The Amalgamation Of Two Worlds

Secret pleasure

Audrey’s POV

The hunters were going to stay. Hayden was still weak. Gabriel was getting better. And if I ever wanted to say I touched Damon’s heart, I could now literally say it. I was never going to help him again. Never. If the blood and guts weren’t enough, his crude comments would have done it.

After me and Damon got the bullets out, and we finished yelling at each other-which took longer than it should have-Hayden called a meeting. With everyone.

The hunters were still hanging to the back, trying to appear there, yet not. And I understood that. I wanted The Demonio stopped, but did that mean I wanted The Dark Lands to win? No. But stopping them took precedence.

With Mackenzie being gone, rest his soul, Hayden took over. Or so the Zaccur said. But since he was... feeling ill, since he wouldn’t tell what was wrong with him, he wanted someone to take lead with him. Obviously, we all assumed Josh. And he did want Josh’s help; only he wanted Damon’s in a more professional term.

Damon was now allowed to order us around, if he thought it necessary. And knowing him, it always would be. But Hayden still had the full hold on the Zaccur. Personally? I didn’t have the heart to tell him that if Damon decided he wanted full hold, he could easily take it. I’m sure he knew it, and he was relying on Damon’s word to keep it from happening. And with Damon, that was enough. For that was the one thing he always kept. Sure, he would find loop holes and go around with technicalities, but he always kept his word. You just had to word it properly.

Apparently, before Mackenzie died, he had a hunch. A hunch Hayden hadn’t taken in at the time being, but suddenly... re-lived it. Some sort of dream, or so he said. He figured The Demonio obviously started where they did, because it was the closest to the cross over point. Even I figured that out. But he also figured that The Demonio wanted to make a stand. Wanted to make a scene. They wanted fear before the death. For the more fear, the less work they actually would have to do. So they struck fear in a semi-small city. Next step? Move to a bigger city. And the closest big city was a two day walk away. That’s where Mackenzie had been leading us, and with apparently a plan. Not a brilliant one, but a plan. Damon was in the process of re-working it, to get the causality number smaller. Something that I was sure, was very hard for him. He didn’t care about that stuff.

Mackenzie’s plan was to cut the city off from any outside contact. Like a quarantine. And while it was a cruel thing to do, I saw his views. I didn’t like them, for no one deserves to be sacrificed, but one city? Or the world? In the end, it was a typical movie act. But it was smart, for The Demonio would all be caught in one area, and, without outside contact of the city, the panic wouldn’t be spreading. It would be contained to the city. Now, logical way to deal with it? Or a movie scenario? Drop a bomb. Many problems with that. First, no bomb. Second, Mackenzie, along with Damon and Hayden, have no clue what a bomb really is. They still live in the sword age, only having heard about guns a year or so ago. Third problem? Kind of hard to say you “accidently” dropped a bomb somewhere, no matter what cover ups there would be.

So Mackenzie figured we’d close the city off, then go street by street killing them. Hoping that, in the end, we were left with more men than they were. He didn’t like this idea, but it was all he could come up with, especially on such short notice.

We were going to stick to the main concepts of his plan, but we were all relying on Damon to come up with more. Something with less casualties.

The hunters had been planning to meet up with more of their men, which were to also join us. If you Included Hayden, Josh, Damon, Zoltan, Gabriel, and myself, the Zaccur had around fifty men. Not many, and not nearly enough. For Damon was the only one to be able to consistently take one down by himself. Not good in the overall aspect of things.

I was cold. I was angry. I was mad. I was scared. And I was sick of sitting in the dark! I didn’t like it, nor did I trust it. I would rather know what I was facing, or what was coming at me. And I swear, if Damon pops up on me one more time, I was going to rip his throat out. Hayden found it funny, Damon found it hilarious. I found it heart-attack worthy. And Gabriel? He was still sleeping off the blood loss.

