A Normal Girl Now In Love With A Vampire Prince

Chapter 16.

***Justin’s P.O.V. ***

I heard a knock at the door so I went and opened it. At the door was Damien, Caleb, Brandon and some other guy. “Why are you guys here?” I asked.

“We need to tell you something” said Damien in a panic. “What is it?” “It’s about Hayley---” began Brandon but was caught of by Joey skipping up to me then panic struck his face.
“Justin who this?” he asked pointing to the other guy. “Uh this is Mike he looked after Hayley for a while” explained Caleb. I nodded my head.

“Joey what do you want?” I asked. “Something bad happened in the greenhouse I can fell it” he said tears forming in his eyes.

“Do you know what it is?” asked Damien. “I don’t know but Hayley in the garden” he explained. I immediately ran out of the room and into the garden.

I could smell fresh blood coming from the green house so I ran into it and over to where it was strongest. I felt sick at what I saw Hayley lying there to bite marks in her neck and she was unconscious smiling.

I walked over to her and stroked her face “I’m sorry I wasn’t here Hayley” I said softly. I picked her up as the boys came in Damien ran over to me.

“What the hell!” he shouted. “I don’t know what happened she was last in my room” I explained. The Mike guy came forward and sniffed her I glared at him.

He looked at me and sighed. “I know who bit her” he said. “Who! ” we all shouted. “A vampire called Luke he sucked out the venom from a wild messenger and got a taste of her blood” he explained.

“Where did he go?” asked Brandon. Mike shoke his head “I don’t know but we should get her inside” we all agreed and I left Hayley in my room.

***Hayley’s P.O.V. ***

I woke up in the room I was in before I got bitten by Luke. I yawned and sat up but a little to fast because I got dizzy. “Whoa spinning room” I muttered.

I heard someone chuckle I turned and saw Damien lying beside me. “Damien why do you always sleep in my bed ?” asked him giggling. “Because I missed you a lot” he said hugging me.

“I missed you to Damien” I replied hugging him. Suddenly he was sitting on my “Damien your heavy get of me” I moaned laughing.

“We never finished our tickle fight in which I was winning” he gloated I smirked at him. Then I pushed him of me and sat on him “no your wrong I’m winning now” I shoot back at him.
“You’re a strange girl you know that” he said. “And your a strange boy did you know that?” he laughed. “Yea I think I know that.” Then he reached up his hand and stroked my face I stared at him and blushed.

“I like it when you blush it’s cute” he said flirting with me making me blush more. His hand trailed down to my neck. I softly ran his fingers over where I got bit.

I winched and jumped of him the bite burned like fire but not as bad as the venom. I backed up to the wall trying not to touch the burn bite. Damien walked over to me.

“Hayley are you ok?” he asked me. “It hurts the bite hurts really badly” I said. I screamed it got worse and worse. I was in tears “HAYLEY!” shouted Damien.

“Help make it stop please make it stop” I whimpered. He lifted me up in his arms and ran out the door. We ran into a room as my screaming got louder.

He laid me on a metal bench and began to walk to the door but I grabbed his hand “don’t go!” I screamed more tears coming down my face.

He looked at me sympathetically then Justin came in the room “WHAT THE HELL!” he screamed coming over to me. He helped me into a sitting position. “Hayley calm down, please calm down its not real pain.” He said softly trying to calm me down.

I didn’t stop screaming but I started struggling “Damien get the gel and some bandages NOW!” he shouted.

My eyes where blurry with tears but I saw Damien hand Justin a tub of something. “Hayley stay still this will help your neck it won’t hurt anymore” he explained.

I stayed as still as I could as he put something cold and slimy on my neck. The burning fire reduced a lot and I managed to stop crying. Damien handed Justin a bandage and he wrapped it around my neck.

I was breathing properly now and Justin was sitting on the metal bench holding me firmly in his arms. I looked at him his face was filled with worry.

“Damien can you take her to Caleb we need to speak with my father” he said. He stood up still holding me and handed me over to Damien.

Damien and I left without a word and walked down the corridor. We stopped at a room with a green door without knocking Damien waltzed in the room.

Caleb was sleeping on a sofa with no shirt on I blushed at me and looked at Damien he had a smirk on his face. He quietly walked over to Caleb then I clued in.

“Damien don’t” I whispered ferociously. He just smirked wider and threw me on Caleb. He jumped up and hit his head of mine “OW Caleb you have a hard head” I moaned.

He blushed “Sorry” he muttered then looked at Damien “What do you want?” he asked. Damien sighed “Justin’s wants you to look after her for a while we need to speak to his father.”

“Ok have fun” cheered Caleb and Damien walked out. I giggled and Caleb looked at me “What happened?” he asked looking at the bandages on my neck.

“The bite burned really painfully and Damien was scared so he took me to a room and Justin came then he helped my neck get better.” I explained. “I was really scared to” I added softly.

Caleb hugged me and I blushed like crazy. He didn’t know why I was blushing yet but the door opened and Mike walked in “Hey Caleb do you--” he looked at me blushing and Caleb beside me with no shirt on.

“Hi Hayley” he muttered looking hurt I jumped up and ran over to him. “Mike!” I squealed and hugged him tight he hugged me back. I looked up at him “Why are you here?” I asked him.
“I was scared something happened to you” he said looking me in the eyes his gold ones where full of worry. “Hayley I need to talk to you” said Mike pulling me out the door.

We ran down the hall and into a closet before Caleb could catch us. “Mike what is it?” I asked. He stared at me “Hayley something bad has happened many years ago there girl was the same as you an Elf a chosen one and she went to Justin to protect her, but when the forbidden three came Justin snapped and killed her and many others”

He took a breath “he lashed out at Caleb and that’s where his scar came from my family came to calm him down he nearly killed his mother” he explained.

I shoke my head “No, no he didn’t he wouldn’t” I cried.

***Mike’s P.O.V. ***

Hayley was crying she was scared she would get hurt. I hugged her “Hayley, Justin can protect you but so can others, people go to him because he’s a prince” I explained.
“I know he didn’t mean to do what he did but there is something very wrong with this house..... Like I’ve been here before” she said. “This is bad we have to go speak to my mother this isn’t Justin’s house...”