‹ Prequel: Uncle Good Riddance

Daddy Cool


Fixing dinner that night, I set five extra places. It was a tradition in our family now to eat every Monday with my mother, and Billie, Adrienne, Joey and Jacob.

“Hey Bo, that was Addy on the phone, it's only her and Billie tonight. Joey is going to his girlfriends and Jake has a college outting or something.” Tre walked into the kitchen, leaning against a counter and watching me.

I was close to my cousins. Joey, now 25, was a shy gentleman who worked as a journalist for a local music magazine. Jakob, now 22, was at college doing a doctors degree, he had high hopes. Secretly, I think Billie is a bit upset none of his sons wanted to be a music star like him but he settled for Joey working in the music scene somehow. We were an incredibly close family now. Addy is like my best friend, as well as my mother. I ran to them both whenever I had children troubles. Billie has always been Tre's best friend but he's almost a father figure to me, and also one of the closest friends I have. I will always be eternally grateful to him for letting me into his home and treating me so well, especially when I was such a horror.

“Okay.” I smiled up at Tre, getting on with putting the chinese stew into the oven. One of my favourite recipes and really easy to do. Tre began to clear away two places on the table.

“So...” He began.

“Don't bother.”

“Have you thought about it at least?” He asked.

I sighed heavily, “No Tre it completely slipped my mind.” I turned to look in the oven glancing at the food. I felt his arms go around my waist and his mouth found my neck.

“Don't be cheeky.” He whispered, kissing and nibbling my neck tenderly, sending shivers flying up and down my back. “Think of the fun we could have, making a little one.” He smirked into my neck, his hands starting to roam up my body.

“Stop it.” I tried to scold him as one of his hands pulled my head back gently so his mouth could take my neck.

“I know you don't mean that.”

“Ew, parent sex. Cut it out!” Freya's clear, crisp voice broke the atmosphere. Tre pecked me on the lips and let me go. I had a horrible feeling my cheeks were flushed.

“Welcome home.” I looked at my eldest daughter. “Sit down.” I motioned to the table as she tried to grab a drink and walk out of the kitchen. She turned and looked at me.

“Whatever it is, I didn't do it.” She pulled a face.

“Your not in trouble. Sit.” I sat on the opposite side of the mahogany table. She sat down, taking a sip from her glass of water.

“What's up?” She asked, looking from me to her father.

“Don't ask me, I have no idea here.” Tre stood behind me putting his hands on my shoulders.

“I just need some... information.” I chose my words carefully.


“Do you know, what the hell is going on with your sister?” I asked her. Freya's face made the cutest confused face.

“Willow? No why? I mean there were a few rumours at school but I ignored them.”

“Rumours? Like what?” I was intrigued. Could this be what's been getting to her?

“Just immature shit- uh I mean stuff like she's sleeping around and is on drugs. The average like.” Freya shrugged.

“And you didn't think to tell us this?” Tre asked, fury evident in his voice.

“You said I wasn't in trouble!” She shot at him.

“That was before!” He shouted. “Get upstairs!”

“God I can't believe I'm being punished for that...that... SLUT!” Freya screamed, stomping up the stairs and slamming the door. I heard Tre's heavy breathing behind me in the silence.

“Nicely handled.” I shot at him.

“Okay, wise guy, what would you have done?”

“Not bitten Freya's head off, for one.” Tre walked to the French doors leading out into our garden and flung them open.

“Willow, come in here, now.” He shot out.

“Tre, will you calm down please? They are rumours. I think we know our own daughter!” I stood up, trying to reason with him.

“Yeah, Bodaceia, because your mother knew everything you were up to.” He spat sarcastically.

“That is different.” I hissed at him as Willow entered the kitchen.


“Why didn't you tell us about these rumours at school?” Willow liked shocked and then angry.

“How do you know?” She asked her father, not even looking at me.

“Willow,” I tried to keep the atmosphere calm somehow, “We're just worried about you.” She shot a look at me.

“Your a fine one to talk!”

“Don't speak to your mother that way! Now you tell me right now young lady, is any of it true?” Tre stood, hands on the kitchen island, looking like he was going to rip it from the floor. Tre's anger can be scary sometimes.

“I can't believe your asking me!” She screamed at him.

“We're worried about you, Will, you've changed recently and it's not nice.” I went around to try and put my arms around her.

“Get the fuck off me.” She snarled at me, physically pushing me away. “People change, Bodaceia. It happens. Get used to it.” She stalked from the kitchen.

“Get back here now!” Tre shouted after her.

“Fuck off!” The silence was deadly as her bedroom door slammed shut. I was stunned to the spot where I stood. I couldn't speak as tears filled my eyes.

“Are you okay?” Tre tried to regain some calmness in himself. He came over to me and rubbed my back, trying to comfort me.

“Why does she hate me?” Was all I could choke out.

Raiden soft padding entered the kitchen. “What's happening?”

“Nothing son, come give your mom a hug eh?” Tre motioned to our beautiful boy as Raiden came and wrapped his arm around me. He was already nearly as tall as me.

“Thanks.” I sniffled.


An hour and a half later, I was relaxing in our front room on a squishy sofa, a glass of rose wine in hand and the bottle on the table in front of me.

“You not at the shop tomorrow?” Adrienne asked me from where she sat next to me, pouring herself another glass of wine.

“No, took the week off for the first week of the holidays.” I smiled at her. Willow had stormed upstairs after the meal, Freya was sat with me, Adrienne and my mother; she enjoyed the adult conversation. Raiden, Billie and Tre had gone to make music in the garage.

“That's okay for some then eh!” My mother smiled at me from where she was sitting.

“Freya go upstairs. I need to speak to your grandma and aunty privately.” I ruffled the hair of my eldest who was sat at my feet, leaning her back against the sofa.

She rolled her eyes at me, “God, Mom, I know what your going to speak about.”

“What? What's happened?” My own mother asked us.

“Willow is being a little bitch to everyone in her sight.” Freya said, an excited tone almost creeping into her voice.

“What, Willow? Why?” Adrienne asked taking a sip of her wine.

“I have no idea. Freya says there are rumours about her at school, saying she's on drugs and sleeping around.”

“Is she?” My mother asked, worried.

“Any other day than today, you know I would have said never in a million years. But after her performance, I have no idea.” I admitted sheepishly.

“I think its true.” Freya piped up. “She's always hanging around with guys at school, not girls. Plus some times she acts really spaced out.”

“Stop it, Freya.” I scolded her.

“Well, perhaps Freya's right. We all know what you were like when you were younger. Maybe she's inherited that.” Adrienne concluded.

“Ooh, I love stories about Mom when she was younger!” Freya smiled.

“No, it's not like how I was.” I shook my head, absent-mindedly playing with Freya's long blonde hair.

“What do you mean?” Mother asked me.

“She seems so down, so alone.”

“Having fun?” Willow's voice broke into our conversation. We all jumped.

“Willow?” Was all I could say.

“I hope your really enjoying talking about me.” She spat, hands on her hips.

“Willow, get over yourself.” Freya rolled her eyes.
“Just stay out of my way. All of you.” Willow left the doorway, slamming the front door after herself.

“Where are you going?” I ran to the door after her. “We'll talk, come back!” Billie and Tre had opened the garage door to see what the fuss was about.

“When will you get it? I really do not want to fucking talk to you!” She shouted at me, walking out of our gates and into the street.

“God, what a bitch.” Freya drawled behind me.

“Yeah, she is definitely your daughter.” Billie shot a look at me.

I felt like my perfect family was falling apart in front of my eyes and I could do absolutely nothing to stop it.