

As he sat, doused in bored and void, a thought vacuum, the maths teachers irritating voice being repetitively drowned by the mind shattering ticking of the clock. School wasn't exactly Damien favorite place in the world. But it was his thinking time.

Damien sat in the back corner by himself, alone, isolated. He sat in mute, his head burrowed deep into his arms. He sat by the window, with the curtain pulled to allow no light to break his shadowed enviroment. The others occasionally turn and stared at him, whispering, giggling. He knew that they where either bitching about him, or some other poor lost soul. They thrive upon sadness and depression, scratching and clawing their way into rumours, twisting storys, making up as many variations to stories as inhumanely as possible. The result, hermits that eventually flunk school, ditch their jobs, become entirely cut off from society and commit suicide. Well, that was Damiens theory. He hated everyone.

So cut off from reality, Damien wasn't even sure what the teachers name was. Or even if she had a name. Occasionally he would look up to see if the teachers gender was actually female. His half concious stare was always outdone by the teachers furious glare. Damien had a mutual respect for the teacher. A respect of hatred.

As he sat in his own kingdom of mind, Damien began to fathom and ponder. What was the purpose of life? Surely there has to be one. There is a purpose for everything. Toasters where made to toast stuff. Cars drive people around from place to place. But what the hell is life for? Maybe life is to destroy other life at the amusement of higher beings...

Damiens typical maths day dream was interupted by a brief but easily regognisable message. "Attention students!" The teacher evidently had a message. "Today we have a new student. Rose Delilah. Please be curteous to her." Damien remained with his face concealed within his forearms. "What a gorgeous name..." He thought to himself. As a new student is a special occasion, and special occasions demand special acts, Damien for once lifted his head above 6 inches from the desk. He had never such a face in his entire life. Brushing his scruffy black hair aside from his eyes to make sure it wasn't just a blurred image through matty hair, but he saw exactly what he thought he saw. An angel of impecable beauty. Her hair gleamed in the brief rays of sunlight, her eyes shone ocean blue. She clutched her folder tightly, she cautiously scanned the entire room and the people within. Damien's eyes opened wide with awe, his jaw dropped slightly, entirely entranced by a single girl. He didn't believe it could ever happen. But it did. Rose began to stride up the column of desks so elegantly, every guy in the room glued to her entrancing image. Damien couldn't believe it. She actually placed her bag next to him, and sat beside him. Rose sat down, neatly pulled in her chair.

Damien couldn't believe it. She was so cute. So gorgeous. And she was sitting next to him. She said nothing, but looked into his eyes and gave a friendly smile, before returning back to looking down at her folder and books. For a brief, heavenly moment, Damien thought she sat next to him by choice. Until it hit him, that was the only spare seat left. And every guy in the room was stabbing him with eyes.
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Rose is inspired by a girl I know. I know I shouldn't obsess, but hey, it makes me feel better.