“Three groups.” Damon’s voice suddenly came. From behind me, nonetheless. I managed to hide my jump, but not my increase of pulse, which I knew he heard, due to the look I got. He walked by me, and into the center of the semi-circle we had formed. Accidently, of course.

“The hunters, in the first one.” His eyes met them. “Along with Josh, and ten of his choice of men.” His eyes landed on Josh at that. “You know they’re fighting level. Even them out evenly, for some will be in every group. Got it? Or is it too much for you to handle?” Josh stiffened, his eyes set hard.

“I don’t take orders fro-“

”Josh.” Hayden’s voice, quiet, subdued. His eyes were closed, and he was laying down, his hands under his head. “It’s logical and makes sense. Damon, saying please won’t kill you.”

“Probably would.” I murmured, earning a smile from Hayden, though his eyes remained shut, and an annoyed look from Damon.

“Second group. Hayden and Zoltan, along with twenty of the others.” I’m sure Zoltan was going to argue that, for what I had seen of him since I got my memory back, showed that he was highly against the Zaccur. That he was only here because of Damon, and I knew from experience that as soon as Damon was out of the picture, Zoltan would turn to his own goals. “Take Gabriel, too.”

“Stay with Audrey.” Gabriel slurred, his eyes still closed like Hayden’s, and his body slumped against a tree. “No damn way I’ll leave her. So you can shove i-“

”I stay with him.” I said, cutting off an insult I’m sure Damon would have wanted to punish him for. “No matter what.” My hand gripped his, and he opened his eyes and sent Damon a defiant look.

Damon’s POV

Have you ever had a secret pleasure? Something only you can indulge in, something only you know about? And any other time you come across this pleasure, you find it a pain in your ass? Because you know it’s wrong, you know it’s sick and twisted, and you know you should just give it up. I think Audrey’s mine.

I hate her, and I wish to shut her up constantly, but I can’t. Nor can I get those stupid images out of my mind. I wanted to be alone with her again, so badly. And when I had her pull out the bullets, that’s all I could think of. I should have done something, but I didn’t. And why? Because I didn’t want to. Yet I did. It was screwed up.

And the boy? A pain in the ass. I was already thinking of ways to get him out of the picture, without actually doing it. Harder than it sounds.

I never would have guessed that Hayden would put me in charge. But he did, and it landed me even more work. But if I was in charge, I could kill what I wanted to. And I was going to, for I really needed blood on my hands. And soon.

“The last group is myself and the remaining men. Along with Audre-“

”I’ll go with Hayden.” Came her voice, her eyes challenging mine. Oh how I wanted to accept the challenge, to make her beg for mercy. I could easily get it, just one simple punch and she’d be down. But no, something in my stupid mind had to stop me, and I was left looking like a human was in charge of me.

There was no way Audrey was going with Hayden. She was going to be with me the entire time. By my side, near me in a fight, and sleeping a few feet away. Always close, for she couldn’t die. And Audrey was pushing her luck for a human; she had too many close calls.

“Fine. But you do what I say, when I say it.” I growled out, my eyes on Gabriel.

“Yeah yeah, whatever.” My fists clenched, and it was only the fact the hunters were holding their guns, that kept me from launching. That, and the fact Audrey was so close. I couldn’t hurt her.

“Hunters,” they turned their eyes to me now, not their guns,”get the rest of your team. The ones you’re meeting up with. Circle back in the end, and split into two groups. One to the West side of the town, the other to the South side. Take place, like we talked about. Hayden.” He looked up now. “Take your team back to the destroyed city. Get the rations we talked about, and nothing more. Get some of those truck things, distribute the rations, and get to the East side as quick as you can.” He nodded, and closed his eyes again. “I’m going to meet up with some more men, and then head straight to the North side. I’ll be in touch before the signal goes up. Until then, you keep everything, and everyone in the city. No one leaves. They don’t cooperate? Kill them.” I kept my eyes on Audrey, now. “Even the humans. No one leaves.”