The song of Melody

Red Pearl Voice! (Melody's P.O.V.)

"L-let me go!" I yell trying to loosen his grip. "You DO know this is call kidnapping!"
We arrive at the beach and he FINALLY lets go.
"Gawd what is with you? You creep....."
"Come on were just having some fun!" He says.
"Whatever I'm going back to school." I run off.
"Wait! Melody!"
I turn around to see a giant wave cover him!
"Hey!!!" What was his name?
I run over to him only to get hit by a wave myself. I turn back into my mermaid self.
"Where is he."
Something grabs me and pulls me into the water.
It's a water demon.
"I knew i sensed the pearl of a mermaid!"
"Let Go!" I squirm trying to get free off her grip...
"Won't my boss be happy that i caught a mermaid princess!"
"RED PEARL VOICE!" i call out and transform into my idol self. I have legs again and a beautful dress on.
"Pitchi Pitchi voice live start."I sing the song of the red pearl called Star Dust
"UGGGGGGG!!!!!!" The water demon yells. "What is this horrible song? My ears!!" The water demon disappears in a bunch of bubbles.

The bubble around me disappears and i turn back into my mermaid self.
I grab the boy and pull him up out of the water and back onto dry land.
He coughs.
"Who are you?" he asks
"I am the mermaid princess of the lost sea."
"Mermaid princess?"
I turn around and jump back into the water.
♠ ♠ ♠
btw the water demons name is Duana........