The Amalgamation Of Two Worlds


Damon’s POV

I clutched my head, snarling in the process. Blood. So sweet. Take it, so close... so tender, so...

I snarled again, forcing my battered body to my feet. No! I wanted it. I needed it. I wanted to taste the metallic twinge it let off, I wanted to smell the coppery scent it let out, and I wanted to feel the smooth rhythm of her pulse under my hands. I wanted to take her in my arms and...

I couldn’t keep the gasp from leaving me. I was in control of this! I always was, and nothing ever got in my way. Nothing. Nothing ever changed, and it was going to stay that way. It didn’t matter that my wounds couldn’t heal, or the fact that my knees were threatening to give way. It didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered was controlling my own actions, and not letting the beast get control.

And not hurting Audrey.

Never hurting Audrey.

A strangled sound left me, and I didn’t have time to form anger at myself for showing such a weakness, for my knees gave way and darkness cut off the hunger.

Audrey’s POV

Fear. Such a trivial word. It doesn’t express what it’s supposed to. Fear is a gut wrenching feeling that stops your heart cold. Stops your blood from flowing, and you mind from forming coherent thoughts. Fear stops you from thinking rationally, and it makes even the slightest action difficult. Fear is something that brings down the toughest mens, the most savage fighters, the cruelest leaders, and the most hard headed women. I fall into the last category.

I hate Damon. Or, a part of me does anyway. He used me as bait. Even though it was consensual, it didn’t matter. What mattered was he saw my species as a lower class than himself, and he still does. How I managed to jump from that class, I don’t know, but I did. I hate Damon, and part of him hates me, but we have this weird... almost understanding, but that would be stretching it. I can handle a lot, and he knows that. He also thinks no other humans could survive what I have, which is, I think, one of the only reasons he tolerates me. I’m not so sure. I got off on dumb luck and pretending not to be afraid, when deep down I had that gut wrenching fear clawing at me. The only difference then, from now, was that I was afraid for my own life. I could handle dying, growing up as I had. But as I stared at Damon’s body, the fear was worse. It was fear for another, the same sort I felt for Gabriel. Only different. This was... this was sheer terror.

I don’t remember moving, but when I finally managed to stop my shaking, I was clutching Damon’s head in my lap. He wasn’t breathing, a fact that scared me so bad I had actually shed some tears. Then it occurred-he doesn’t have a heart beat. Duh. But that didn’t stop my worry. Damon doesn’t pass out. He doesn’t black out. He doesn’t get defeated. It’s just not his style. Yet here he was, a bloody mess, blacked out on the rocky ground, with who knows what about to reach us. The air was freezing, and the whole area was surrounded, so even without the constant darkness, we’d have been engulfed by it. The only source of light was the moon, which was half obscured. All in all, I had to strain to make out his face. It wasn’t a sight I wished to remember, but it was seared into my mind now.

My hands began to tremble again as I tried desperately to wipe some blood off his face. It didn’t make a difference. I tried shaking him, my body shaking with his. He remained still; unmoving. His skin was cold, his eyes were shut, and I could feel the growing panic. His wounds were still gaping, and I couldn’t tear my eyes away from them. They had to close. I had to make them close. Simple solution, yet it still made me pause. Giving blood to Damon would never come easy to me, even if he did manage to drag me down to The Dark Lands, but did I have a choice? He was dying.

My breath sucked out, my head spinning. Damon’s life rested in my hands, and I’m not sure I liked that. Theoretically, I shouldn’t save him. He’s killed, and no doubt will kill again, but... but...

I gasped again, holding back the pitiful sob that threatened me.

I didn’t have a knife. So I made do. I used the jagged end of a rock to slit my wrist, and with trembling hands, not even feeling the pain through my fear, lowered my wrist to his mouth. I pressed it against his cool lips, my heart not daring to beat.

I waited for his fangs to come, for his mouth to latch on. Neither happened. My heart began to beat again; erratically. Why wasn’t he taking it? Shouldn’t the blood wake him up? Shouldn’t his body be fighting to desperately to stay alive that the scent of fresh blood would revive him?

I pressed harder, nothing happened. It just wasn’t getting through.

Through. It had to get through.

I used my other hand to carefully pry his mouth open. His fangs lay in his upper gums, barely protruding. But they weren’t needed. Fangs were meant to puncture to be able to draw blood. The blood was already there, so it would work, right? I let my wrist drip blood into his mouth, and watched as it slid down his throat. Yet still, he remained still.

The tears were threatening again, but I pushed them away. Why was I so sad? Why was I on the brink of tears? It was Damon. No one special. So why was I feeling like my heart was being ripped out and trampled on? Why did I-

I jumped. Involuntarily. His fangs, having extended, latched onto my wrist, his head lifting slightly out of my lap, his hands moving lightening fast to hold my wrist in place.

