Status: On hold for now, working on something else. Comment if you like, I'll let you know when it's active again :D

Bert's a Nice Guy.

There's Something Very Wrong Here.

~ Britta ~

I felt the pressure of another foot against mine, but it was too late to catch myself. I gasped loudly as I collided with the hard linoleum floor. For the third time that day I had been tripped up by one of Bert's idiot friends. I got up, clutching my knee.

"Bloody girl-basher." I muttered under my breath.

I stuffed my books back into my folder and adjusted my back-pack. I brushed my straightened red hair over my face as I walked away so no-one would see the damned tears in my eyes. The jerk laughed his head off, as they always do. I ignored him and kept walking. It was the beginning of lunch on my first day back at school as a fifth form student. I headed toeard the door around the corner at the end of the narrow corridor. I was going to meet my friends at our usual spot behind the gym. I got as far as the corner when I was stopped by him - Bert Kingston. I quickly blinked away the tears.

~ Bert ~

I took a deep breath and peered around the corner.
Oh shit! She's coming! I pulled out the neatly folded note I had written for her from my pocket. I glared at it.

"You're too neat!" I hissed at it quietly [yes, I talk to inanimate objects].

I unfolded it then scrunched it up for the desired 'I'm-not-really-bothered-but-here-you-go' image. I looked around the corner just in time to see her crash to the ground.

"Damn it, Carl!" I muttered. "I fucking told you!"

As she picked herself up I saw the tears welling up in her eyes for just a second before she brushed her hair over her face. I heard Carl's roaring laugh.
Oh great. He made her cry and now he's laughing about it!
She continued walking swiftly down the corridor. Just as she reached the corner I was hiding behind, I stepped out infront of her. She stopped and, without looking up, asked furiously,

"What do you want?"

~ Britta ~

I stared down at the generic black and white checkered pattern on the floor, frustration written on my face.

"I just want to say I'm sorry." Bert said calmly.

"What for?" I said bluntly [even though I could think of a number of things it could be...].

"Y'know, for my mates calling you names and tripping you up and stuff..." He answered.

At that moment I realised that Bert himself hadn't tripped me up in months, it had only been his stupid friends.

"Why should you care now?" I said, my voice rising slightly. "You never have before!"

"Oh. Um, well, 'cause I'm trying to be a nice guy... and stuff."

Bert? A nice guy?

"Well it isn't working." I muttered bitterly.

I turned my head to look around the corridor, he cupped his hand under my chin and turned it back to face him. I looked up at him, cheeks burning, trying to look furious. He made it so hard. I looked up into his green eyes, they sparkled slightly in the dim light, and I thought I would melt - wait a second... I thought I hated the guy!?

"I've told them to back off, but they don't listen to me..." He said quietly.

I pushed his hand away. "Don't bother-" I began before he cut me off.

"What's your name?" He asked.

You should know it, dumbass! I've been in at least two of your classes for the last three years!

"I just mean, y'know, we've never been properly introduced..." he added hastily almost as though he sensed my irritation.

"It's Brittany Marie Jones, but everyone calls me Britta." I replied, avoiding his eyes.

"It suits you." Bert replied. "Everyone calls me Bert, it's Robert Kingston in full."

"I know." I said calmly.

I KNOW!? Do you want him to think you're a freaking STALKER!?
Bert just stood there grinning as I stared at the ground awkwardly.

"Nice to meet you properly." He said, taking my hand and discretely passing me a crumpled note. "See you."

He winked at me then walked past me and around the corner.

~ Bert ~

Oh God, I can't believe I just freaking winked at her! She definately hates me. Damn it. I bet she'll never accept my apology. EVER.

~ Britta ~

I leant against the wall and slipped into sitting position. What the fuck just happened? I stared wide-eyed at the scrunched up scrap of paper in my hand, too afraid to read it. What is wrong with me? I've hated that jerk since he first tripped me up on our first day at this damned school, and now I want to melt in his fucking eyes? Damn it... That's not right...
I sighed and slowly opened the note, smoothed it out on the ground and read it silently in my head.

- I hope you accept my apology, wanna hang out? Meet me at the wall after school. XX Bert. -

XX? What has he been smoking? I read the note over and over in my head. The next thing I knew they bell was clanging loudly, signalling the end of lunch.

"Shit!" I cried out in shock.

I got some dirty looks from a group of goodie-two-shoes-teachers-pets across the hall. I scrambled to pick up my books. I shoved the note into the pocket of my ugly school dress then ran to my first english class of the year.

