The year the gypsies came

Chapter 1- Introduction to me

My name is Josie. And the time has come to write my story. I have been holding it off now for many a year and now at the age of 35, which is extremely saddening to have become. I have decided no matter how dreadful someone may find their life and story, there are always people worse of and people who need to hear the story to believe what can happen. My story is long but very sad and I would appreciate is greatly if you could listen.
Name: Josie Broadbear
Age: 35
Age in life story: 12
Family: Stuck up mother, Caroline who does not understand she is no longer living with her old fancy cars and a daddy who will buy her anything. My caring father Antonio, who would die for me, unless mother told him not to, you see she controls the house, the rule of the roost some would say. And of course my gorgeous 14-year-old sister, Sarah, who is usually very annoying but she is my sister and I must forgive her for being a bitch.
House: large and extremely good for common games of hide and seek.
Where we live: South Africa, Johannesburg to be precise.
Lifestyle: Quite rich I could say, yet the money that does come in is usually well spent as mother calls it. Yet Sarah and I know that is not the case, mums wardrobe grows everyday.
Jobs: My mother does not work, unless you consider having a different man round each day, working hard, she tells me not to add that bit in for fathers sake, but I no he will not see it. He works as manager of a giant chocolate firm in Johannesburg. He sends home lots of money but never manages to bring it home himself as he never has the time. So father is barely noticeable in this story. I am sure you are now thinking “how does a girl survive with a strict annoying mum and her gorgeous sister”. Well I don’t. And that is why I am writing this story, but you cant understand my life untill you know.....
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This is the beginning to my first story i have EVER written. Look out for the next chapters