My Heart Won't Forget the Love

Falling into the Rabbit Hole Just Like Alice

Nick arrived at the bar as soon as he can. How did he find this place? Bella had told him before and she vowed that with him, she won’t be visiting that place anymore. Nick stuffed his car keys into his leather jacket pocket and walked into the bar. The strong scent of alcohol and cigarettes hit him as he opened the door. His eyes scanned the horizon in sight of his girlfriend. He spotted the bartender cleaning up the table and walked over to him.
“Excuse me, have you seen a girl by the name of Bella in here?” asked Nick.

“You mean Isabella?” the man asked.
“Yes,” Nick said, “Have you seen her?”
“She was here about a few minutes ago, went out not too long ago. Are you her boyfriend?”

“Yes,” said Nick. He hesitated for a moment “Do you know where she went?”

“No, not really, all she said was fuck my life and left” said the bartender.

“Thanks.” said Nick and he ran out.

He walked back to the parking lot and turned on his ignition when his phone vibrated in his pockets.


“Hi, this is the head chief of the ambulance and I want to let you know that Isabella has been hit by a car and we would like to know your connections to her. We can let you know what hospital she’s going to be at if you want to know.”

“Bella? Please tell me where she’s at. I’m coming”

-At the hospital-

“Hi can I get the room number for Isabella Grant? Is she ok? I’m her boyfriend.”

The nurse looked up at Nick and typed the information in. “I’m sorry I can not give you this information, it strictly says to share this information with family and very close friends only.”

“But I’m her boyfriend, isn’t that close enough?! I have to see her now.” Nick said anger growing

“I’m sorry it specifically says family and the Stanford family only. I’m sorry I cant do this.”

“I need the number.” Nick said in a low voice.

“Please mister, I can’t help you, I still have other people waiting in line, if you don’t leave I’m going to have to call in security.”

Nick left and dialed in Mrs. Grant’s number. It went through.

“Hello? Mrs.Grant? Can you tell the front office lady to let me in I have to see Bella. Mrs. Grant?”

“Who is this? Mrs. Grant is not available, this is Mrs. Stanford and sorry you can’t see Bella, she’s in a near to death state and it’s doctors order.”

“Near to death?! I have to see her. Why can’t I see her, she’s my girlfriend the love of my life and you get to see her? That’s not fair I need that number now.”

“Everything’s not fair child.” Said Mrs. Stanford and she hung up.

Nick stared at the phone and had the urge to throw his phone on the floor and just stomp on it. No matter what he had to wait until he would see his love again. He prayed that she won’t die and they would see each other again. Some day.


Like Alice in wonderland, I was Alice, falling into that rabbit hole and down I went into this mysterious world. Everything is different and everything was new to me. It’s been a month I think I was in a coma because I heard someone weeping besides my bed and asking herself when was going to be awake.

My heavy eyelids lifted for the first time in a month I saw a mask in front of me and my leg in a cast. I saw needles and lines running through my body and I started to freak. I was weak and I couldn’t do anything except panic in my head.
I made a little grunt noise and the woman looked at me. Her eyes were all puffed up. “Bella?” she asked, “Oh my God, Clarice, she’s awake! She’s awake!” and then she started to laugh and cry again.

I looked at her confused. “Who are you?” I managed to croak out.

The woman stopped laughing and looked at me. “Bella? It’s me your mom.”

“Mom?” I asked in a questioned tone. I didn’t remember I had a mom, I was alone sitting under a little tree with rabbits just a few minutes ago.

The woman covered her mouth and another woman called in the doctor. Doctors came rushing in and started checking me and asking me questions. Everything seemed so foreign. I couldn’t remember where I was last time, or when my birthday was. My doctor finally told me that the woman next to my bed was my mother and I had lost part of my memory when I had a car crash last month. I was in a coma and now i cant remember anything. He told me to trust everything my mom would tell me from now on so I can remember. I nodded slowly and looked back at my mom.

“Mom?” I croaked.

“Oh baby girl I’m sorry about everything” she said and hug me.

The other woman looked at me then at my mom.

“I can’t” said my mom.

The woman nodded.

“Ok.” My mom said.

The woman looked at me and then a young man came in. “Honey, you may not remember but this is your boyfriend Luke.”

I looked at my mom and then at the lady and back at me mom.

My mom nodded.

“Ok.” I said.
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sorry i havent updated in a long time :\ well here is the next chapter. please subscribe and comment :D i'll update again soon i hope. let me know what you think and ideas if you want.

thank you :) lovee rina