The Amalgamation Of Two Worlds

Arm wrestle

Audrey’s POV

Cold. Frigid. Freezing. All meaning relatively the same thing. And I had always associated those words to a vampire, not just due to their skin temperature. But also their attitude; they were cold down to the core. So why wasn’t I cold?

His hands had moved from my wrists, to hold my face, and his body had shifted to straddle me, instead of pin me. His body was pressed down against mine, and his lips were still... doing what they were doing. And he was cold; but I didn’t feel it. I felt warm, too warm. Hot.

My lips were the hottest. They were burning, and... and I didn’t know why. I didn’t know this feeling. I didn’t know why wherever his skin was touching me, was feeling so warm. I didn’t understand why all my hatred for him, for the current time, was pushed to the corner of my head, and ignored. Or why I was allowing him to do this, to take control. For he was in total control at the moment, and for the first time in my life, I wondered whether or not letting a vampire have control was such a bad thing. For the first time, I didn’t fight to get away from one of the monsters.

Damon’s POV

When I kissed her, I expected that primal urge that every male gets when a female is laying underneath him. Albeit the circumstances. Oh, it came, I wouldn’t be male if it didn’t, but something else came with it. Something I didn’t have a name for... and if I did, I wasn’t ready to admit it.

Ever since I met Audrey, I’d fought with her. Not many physical times, but always verbally and mentally. We always had head games going on, or something along those lines, and I got used to it. Too used it. It was the type of thing you did with another vampire, or mutt. Not a human. Never a human. I think the fact that she’s killed my own kind, boosted her form in my mind. Therefore allowing my mind to grow more accustom to her, and now I was paying the price. For I was attached.

I didn’t want her to leave my side. I didn’t want her lips away from mine, and I certainly didn’t want her near that human male. That thought alone made me want to growl, to lash out at something. But the smell of her, the feel of her beneath me, stopped me. That, and again, the typical male feelings.

Her body sent heat through mine, something I usually hated. Now, I revelled in it. I wanted more.

I pressed my body down harder, my lips getting rougher. Her body remained still but warm; really warm. My hands travelled from her cheeks to her neck, loving the feel. My hands just began to skim lower when her head turned, breaking the warmth from her lips. She was gasping, her chest hitting mine as it heaved.

My eyes closed, as I let out a curse through my clenched teeth. She shouldn’t be able to do this to me. She shouldn’t be able to make me feel like this, while still wanting to hurt her for lighting me on fire. It just shouldn’t be allowed!

She cleared her throat, went to speak, before deciding on some more air. At least I wasn’t the only one confused by this thing. For damn’s sake, I was just making out with a human. This time, when she cleared her throat, the words actually came out.

“Can you move now?” I complied with that, thinking that maybe if I got off of her, my body would calm down.

It didn’t.

The kiss at Caleb’s had been something you could ignore; pretend it didn’t exist, for it was just something small and insufficient. It hadn’t even gotten started. Now...

“I’m still not going back.” She finally murmured. That piqued me anger, but not enough for the urges to jump her, to go away. Good ol’ Audrey, not forgetting the task at hand. She wouldn’t be her if she had, but some part of my mind wished she had forgot about the argument. Forgot about the fight, and everything else. At least for a while. But it was Audrey, Audrey never let herself go, and I doubted she would ever start. And strangely, I found myself liking that trait about her.

Liking? I should be hating.

“Not your choice.” I finally said, studying her face more. And what I saw surprised me, yet thrilled me. There was fear, she was afraid of this. But there was also more. Much more. Some part of her wanted this too, but her mind wouldn’t let her give in.

“Yes it is, Damon.” Her voice was breathless, counter-acting her angry tone.

“Says who? You? How about a deal? You beat me in an arm wrestle, and it’ll be your choice.” She glared at me, and I laughed.

Audrey’s POV

When you’re cold, your body produces shivers, to get your body moving to gain heat. And the shivers, when they’re as deep as your spine, tingle down to your core and ‘cause a mass shake. Damon’s laugh was like that.

