Status: Around about the middle. Prequel to the main plot. =)

Hollow Repentance

And So It Begins - I'll Kill Him!

- - - - - Izzy's POV - - - - -

With tired eyes, I looked up into the dark welcoming eyes as he waited for me to try and walk to him on the other side of the hallway. I knew he was using me for entertainment at the moment, or he was just generally curious, but either way, I didn't care. I would kill him for it later. I leaned lazily against the wall and tilted my head to the side to get more comfortable. Although I would usually keep my eyes on Torren for my own safety, I spotted something moving further down the corridor to the right, turning quickly to see a man with blurred features pacing slowly towards me.

As he neared, I recognised him immediately. It was Dimi, Torren's doctor friend. The traitor who ratted me out! Turning back to Torren once Dimi had stopped moving, I noticed he was smiling. I raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"You remember him, don't you? From yesterday, well two nights ago now."

I growled at both of them angrily and withdrew Torren's swiss knife I had slipped into my pocket when I attacked him before; unfolding the blade and concealing it up my sleeve. Forget killing him later for messing with me, I'd kill him soon; with Dimi after for betraying my trust.

Chuckling sinisterly, I gathered all of the energy I had and glanced momentarily at the ground, before thrusting myself away from the wall and charging at Torren, the knife clenched in my raised fist. I focused all of my attention on Torren, absorbing his shocked expression and bracing for retaliation. That was my first mistake. The second was the way I held the knife. I had it positioned in such a way that my grip was weak.

In a flash, a vicious blur knocked the knife from my grip and it flew spinning through the air, down the hallway. Roaring in anger, I allowed the motion of my attack to continue; the force of my approach sending Torren crashing against the wall. He immediately slid to the ground where he sat dazed and rubbing his head tenderly. Now for Dimi. Turning swiftly on my heel, I charged towards him and punched him in the nose as he stood helplessly, causing blood to pour from his nose and tears to well up in his eyes as he stumbled over onto his back. Third mistake.

In his anger, Dimi held out his hand with his palm facing me and a bright light erupted from the centre. As the light blinded me, I staggered back slightly and screamed as a pair of strong arms threw me roughly against the wall. I knew instantly that it was Torren.

I bounced from the wall and my lip burst open, blood trickling into my mouth and down my chin. I spat the blood onto the floor in disgust; repulsed by the strong taste of iron. The arms loosened slightly as a warm body pulled close to mine, crushing me against the wall as I struggled to breathe. My arms, however, were completely free, so I thrashed around wildly, hitting him wherever I could reach and pounding ferociously against the wall.

Dimi laughed as he stood back up and shouted to Torren over my screams, wiping the blood from his nose.

"Wow, you were right about how vicious she was! Uh-- Torren, her mouth! Why does it smell so good? How long do you suppose this will last? And where the hell did she get a knife from?!"

"Haha! It won't last long once I've stopped her entirely. We better be careful, her blood smells really strongly. I recognise it distinctly from when I took her from her home. Oh, and I used the knife to cut her loose this morning and she must have took it when she attacked me. Damn, she's sneaky! Oh well, at least we have you now! Muhahahahahaha!"

I rolled my eyes at the immature man cackling sinisterly behind me. And he called me a child?! I clicked my tongue at him impatiently and he glanced back down at me from Dimi, his pathetic but admittedly cute laugh fading slowly as my expression darkened threateningly.

"Let me!"

Within seconds of my threat, Torren's powerful hands wrapped firmly but gently around my wrists and forced my arms against the wall, immobilising me entirely. I groaned as his grip tightened. Leaning in closer to me, he whispered childishly into my ear,
"No. What're you going to do about it, child?"

Glancing to my right, I noticed Dimi slowly approach where we stood and lean on the wall a small distance away from me. For several moments, all was silent except for my grunts as I tried to pull away from Torren's killer grip. I didn't know where all of this energy came from, but I didn't want it to end. Suddenly, Torren and Dimi burst out laughing in unison. I stared at them in horror. I was trapped with two psychos!

"How can you be laughing when I just tried to kill you?! You'll have a few bruises now and I wouldn't be surprised if your nose was broken!" I shrieked, motioning at each of them in turn with my head. "You're both idiots. Let me go now, you psychos!"

I became even more frustrated as they began to laugh harder. I soon lost concentration, however. My hunger was taking over my mind and my body had finally started to realise that I was running on empty. I retched and they both noticed it immediately. Torren released me quickly and stepped away. I backed awkwardly away from the wall, hunched over and clutching my stomach with one hand and my mouth with the other. Urgh, the headache had started throbbing again, only this time twice as bad. I couldn't stand it! I could feel my anger bubbling stronger than ever before and I struggled to contain it.

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Nothing much to say just, what do you think?

Jess x