Status: Around about the middle. Prequel to the main plot. =)

Hollow Repentance

Human Consideration - Escape

- - - - - Izzy's POV - - - - -

My vision faded into a yellowed honey colour and my mind felt oddly relaxed.

Merely moments before I would hit the path, I instinctively tucked my knees up to my chin and rolled, flipping gracefully through the air until I landed in a gentle crouch on the stones. Wow... And I repeat: being a vampire rocked!

Glancing back up to the balcony I had just dived from, I smiled at a shocked Dimi, his eyes wide and mouth gaping open. Yeah, I was pretty amazed too. I couldn't believe I was doing all of these things, I didn't even know how! Pushing forcefully from the gravel on my back foot, I propelled towards the wrought iron gate, resembling an arrow. For a moment or two, I felt as though I was flying; in fact, I could have almost sworn that I actually was!

Suddenly feeling my feet back in contact with the ground, I raced along the gravel path and arrived at the gate within seconds. Resting a hand on the cool iron bars, I twisted my back to the forest outskirting Torren's mansion and scanned the area intently; he had to come, he always did. Several agonising minutes passed and Torren didn't show; I felt let down, surprisingly.

Once my patience wore thin, every ounce of hope and sympathy in my body was replaced with anger and I kicked viciously at the gravel, backing away and spinning to face the gate. There was no point in staying here. Not anymore.

Taking care to watch my footing, I gently balled my fists and darted directly towards the gate, leaping shockingly high into the air. Sadly, it wasn't quite high enough. I swung my arms frantically and caught hold of the iron bars in both hands, clinging onto the top. Nothing was going to stop me now.

As I imagined Torren lying in a dark alleyway with an unfortunate woman's corpse laying drained beneath him, I cringed and dragged myself over the large iron gate, cursing loudly as the bloodied bandage snagged on the elaborate design headlining the entrance.

It looked vaguely like my stupid goddamn mark. I'd find a way to get rid of it if it was last thing I did; I couldn't go home with that, mum would go mental! Landing lightly on the other side, I plodded casually to the beginning of a beaten track through the forest land and gulped. Even though I wasn't afraid of the dark, the discussion about the wolves with Torren repeatedly flashed in my mind. Spooky.

'There are so many dangerous creatures in there, Izzy. Never go there without me with you.'

Well, Torren wasn't here now and it wasn't my fault, but I didn't care about what he told me anyway. He pretended to like me, as in really like me, but it was probably just a trick; guys were all the same. Sighing heavily, I shook Torren's voice from my mind and set along the faint trail, my eyes darting in every direction to each slight sound, whether it was the rustling of trees and the chitter of an animal.

There was something about this forest, the unnerving feeling that somebody, or something, was watching you. My mind reeled with the limitless possibilities, both human and mythological, as my uneasy meander quickened to a gallop, each rapid footstep reverberating against the tree trunks.

Suddenly, the forest opened out onto a maze of bright light and I was blinded until my sensitive eyes adjusted to the blaze. Edging cautiously forward, I sighed contently as I recognised Jullin Tower and that Cra--Cragnle Ridge as a dark shadow against the starlit sky.

Tolpaza... finally. The whole town looked so beautiful and calming now that I knew Torren wasn't scheming against me. I wouldn't have minded living in Tolpaza at all, that is, if it wasn't filled with vampires and my family were with me.

My family: mum, Zach and Kev; I missed them all so much, it hurt to even think of them. I'd never find my way home during the night, and I couldn't go out in the sunlight as a vampire. Or was that a myth too?

Cautiously, I edged along the cobbled streets until things started to seem vaguely familiar. This must have been the area that Torren brought me to last time. Yes, I remembered. As Murphy's appeared around the next bend, I smiled weakly and dropped my expression back solemn as I noticed Peter rushing around the counter towards the shop entrance. He looked concerned; wait, no! I'd never go back to Torren, he was going to hand me over.

"Miss Koerta, what are you doi--?"

Picking my pace up to a slow jog, I took countless turns and avoided the many lightless alleys until I found myself on the street with Carey's Kutz to my left. My heart leapt as I remembered the horrible armchair; never again!

As my breath drew shallower, I slowed back to a gentle walk and plodded past the hairdressing shop, my head drooped forwards as I avoided the horrifying memories. My footsteps echoed unevenly as I passed the plain oak door.

"I'm not so sure that I agree, Ryan; I mean, it's not alw--"

I knew that voice! Twisting on my heel, I spotted a tall, athletically built boy with Lexi and David, leaving the hairdressers. The latter stopped mid-sentence as his eyes locked on me, wide and pale. Nobody spoke for several long moments, the silence uneasy as my heart thumped violently against my chest. I would never go back!

Before anyone else could make a move, I spun on the spot and darted along a street that I didn't recognise, instantly pursued by a clatter of urgent footsteps. As my pursuer neared, I panicked and gasped as my speed unexpectedly increased, the wind whipping my cheeks as I pounded along the street.

A sudden gasp and sickening thud on the cobblestones close behind stopped me in my tracks, my feel skidding on the damp stones as I struggled to slow down. Cautiously, I turned back to see David collapsed and out of breath on the ground with Lexi guiding him to a sitting position.

Guilt flooded my senses and I forgot everything for a second, pausing my escape to flash David a sympathetic and apologetic look; it wasn't his fault after all. I couldn't stay, though; I knew exactly where I would end up. Gracefully pivoting, I gasped as my sudden acceleration sent me stumbling backwards, colliding with a soft but solid object. The boy - Ryan, I think it was.

Everything happening in slow motion, stupid vampire senses, I twisted my body back in the direction I was slipping and broke my fall, landing gracefully like a jaguar ready to pounce; weird. I felt like an animal when I acted like this; it really wasn't like me. I lay motionless in the same position for what seemed like hours, realising just what Torren must have gone through his entire life; I felt horrible...

Suddenly, icy arms crushed my own to my body and I grunted as my feet effortlessly left the floor. What the--? I tilted my head back to study the annoyingly handsome boy behind me. He couldn't hold a candle to Torren, but he was handsome, all the same. Fitted tangerine hair fell at his shoulders and bottle green eyes bore into mine as I writhed in his rough grasp.

"Get off of me, Ryan!"

Gasping as he started to carry me back along the road towards where David was perched tenderly on the cobblestones, I kicked my legs frantically and growled as he sniggered at my pathetic struggles.

"My God, she's like a snake - I can't keep a good grip. Pretty girl, though."

My arms felt as though they were about to snap as his grip tightened and I choked for breath, my heart catching in my throat as David and Lexi stood, each of them with their arms folded across their chests. Uh-oh. Staring in horror at David, I snarled and writhed even more viciously as he edged closer, pausing just out of my reach.

"Izzy, calm down. What are you doing here and where's Torren?"

I started to hyperventilate and struggled to catch my breath, waiting for the questions to sink in properly; what I wanted was to be left alone! Ignoring Lexi and David as their eyes bore into me, I huffed and shook my head vigorously; I didn't see how he couldn't realise it from my point of view! I turned my head back to the cobblestones and glared as David lifted my gaze to meet his.

“Tell me.”

"I don't know, alright? I freaked out when I saw his fangs and he disappeared. I pretended to escape and he didn't show up, so I got annoyed and just left. Now, leave me alone; I can't handle another stupid vampire, right now, or a werewolf, or whatever you are!"