanted to see that. But I didn’t! That wasn’t who I was! And as much as I tried to tell myself it was just exhaustion getting to me, I wasn’t so sure.

Damon was calmed down now, and I chose that opportunity to speak. To speak while I still could.

“Alright. You both come, but remember my warning and please be careful.” There, that was myself, wasn’t it? Or was it too harsh? “Damon. Mack wants us before we head out. Now.” I added when he didn’t budge. My head spun, but I pushed pass the momentarily dizziness. I was fine. I was okay, but would I be? In a couple days, would I be okay?