His real laugh, not his taunting and maniacal one. This one actually showed he could feel happiness and had a sense of humour. And this laugh, the one he was doing, just sent something through me. It allowed me to know he did have a decent part in him, and I couldn’t help but feel warmth when I heard it. However, that
didn’t change the fact we were arguing.

“I won’t. I’d rather die.”

“A little dramatic, Audrey. Gotta give props for the presentation, though.” He said, his eyes skimming over my body.

“I’m serious, Damon. And... and that...” I stuttered, the words catching in my throat. Surely we weren’t actually... we hadn’t...

“Whatever just happened, won’t change that. Earth is where I li-“

”Live? As in a home? A job? A family? Got any of those things, Audrey? Because I figured you didn’t.” The shivers from his laugh were gone as soon as he finished talking, and I found myself fuelled by such a rage, that I was almost seeing red.

“I have none of that because of that place.” He approached, a predatory gleam sparkling in his eyes.

“You’ve been back for three years. Nothing changed. You don’t belong here, and you know that. You just don’t want to accept it.” I opened my mouth, but he cut me off. “And whatever happened doesn’t change a thing. I don’t like you. I won’t take back that claim, and Audrey? If you light me on fire again, I’ll skin you alive. Clear?” The scariest thing about that? He was serious. Dead serious.

Damon’s POV

She believed me. Good. About time, too. I was sick of my idle threats not getting through to her. For they were idle, for something in my stupid mind, the same thing that made me kiss her, wouldn’t allow me to do anything horrific to her. And it bugged me. I wanted whatever was happening to me, to go away. To just clear away, and let me get back to my ruthless murder and destruction.

The silence stretched between us, neither moving. For even though I said it didn’t change a thing, and she said it, we both knew it had. It was that gut wrenching feeling deep down that told us both that, but neither were ready to admit. Her eyes were showing that much, but she was holding back. The big question was what? And did I really want to know?

My body jerked, my shoulder slamming back. Pain ricocheted through my whole arm, but not unbearable. It was just... there. My eyes immediately snapped to Audrey, a growl ready to tear out. But as soon as I saw her face, I knew it wasn’t her. She was shocked, confused... and scared.

There was a faint rustle, and I found myself moving. A small object hit the ground where I had been standing, and I felt a real growl leave me. Bullets? I had a damn bullet in me?

I turned in the direction it came from, and instinctively began to circle in front of Audrey. Bullets would kill her. Just for show, I forced my body to push the bullet out. It fell to the ground, the skin already re-knitting. Now, if they were to take fire, I wouldn’t be able to do that. It took more energy than I ever cared to use to heal myself, and it was just a lot simpler to pull it out. Now, however, I wanted them freaked. Whoever, or whatever it was. For this didn’t seem like a Demonio attack.

“Step away from the human.” A voice called. Audrey? Hell no.

Shadows emerged, and soon came right out into the open. They were all male and armed, and also all human. A human had shot me? Great. In one night, I got lit on fire, lost my dignity in the mouth of a female human, and had male humans shoot at me. I think I was starting to miss the screaming little kids.

“Now, vampire.” I remained still as they grew closer. I wasn’t moving. No way was I listening to them. Just to show I was serious, I let out low deadly growl. A few hesitated, but the majority of them, still came forward. Including the one who was speaking.

He was big, only more proportioned than the rest. His hair was in the typical army cut; a buzz. His eyes held darkness and death, interesting for a human. And not only did he have a gun, which I kept my eyes on, but he had a sword. And although it pained me to admit it, it wasn’t any fake, or cheap thing. It was the real deal, which led me to the question of who were they?

The main man, switched his gaze from me, to Audrey. Another growl tore loose, and I hunkered down into a fighting stance. One more step, and he was dead. As if reading my thoughts, he stopped. Along with his men.

“You really are tough, girl.”His eyes glanced back at mine, and I felt hatred seeping out of me. How did this lunatic know Audrey? I didn’t even have to turn to feel the hatred that was radiating off of her, and for once, it wasn’t directed at me. What had he done to her?

“You owe me, for helping you like this.” He said, a smile forming on his lips. And I found myself on the receiving end of at least eleven different guns.