I relaxed, my heart almost thrumming with joy. He was alive! Or as alive as a vampire could be. He was going to live, and somehow, we’d both get out of here. Damon always had a plan, always had a scheme. He’d think of something.

I watched as his wounds closed, watched them stitch back up. I watched as his throat bulged every time he swallowed, and just watched him drink. It didn’t occur to me that this was a bad idea until the dizziness started coming. I tugged my wrist, but it didn’t move. I tried again, harder, but it didn’t move. I tried again, a touch of desperation coming into my movements. Again, nothing.

“Damon!” His eyes shot open, immediately meeting mine. They looked back at me, his head still in my lap. They were a brilliant shade of red, taking my breath away from both fear and awe. What scared me, though, was the lack of recognition. He wasn’t in control right now. I felt the dizziness grew, and that’s when the anger hit.

“I’ll haunt you.” That’s all it took. That simple sentence, and I watched Damon snap himself back in control. His eyes turned emotionless, and his fangs ripped from my wrist. That hurt. And I gasped with the pain. Immediately his lips were pressed against the wound, sealing the cut effortlessly.

Damon’s POV

My breathing was heavy. My chest heaved automatically, and I felt my eyes begin their change. My fangs retracted, and my hands loosened, my body pulling itself into a sitting position. In time, too, for that’s when Audrey’s frame swayed. No.

I didn’t think. Just pulled her close and glared at her. How dare she give me blood! I didn’t ask, nor did I want it. She was crazy, and I swiped angrily at her hair, moving it aside to see my mark. Why had I marked her? She had no brains. She was suicidal, and idiotic. So why did I feel so damn protective?

“You’re an idiot.” She actually chuckled at that, her eyes fluttering slightly.

“Says the man who took on a gigantic beast who knocked him into the side of the mountain?” I grunted, not bothering to answer that statement. Her eyes shut, but I held onto the fact that while slower than usual, her heart was beating. Her pulse was hammering with emotions I had no idea what were, and I could smell, and almost taste, her blood pumping.

It took me a moment to realize the blood I smelt wasn’t from her wrist but from her head. Her body began to shiver in mine, and again, without even thinking, I pulled her tighter into my body. While heat wasn’t something I usually conducted, after a feed, a vampire is always typically warmer. A weird, but true, fact.

I carefully brushed the hair from the back of her head. Audrey didn’t move. Which told me a great deal about her condition. Usually, she’d be yelling at me about something. I saw the wound and the blood around it. Not fatal, but...

I ignored the inkling of fear that trickled into my mind, and pressed my lips to the wound. Some vampires can use salvia to heal wounds. I can’t. I’m not a full vampire, and I need the nutrients stored in my fangs to do the actual healing. An inconvenience, but not one I usually encountered. I don’t heal many people.

I pressed her skin together with my fangs, and waited until the skin knitted back together before I pulled them out. With that, I sat back, her body slumped into mine. Strange. I didn’t feel the urge to vomit, so I allowed her form to stay that way, and closed my eyes.

I should be moving. I should be feeling anger that Audrey endangered herself for me. I should be doing a lot of things, but for the moment, I didn’t. I just wanted to close my eyes and rest...

She woke up first. I wasn’t sure how long before I had, but I felt her shift, felt her almost silent groan of pain. She was stiff. Hell, who wasn’t? My bones ached, and I had been thrown into a mountain. What the hell was she complaining about?

I opened my eyes to find her still against me. I pushed her away instinctively, standing up in the process. She shot a glare my way, and also pushed herself up, her body only letting out a small shake of cold before she contained it. Good girl.

“I’m never saving you again,” she grunted out, rubbing her arms with her hands. She turned, her back to me, as she faced the only way we could really go. That, or over.

My eyes glanced up, and I dismissed that immediately. It was solid rock. Not jagged, not climbable, even for me. I glanced back at Audrey, who still had her back to me. Her back was arched slightly, showing the line of her spine that curved down to her...

I shook my head, letting a snarl out in the process. She turned, her eyes meeting mine. Her eyes were wide, as they usually were, and her face was scrunched up into its usual expression; annoyance. Nose slightly scrounged, cheeks tight, and lips pouted...

I shoved by her, ignoring the profanity she threw my way. I shook my head as I walked. What the hell was wrong with me? I kept walking. Away. I knew she’d follow though, and some part of me was glad. I was glad she would follow me, glad to have her at my back and in my possession.

Possession. That was it. Nothing more. She was mine. She belonged to me, and everyone knows they take care of their belongings. There was nothing more, nothing less. For what else could it be?


Definitely not. Not even close. To even think I had a slight attraction to Audrey would be worthy of vomiting. Audrey meant nothing to me, and I would never sink as low as falling for a human. I may be a mutt, but I was a dignified mutt.

