I'm the Principal's Daughter I'm Supposed to Be Perfect...Right?

the ride with Jordan

The next morning the same routine started up again. I got up and chose my outfit for the day. I scanned through and grabbed my brand new American Eagle jeans and held them up against my tiny waist. I instantly put them on and walked back to my closet and grabbed one of my many t-shirts. I started singing to myself. I hated mornings but I loved seeing him in the morning. I loved how the morning light reflected off of his dark hair and how his eyes always had that twinkle in them when he seen me. I smiled at the thought and I heard my cell ring.
~my friends don’t understand why I’m with you all the time. I guess they haven’t found a dime. One that blows their mind~ I ran over to my phone and answered it rather quickly. I knew it was Jordan calling. My smile took up my entire face.
“Hey babe I was wondering if I could pick you u today.” I didn’t think it was possible but my smile got three times bigger. I said a quick agreement then I hung up and rushed to finish getting dressed. I went and did my make up and curled my hair. I put on my socks and shoes then went to find a purse to match the color of my outfit. I heard Jordan and my dad talking. I smiled then sprayed some of my new spray on my neck then grabbed my books and my purse then walked down stairs to see my sexy boyfriend looking amazing as ever. He was in his black and blue Linkin Park t-shirt and a pair of Hollister jeans. His hair was spiked up and when he seen me he gave me my favorite goofy grin.
“You ready to go Lily? I nodded then gave him a hug. I leaned in to kiss him and my dad cleared his throat. I pulled away embarrassed. I had forgotten about my dad being there. Jordan grinned at me then he grabbed my hand and led me to his hot mustang. I loved this car with the leather interior and the purple lights underneath. I got into the car at a rather fast pace. As soon as he was in he leaned over and kissed me. I smiled in the middle of the kiss. I pulled away. I loved days like today.
“So J what made you decide to pick me up today?” He smirked while concentrating on the road.
“You’ll see,” was all he said.
Ugh I hated surprises. I sat there tapping my fingers impatiently. I looked out the window and tried not to think about this oncoming surprise. He knew I hated surprises and all he did was smile and stayed silent. I hated it when he did stuff like this it aggravated me.
We pulled up at the school and he didn’t get out of the car. Instead he turned and faced me. He smiled so huge I thought it was going to jump off his face.
“Lilly you know I love you right?” I nodded.
“Yes but where’s this going?” He looked away from me then sighed.
“I have been doing a lot of thinking and I came to a decision.” I felt my eyes water up.
“You’re leaving me?” He laughed and shook his head.
“Exactly the opposite.” Now I was confused.
“It’s exactly the opposite of leaving you. The thing is I never want to leave you. I want to wake up and see your face. What I’m saying is I know this is a little soon but I know I never want to be with any one else. I want you to wear this. It’s a promise ring so that when you’re ready I can really propose.” I felt my eyes water up. He really loves me. I jumped over the seat and wrapped my arms around him. He just chuckled and pulled me closer. All of this before I even seen the ring. He had it in his hand and held it up so I got a good look at it. It was a gold band with blue sapphires placed on both sides of this diamond shaped diamond. I felt the tears trail down my face.
“Jordan,” I raised my eyes to look at him
“Yes babe?”
“I love you more than anything and I’d love to spend all of forever with you.” He grinned then pulled me closer. A knock on the window interrupted our happy moment it was my dad.
We both got out of the car and walked to class. The whole day I was floating on air. I even went and hugged my father for no apparent reason. It was perfect that is until this girl came and picked a fight with me.
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btw Jordans ring tone is with you by Jon Young