Sand in Your Shoes

Sand in Your Shoes

He walked around aimlessly trying to find something to peak any sort interest at the stuffy party his parents had managed to pull together. He grabbed another soda wishing it had some alcohol and sat down in a nearby chair. He drank slowly watching adults talking to one another about work, children playing tag in the backyard, and looking for any sort of person his age in the vicinity.

As he sat there for what seemed like half an hour but was really only five minutes he stood and placed his now empty cup on the nearby table. He ran his fingers through his hair and looked around once more.

He saw a girl his age laughing at him from a few feet away. She walked forward and grinned at him. “You’re looking miserable, want to get out?” she spoke with her hand out for him.

He grinned before taking her hand in his and weaving them through the crowded living room and out the door.

They drove with no place in mind. They drove with the windows down blasting Third Eye Blind. He watched out of the corner of his eye has her hair auburn hair little whipped around her face and she unsuccessfully tried to keep it behind her ear.

He laughed. She laughed. They caught each other’s names. David. Amber. They caught each other’s ages. 18. They caught each other’s hobbies and interests. She picked random roads to turn on as they laughed about more than likely getting lost.

They caught each other’s random stares and smiles.

They reached a dead end and walked out onto the beach of Washington State. They instantly grabbed each other’s hands, lacing them together as if they were a perfect fit and they had been doing it for years.

She took off her sandals while he took off his white sneakers. She ran out to the shoreline, dipping her feet gently into the cool water. He watched as her hair again tickled her chin.

He walked slowly over as she began to dance to no song in particular. A smile crept on his face as she called his name with such adoration he felt they had been together for a while.

They danced along the shoreline until they got tired and fell to the sand.

They laughed and smiled more.

He helped her tuck her hair behind her ear. He brushed his hand against her cheek as she placed hers over his to keep it there.

They leaned in for a small kiss.

They jumped up and ran back to the car laughing and holding hands.

The sun began to set as they drove back lost through the streets. Third Eye Blind blasted once more as she once again directed him. They held hands the whole way.
That’s how they spent that summer together wondering aimlessly around Seattle and its area.

They fell in love.

Then the fall hit. She had to go to school across the country. He was touring with his band.

He spent his mornings in the van waking up to the sun coming through the blinds. He felt empty and alone without her by his side.

They lost touch. His heart broke when she didn’t show up at his show like she promised.

But he never regretted the summer they spent with sand in their shoes.
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i love this one (:
even if i did write it in 20 minutes, haha