The Amalgamation Of Two Worlds


** Hayden’s POV **

I wish I could say ten minutes later, we were all acting civil, sitting and enjoying a cup of coffee. It was more like ten minutes later, Zenon had a bloody nose, Damon had a bruise over his eye, and I had one killer headache. Not exactly how I planned it, but I suppose I should take the fact that no one was dead yet, as a good sign.

Damon’s eyes never left me, his eyes narrowed into slits. He was sure one angry ball of emotion. If only I could reason with him... but so far, nothing worked. Zenon was still looking amused, and the teen in the back was looking frightened. No one paid him any attention, except myself. I knew what he was.

“Enough of this!” I finally said. It was louder than my original voice, but by no standards, was it a yell. And that seemed to amuse Zenon even more. “Just give me one minute to-“ I cut myself off. A rush of adrenaline surged through me, all my limbs tingling. The sinking feeling hit, with it came the swaying of my vision. My breath whooshed out, and it took a moment to regain it. Oh shit. My eyes glanced at the teen, who was breathing heavily, his eyes wide with fear. “We need to get out of here. Now!” This time my voice was like a yell, and if anything, that got their attention. Damon’s eyes glanced back at the teen, then to my face again.

“Good idea. Get lost.”

“You don’t get it! They’re coming, we ha-“ my breath left me again rendering me to my knees. The teen also fell, only not so graceful. My lungs heaved, my body shook and it took all my will not to black out. It had never been this bad, never this severe. And that only went to show that we had to leave now. “Now! We leave no-“ this time it wasn’t myself who interrupted me, but someone, or I should say something, else.

The wall behind Zenon exploded inward, sending Zenon’s body across the room. Damon spun, immediately going into a fighting stance. I did the same, once I was back on my feet.
The teen was backing up slowly, his eyes on Zenon’s body. He was a bloody mess, bu
t at least he was stirring. The wall that once held an amazing tapestry, now lay in ruins. Rocks, dust and weapons that had been on display, scattered the ground. Darkness surged inward, almost obscuring the lights on. I tensed. This wasn’t good. This really wasn’t good.

** Damon’s POV

I glanced at the man who resembled a fallen angel, before glancing back at the ruins. I could sense something there, I just wasn’t sure what. Judging by the man’s face, it wasn’t anything good, which led me to another thought; he could help. He at least knew what it was.

I didn’t dare risk a glance backwards, but I was sure Zenon was okay. Well, okay may be a bit of a stretch. More like bloody, burned, broken and in agonizing pain, but was there such a big difference? If so, I wasn’t aware of it.

I was expecting a sudden issue of violence. Whatever it was, to just swop in and attempt to go on a killing spree. I was wrong. Way wrong. Instead, they waltzed in. Slowly, taking in the place, their eyes dancing with an emotionless expression. I had a good idea what they were, but as of their demonstration, I decided not to assume anything.

All were dressed in black. Nothing surprising about that. But their faces were what stuck out. If they hadn’t just blown out half of my wall, I would have thought they were dressed up for a masquerade. Their eyes reminded me of a racoons, black smudged around them. At first I thought it was just marker, or maybe a well built mask, but when one of them walked slightly into the light, I realized what it really was; it was their skin. Their skin was burned around their eyes, giving a blacken coal appearance. And if that didn’t top it off, each had a large gouge on their left sides of their faces. It looked deep, and it had to have been done with a poison tipped blade, for anything else would have healed. So, the big question was, who was psycho enough to go through that pain?

There were only three of them, but they held the bulk and air of confidence that didn’t sit well with me. They were already circling us, and I couldn’t help but begin to get annoyed. Sure, they broke down my wall. Sure, they hurt my weapon maker, and sure, I was in a bad mood as it was. But circling me, like I was some sort of... of... mutt, was going too far.

“You gonna help me kill them, or do I have to kill you too?” I whispered to the angel. His eyes glanced very briefly at me before turning back to our targets. At least he was smart enough to not take his eyes off the predators. But if his looks were anything to go by, he wasn’t going to be much of a help.

“I’m not going to attack you. But they’re not exactly easy to kill.” I ignored that. I’ve had worse odds, much worse. I could take on three things, couldn’t I?

The one to my left lunged, and though I’d like to console my ego and say I got away, I didn’t. He smashed into me before I could even move, taking us both to the ground. The darkness seemed to thicken, making the little light even dimmer. But that didn’t matter; it was demon magic doing so, and though being only 1/4 demon didn’t do much for me in any strengths, it did give me the ability to see through demon magic. Zenon and the kid, however, would be screwed. And the angel, whatever his name was, well... well, I kinda hoped he was something that could see through it, for he seemed to be my only help right now.

My foot shot out, kicking the thing off me. But it came right back, like a stupid boomerang. I’ve always hated boomerangs.

I flipped, ducked, then shot out at him, or it, or whatever it was. It went down, surprise briefly showing on its scarred face. My fist slammed down, spurting me with black blood. What the hell had black blood? My moment of confusion was enough for it to kick me off.

Scrambling to my feet wasn’t as easy as it should have been, the rubble from my wall now sitting around my feet. My eyes quickly darted to the angel who seemed to be surviving, and I decided to take a page from his book. He wasn’t attacking, but defending. And when he got in a hit, which seemed rare, he wouldn’t wait for another, just jump back. Though not my usual style, I grabbed the closest object, which happened to be a piece of a broken pipe, and picked it up. I would defend myself, but I wasn’t about to let this thing get away with breaking into my home.

The brief flicker of a shadow sent my body automatically into a dive. I should have wondered where the third one was, well, now I knew. He had been standing behind me, ready to slice my head open with an axe. As soon as this was over, I was getting Zenon to lock up his weapons.