~ Bert ~

I want to kill Carl...
I was so mad at him. I decided it would be best if I avoided him until I calmed down. I headed to the library. There was no way I could run into him there. Once I had reached the library I sat down on a massive pile of beanbags in the far corner, away from the windows so that no-one could see me. I pulled a book of a shelf at random. It happened to be by one of my favourite authors. I would have found it interesting if I hadn't been so distracted.
Maybe the note was just another of my bad ideas... it probably mad her hate me more. Of course she doesn't want to hang out around me! I'm an asshole...
My thoughts continued in this fashion for the rest of lunch and the whole event replayed over in my head a number of times. I gave up on trying to read the book entirely and took it over to the front desk to borrow it. I would read it later when I could think clearly.
It turned out I had indeed chosen my hiding place well, I didn't see Carl until after the bell had rung and I was walking to my english class. He waved and called out to me. I ignored him and walked at a quicker pace. I was the first person to arrive. Strange...
I headed straight to the back row.

~ Britta ~

When I found my english room I noticed that barely half the class was there and the teacher hadn't arrived yet. .
But I'm always late...
I glanced around at the students faces and I didn't recognize any of them - until I looked along the near empty back row. Sure enough Bert was sitting in the corner. He smiled widely when he noticed I was looking at him. Damn it. I stood in the doorway for a few seconds before placing my bag on an empty desk in the second row to avoid him. His smile faded and I felt bad so I picked up my bag and moved to the free desk next to him [all I can say is DAMN MY CONSCIENCE!]. Bert looked up from the upside-down book he was pretending to read and grinned at me. I smiled back weakly. What else could I do?

"I knew you couldn't resist me." He said, still grinning.

He was right. Bugger.

~ Bert ~

YES! She sat next to meee! English is now officially my favourite subject. I really should stop staring at her though...

~ Britta ~

I couldn't concentrate for the entire class. Bert kept looking at me and I kept looking at him... with his gorgeous eyes and long wavy black hair... I've gone MAD! I couldn't decide whether to meet up with him after school or not. It was extremely difficult to think when he was looking at me that way. As soon as the teacher dismissed us, I shot out the door without looking back. I needed time to think and history would be perfect. It would be all hand-outs and gluing and watching films. When I got to my class [strangely early again, though the teacher was here this time along with a small group of giggly girls and a couple of jocks.] I picked a seat at the back of the room. I was about to pull Bert's note out to read it again when I felt my phone vibrate. I checked it in my pocket so that the teacher wouldn't see it and confiscate it. This wasn't completely neccesary as he was distracted by the fact that his scarf was slowly being consumed by the shredder, much to the amusement of the rest of the class. The text was from my friend, Clarissa. It read:

< Hey :D where were you at lunch?? We haven't seen you in aaages, how dare you deprive us of your company?! >

< LMAO, sorry! -

I paused, what should I tell her? I decided on the truth in it's simplist form and continued punching buttons.

- I was with Bert >

I watched the teacher frantically searching for the off button while I waited for a reply.

< Kingston? O-O >

< Yeah... I'll explain later *hugs* >

< gjvgfduirgagjjkgjkjkfjk you better or I'll kick your ass!!!!!!!!!!!! }:] > This message was quickly followed by:

< Sorry! Taylor hijacked my phone! *hugsback* TTYS or else ;] >

I smiled then activated the key-guard before zipping up my pocket. I got out an excercise book so it would look like I was actually doing something productive. It seemed like the teacher had managed to find an off switch and was now trying to salvage what was left of the mangled scarf. A few more students walked in the door at that moment. One of them was Harry Dunsmore, another was Carl. I sighed. Just my luck. Carl smirked when he saw me in the corner then sat with the jocks. Harry caught my eye and smiled. He headed toward the empty desk next to mine. On his way over, a jock stuck out a foot to trip him up. Harry caught himelf by grabbing a desk just in time. The jocks cracked up, the barbies soon chimed in with their high pitched giggles.

"Do you honestly think that's funny?" I muttered. "Immature gits."

The jocks, including Carl, turned and stared for a moment not knowing how to react. No-one usually opposed them, but with me around they really ought to get used to it. The girls glared down their noses at me. Oh no! I'll never be popular now! Oh, the joys of sarcasm...I glared right back until one by one they each looked away. I felt oddly obliged to defend Harry, even though he irritated the hell out of me most of the time. Harry had been assigned to me as my lab partner last year. He then decided he was my BFF and has commited to annoying me ever since. He had always been much more tolerable than Bert and Carl, though.

"Hello Brittany!" Harry exclaimed, insisting on using my full first name as usual.

"Hello Harry." I said, rolling my eyes.

He didn't get a chance to continue the conversation as the teacher cleared his throat and began the lesson.

"Alright, attention everyone, to those who don't know me I'm Mr. McKean. And I am now down one scarf..."

The class laughed and I tuned it out completely. I could now read my note in peace. Well almost in peace. I had to work hard to ignore Harry and his prying eyes. I carefully angled myself so that he wouldn't be able to read over my shoulder. I read it a zillion times before I shoved it back into my pocket. I grabbed my Mp3 from my bag and turned it on. I put the left earbud in and covered it up with my hair. I sighed and made a decision, I am going to meet Bert after school, and there's no backing out now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Most of these views are really short, but they will get longer!

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