Sequel: Stay Forever

Forever Friends

Another Turning Point

After moving to Sweden I realized that maybe it wasn't going to be so bad after all. I wrote Mike a letter every week, Punker grow bigger and bigger, my brother was never at home becouse he was out with his friends doing who knows what and my room was My Own for real. Now, one month after moving to Sweden, I had new friends. They thought that the music Green Day made was fantasic. I had buyed frames to put all my pictures in, so now my walls was filled of pictures. But one other day changed my life even more. It all started on the 15'th may 1991...

"Mum!" I yelled from the bathroom. "I've gained weight again!"
"Really? How much?" Asked my mum.
"Ehrm.. Right now.. 5 kilos."(around 10 punds in U.S.)
"Well that's strange. What have you been eating?"
"I almost have eaten nothing. Everytime I eat I threw up."
My mum stopped in her tracks and looked at me. She kinda scared me when she did that.
"Did you say that you threw up?" She asked.
"Erhm.. Yeah.." I asked looking at her strangly.
"When did... No, I mean, was the last time you had.. sex?"
I looked at my mum. Why did she ask me something like that? I shook my head 'couse I didn't really remember.
"I don't know... Wait.. Mike and me had sex just the day before we moved." I said. "Why?"
"Oh god. You need to get a test done." She said looking shocked.
"You mean.. That I.. maybe.. is pregnant?" I asked.
She nodded and looked at me. She told me to go to the livingroom and then she got out of the house to buy me a test.

I waited for what seamed an hour for the test to show anything. Then it was. It turned blue. I gasped and looked at my mum and sisters. Mum looked at teh test and went all pale. So did Camilla and Christine.
"Oh... my... god.." Christine squealed out.
"Oh my god is the word." Camilla said.
I walked out of the bathroom and walked in to my own. I slammed my door and locked it. Then I sat down at my desk, starting to write a letter. A letter to Mike.
This is how the letter went:

Dearly Beloved Mike
This letter will change your life forever, and mine too. I just had to tell you that I love you and I really hope that they don't lose the letter. Then I'm going to tell ya that I'm moving again. To a little town called outside Lund. But that wasn't what I was telling you. I'm kinda.. well. pregnant. Don't freak! I can handle it. It's just that I'm,like, in seventh month now and I just got to know today. Well.. I know that you soon is moving and I hope that the letter is there before you do...
Kisses Cecilia Cizz Molin.. 15'th May 1991
I sent it and went to bed..