But I kissed her. Twice. I snarled at my own thoughts. They both meant nothing! Audrey meant nothing! And I would damn well prove it to myself.

I turned, my face angry and my eyes wild. She ignored that and kept on with her vocal rampage about me being a jackass, which I had currently been oblivious to. She side stepped me, and kept going.

“Lonely, ugly, self-loathing... shall I go on?” I didn’t give her the chance. I took her from behind; not gently either. I grabbed her body and twisted her, slamming her into the side of the mountain. Her body lay pinned beneath mine, but she still had the nerve to continue her words.

“And then you go and do things like this. Pathetic. Trying to get a rise out of me, trying to get my fear, which will not happ-“ I cut her off, my mind in a frenzy. And not from her words, either. The way her body felt beneath mine, the way her breasts pressed against me, the way her lips moved as she talked...

My lips met hers harshly. No pleasantries involved. This was a test. To prove to myself, and to Audrey, and to whoever gave a damn, that I did not feel a thing for Audrey. Nothing. Zilch.

She was shocked. Surprised. I was even more surprised, for her lips moved against mine, her body actually arching to meet mine, yet her hands were tentative; afraid.

My hands found her waist, and I gripped tightly, knowing later there would be bruises. Knowing later she’d be pissed at me, but not caring. I didn’t care about that, or the fact that I was kissing a human. All I cared about right now was her; was Audrey.

Audrey’s POV

My mind swirled, my brain in a state of confusion. Surely this wasn’t happening. Surely not again. And surely I wasn’t actually encouraging him, right? My body, my cold beaten body, was alive. Was full of such heat I just wanted it out. Where Damon’s hands touched, my skin burned. My lips ached, yet I didn’t want the sensation to go away. I didn’t want the taste of him to leave my mouth.

He tasted of blood and, strangely, cinnamon. Something I didn’t know the last time our lips encountered. His body was still pressed against me, and I could feel evert muscle, every sinew, of him, against me. I felt the strength he held, and the power, and it swirled into my mind like some sort of high.

My hands slowly and cautiously moved to the back of his neck, and when he didn’t move, and when he pressed harder against me, I tangled them in his hair. His hair was silky, yet tangly from the dry blood. I didn’t care, the feel of his hair running through my hands had my body arching towards his was enough to send a wave of heat through my body.

I gasped at the feel of him as he pressed his body even harder against me. His lips devoured mine, his tongue taking no time to conquer my mouth. And what did I do as Damon kissed me? I kissed back, hard. Trying to show him up, trying to get him the one to loose control, instead of myself. I wanted to just stop thinking and let him have me. I wanted him to take me, whether he was a vampire or not. Whether I hated him or not. I just wanted to forget everything, and I could feel a small part in me now, that wanted this. Truly wanted this. And it frightened me. This was so, so wrong. On so many levels.

His lips moved so quickly, I didn’t even notice. When I did where they went, by feeling them, I gasped, my body curving into his. His lips trailed down my neck, nicking and nibbling as he went. I should have been afraid. I wasn’t. I was fighting the shivers that racked my body, running down my spine and making heat pool in me. Hell.

His hands moved from my waist, this time gently. They skimmed up my side, somehow finding a way under my shirt. Heat followed them, forcing another gasp from me, my eyes actually fluttering. He did it slowly, too, as if this was a game to him, which I suppose it was. Somehow, I couldn’t find it in my to care. But if I did find it in my to care, I suppose I would play back.

Damon’s POV

I stifled the sound that tried to leave my throat. Her smooth hands stopped caressing my hair had moved. Down. That would have been fine, that action alone. But they kept going and going...

My body went rigid, my lips pausing on her neck, my eyes shutting. The feel of her hands gliding down my back... damn. I couldn’t think. So I didn’t bother, just grabbed her, turned, and brought us both to the ground, my body straddling hers.

She gasped, her eyes flying wide. What I saw made my insides roll with heat. She was as lost to these emotions as I was. Good.

Her hands didn’t pause. They kept going down, brushing so gently until they found the hem of my shirt. They slipped underneath, and again I had to stifle the sound that wanted to leave my throat. Her hands were like liquid fire, moving from my lower back up my spine. Where she touched, I felt heat so intense that it made the little resolve I had left, vanish.

I ground my hips down into hers, and was satisfied by her gasp. My mind swirled, as my hands slid into the waist of her jeans. Her heart was pounding, but she said nothing. I tugged, and when I got no protest, I yanked. The button popped open, the zipper coming down. Her breath caught, her hands falling to a stop on my lower back. I brushed my knuckles on her belly, reveling in the smoothness of her skin. So pale, so soft, so lickable, so...

My mind was already doing what I wanted to, so why should my body wait? With one last agonizingly long second-in which I thought heat was about to steam from my ears-I pulled down her jeans.