Status: Around about the middle. Prequel to the main plot. =)

Hollow Repentance

Truth -Let Her Go

- - - - - Izzy's POV - - - - -

I still hadn't found out what I wanted to know, but I had no choice anymore. Unable to move, or even stand, Torren could have his way with me regardless of what I wanted. Gasping as Torren's gentle but rough hands snaked around my waist and draped my helpless body over his shoulder, my arms dangled and swung with each of his broad footsteps.

I listened carefully as two sets of footsteps began to climb stairs, followed closely by Torren wandering towards the door. From my position facing back into the room, I spotted Aldin joining the queue behind us and stared directly into his sympathetic eyes. He smiled softly, which I weakly returned, probably as more of a grimace than anything.

We reached the top of the stairs and the darkness opened out onto a dimly lit room, which still managed to sting my eyes. Whimpering quietly, I covered my eyes with the back of my hands and listened as a light switch clicked. I sighed contently as I reopening my eyes to find everything back to their original colours. We were in the lounge? Glancing back to where we came from, I recognised the door as the suspected storage closet from however long before. Unusual place to attach a basement...

Before I could take in the surroundings properly, I found myself sandwiched on the sofa between Aldin and Torren, with Dimi and the other guy perched on the edge of two armchairs at either side. Something was wrong, I could tell. Feeling four pairs of eyes transfixed on me in a hard stare, I watched the floor for a moment, my mind reeling with the limitless possibilities. Eventually, I pushed the ideas out of my head, some to horrifying to even imagine, and glanced up at Torren, tears forming in my eyes.

"What's going on, Torren?"

Simultaneously, each of them turned away as I stared at them, awaiting a response. Only one person made even the slightest acknowledgement to my question; the other guy. Before turning his gaze in the opposite direction, he motioned to my left and I spotted only a mirror danging from a hook on the wall. There was something wrong with me?!

Slowly, I pushed myself away from the sofa and stood up, surprisingly already regenerated, crossing silently to find my reflection. When I reached the mirror, I took a deep breath and looked up, but I didn't look back. Okay, sure, it kind of looked like me, but the eyes were tinted ever so slightly red and the colourless pupils were abnormally large. Softly, I brushed my pale cheek and the reflection mimicked me... It must have been me! Gasping, I spotted two tiny prominent canines hanging in my mouth and carefully traced the outline. I looked like some form of mutated animal.

Petrified, I stumbled backwards and toppled onto my back, howling in pain as my head struck the edge of the coffee table. As quickly as it came, however, the pain subsided. What the hell, what the hell, what the hell...

I laid motionless and silent as Torren appeared by my side and set me gently back on the sofa before I could even blink. But, that's impossible, isn't it? I felt as though I was having a nervous breakdown, nothing made sense anymore. Suddenly, my anger got the better of my fear and I jumped defiantly from the sofa, spinning around quicker than I had expected and glaring at Torren, my hands clenched into tight fists at my sides.

"Torren, I'm sick of you lying to me. Tell me what's going on, now!"

My entire body was shaking with a mixture of fear and anger as I stared directly into Torren's eyes, unwavering and searching for even an ounce of truth. My heart leapt. From merely the way he closed his eyes for a moment longer and sighed in defeat, I knew he was finally going to tell me. I had no idea what was coming.

"Izzy...We're not human, except Dimi and, at the moment, neither are you."