The song of Melody

Melody's Awakening (Melody's P.O.V)

"W-where am I?" I asked looking around at the dark filthy water that surrounded me... I coughed... and swam up to the surface.
" What happened here?" There were no fish in the water no life what so ever...
everything around me was dead.. all the fish..... sea life even my kingdom and everyone in it....
I swim to the nearest shore and crawl out of the water.....
"Everyone...." I start to cry... there all dead.....

"Hey she's waking up call the Doctor!!!"
"What no way!"
"Quick she's opening hers eyes"

I hear two different voices talking.

"Are you sure she's awake?" A new voice says.
"Ya look her eyes are opening!"

I see two people standing in front of me. The are more of shadows at first but then my vision clears...
I sit up quick in the bed that i am in.
"Don't move! Lay back! Wait till your fully awake." Says a woman in a white coat.
"W- where am I?" I ask moving my toes. They feel weird
"Your in a hospital..... You were found sleeping on a beach.... 2 years ago you've been in a coma since....."
♠ ♠ ♠
Very short I know the next Chapter will be longer for sure!