I swung the pipe at the first one that ran at me, but it dodge it easily. And with a simple shove, I was airborne. I slammed into a wall, and before I could even hit the floor, my head was slammed even harder against the wall. What the hell were they? I shoved the pipe forward, briefly unbalancing it. I kicked and slammed the pipe down again, but it was already half way across the room, its narrowed eyes now locked onto mine. The angel guy seemed to be finally having some difficulty, but I suppose I should give him some credit for being able to hold off so far. Better than I was doing, which was a huge blow to the ego. As much as I hated to admit it, he actually seemed like a good fighter. Never would have guessed.

Blood was trickling from my head as I stumbled forward. Stupid rubble. The thing that had been ready to kill me had found Zenon, who had managed to drag his bloody body off to a sword.

A muffled curse snapped my head around. The angel man was now laying on his back, the thing on top, its hands gripping his neck. The man was struggling to push the thing off, but it wouldn’t budge.

I wasn’t doing it for him. I didn’t care if he lived or die, but I did need to know what was going on. I sprung, and just as the thing turned, I shoved the pipe through it’s face. It took out it’s nose and mouth, leaving its eyes wide and unseeing. And once again I found myself squirted in black blood as the thing continued to squirm. I twisted the pipe one last time, before grabbing its head, putting my foot on it for support, and pulling.

There was a sickening crunch as I stumbled back, the things head in my hands. The angel man was staring at me, his eyes wide in both shock and surprise, but his attention quickly drew to the other two things, who had also froze. Their eyes locked onto mine before they... they ran? Now I was really confused, but Zenon was the one who voiced my first thought.

“What are those things?” I took the liberty of voicing my second.

“Who, and what, are you?” He gave a weak smile before standing, brushing some of the dust off himself. My anger was rising, as was my confusion, and I was sure if I didn’t get any answers soon, there would be another body next to the one I already killed. I dropped the head, then turned my eyes back to him.

“I’m Hayden, part of The Zaccur. I’m part demon, part clave.”

“What’s a clave?” Once again, Zenon beat me to my question. It was beginning to get annoying. I shot Zenon a dirty look before glancing at the kid. He was leaning against one of the still intact walls, breathing heavily.

“He knows.” I snapped my eyes back to Hayden who was watching me. My anger boiled, but I pushed it aside; for now.


“He’s part clave.”

“He’s a vampire. I know his parents.” Knowing them was a stretch. I never personally met them, but all kids and adults admitted into my class got a file. His showed that both his parents were pure vampires.

“The clave gene isn’t something that can be passed on through blood, or conception. It occurs, at estimate, one in every two hundred creatures. It doesn’t show till puberty, on most cases, so it’s easy to hide. That’s a good thing. All kids get taught at a young age that all clave’s should die. I’m not surprised you don’t know, since mutts have, up until now, been discriminated upon. You wouldn’t have been told anything. For what would it matter? You were already a mixed breed.” My eyes narrowed even more. That didn’t answer a damn thing. I still didn’t know what a clave was, I still didn’t know why there was a hole in my wall, why I was almost killed, and why the things ran away.

“What is a clave? What were those things?” Though they were simple questions, I put enough venom in my voice to make Hayden take a step backwards, his eyes wary.

“In human fantasy, a clave would be labeled a clairvoyant.”

“So you can tell the future?” I asked, disbelief and disgust showing in my voice. This guy was nuts.

“No, that’s human fantasy. A clave’s power isn’t always consistent. Sometimes it will work, sometimes it won’t. Sometimes you can tell the direction it’s coming from, sometimes not. We don’t see the future, we merely get... feelings. A sense of dread, in a more physical form. We can usually tell when something bad is going to happen, as you have noticed. However, usually it doesn’t hit that hard.” I grunted. Made sense, in a way, but that was besides the point. Ignoring the fact that there was another species that I hadn’t even heard of, I still had no idea what was going on.

Those things had been here to kill, which confused me. I may have ticked off a lot of people, but the king wouldn’t dare send anything after me. He knew what I was capable of, or did he think that I wouldn’t be alive to stir up trouble? Whatever it was, it wasn’t going to last long. I wouldn’t just sit around and take it, those things were going to die, whether or not I would have to do it myself.

“Those things are part of a group, called The Demonio. Demonio, being Spanish for demon. Not very creative, I know.” I shot him a glare at his smile. His happiness was beginning to annoy me.

“And you’re part of The Zaccur?” He nodded.

“Named after Zaccur De’Frain, a werewolf wh-“

”Who saved an innocent family from being burned alive at the stake. I know the stupid story. What I don’t know is what’s going on.” He smiled again. If I didn’t know better, I would have sworn he was a human.

“That is why I came here. The Zaccur need your help, Damon.” Before I could show my frustration, he continued. “You know what shocks me the most about that fight?”

“That they ran?” Offered the kid, earning a glare from me also. Everyone was just beginning to tick me off.

“No. If they don’t think they have the upper hand, they will always leave. They enjoy killing, but self preservation is something that has been drilled into their minds since birth. What shocks me, is that you killed one.” Upon seeing my facial expression, he quickly continued. “Not to say you can’t kill, but The Demonio are... well, lets just say it usually takes five guys to take one. That’s why there were only three... but you killed one. By yourself. They’re really going to want you dead now.” Great. Just great.
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Finally some action. I didn't exactly know how to write this part... so this is the best I could come up with. Hope you enoyed it.

Oh, and I thought this was kinda ironic. Did you know 'demon' in German, means 'Damon'? I thought it was kinda cool to find out. Thanks for reading!