I'm the Principal's Daughter I'm Supposed to Be Perfect...Right?

The first day back

Beep…beep…beep. I rolled over and shut my annoying alarm clock off. I layed there an extra minute or two until I realized that I had to get up now or I would be tardy. I hated that. For me it meant small whispers and teachers talking. I got up and skimmed through my rather large closet. I grabbed my short jean denim skirt and my spaghetti strapped shirt with a small cover top over it and then I grabbed my Nikes. I know the shoes totally went with the outfit right? Not. My dad expected me to dress like all the popular kids at school. I rolled my eyes. At school the coolest people I knew didn’t have a lot of money and they were considered low lives but I didn’t care I liked them. I grabbed my over sized white sun glasses and my purse and then of course my books and I walked out to my convertible. I checked my reflection in the rear view mirror. I looked okay I guess.
When I got there of course my wide receiver boyfriend was waiting by his hot candy blue mustang. I smiled. This was the only good thing about being popular. My boyfriend was different from all the other ‘typical’ preps. He was sweet, genuine, and a hot head and I loved that about him. I got out of the car and he came and walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my frame.
“Morning Ms. Dickenson how is your morning so far?” He had the cutest smile and his right side of his mouth always lifted up higher than the left. I knew he was just happy to see me though he always was. I leaned in and kissed him. His kisses were beyond perfect; soft and sweet. He pulled away and gave me a goofy grin. I returned his smile.
“Well Mr. Young I’m doing rather amazing because my gorgeous boyfriend decided to great me with the greatest kiss in my life.” He gave me another goofy grin that made me break out into a smile again and he leaned down and kissed me. He did tower of my five-foot-seven frame. My father hated public displays of affection. I didn’t care because when I was with Jordan I knew I was happy despite the craziness that was going to happen inside of those doors.
My father had always made sure I had the best of every thing because he wanted me to hang with good kids. I really didn’t like my friends at all. The only one I did like was obvious and that was Jordan. The others were just rude and cold hearted to every one. That wasn’t me. I purposely went out of my way to be nicer to the geeks. Not only because I knew how much I knew the other girls hated it but because I knew it must be hard on them getting picked on every day. That’s one thing I never had to worry about being with Jordan. He would never let anything happen to me and being the principal’s daughter had its advantages.
My dad does have high standards though. He expected me to be like a perfect little doll basically. To look pretty and have perfect mannerisms. Oh and don’t forget the grades I had to keep those up. If not he would keep me from Jordan and my phone. He is pretty controlling though. I shook my head and Jordan grinned from ear to ear. I loved that smile. He pulled away from me and extended his hand and I gladly took it. We walked hand in hand into the school while people stopped and stared. The girls shot me looks of envy. My boyfriend was every girl’s dream and it was his ring that hung around my neck. I was all his and he knew it. We walked to our lockers which were on opposite ends of the hallway. My smile faded when he released my hand. He blew me a kiss then walked to his locker. I wouldn’t see him until second period. I frowned then went to my own locker. The girl whose locker was next to mine sent me the biggest death glare I had no idea what I had done to her but it didn’t help my already saddened mood. I missed him already and he had just left.
I grabbed the necessary books I needed and walked to my first class. I kept playing with his ring around my neck. It made me smile and concentrate long enough for this class to end. I concentrated the best of my ability and finished my work on time then the bell rang. I walked out and seen Jordan waiting on me.
“You know what Lily? I’m so lucky to have a girl like you. I love you.” I smiled then kissed him. I didn’t think it was possible for life to get much perfect. The rest of the day didn’t drag on as long because he was waiting for me after each class. The first day wasn’t as bad as I had thought it would be. Go Lily you survived another day in hell.
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ive had this story for awhile i just lost it
so let me know what you think