‹ Prequel: Rehab Romances

Execution Of The Enemy


I watched as Heather closed Gerard’s cell phone and handed it back to him.
“What did she say?” I asked.
“She said she was with her sister in Hazelton.”
“I knew it.” I whispered. Heather came over and leaned against the fence with me and Gerard. We weren’t too far away from where we started because Gerard went home and stole his parents car and five hundred dollars.
“Well,” Gerard lit up a cigarette, “I guess that’s where were headed.”
“Yeah.” I sighed. An awkward silence grew among us. Because of the silence my mind started to go into though. I tried to stay alert of my surrounding but all that I could think of was Frank. So many thoughts flew through my head. I started to feel my eyes burn with tears. As a tear slowly ran down my face, it caught Gerard’s attention.
“Are you okay?” He asked.
“What? Um. Yeah. I’m Fine.” I said, looking up from my shoes, faking a smile. He smiled back and looked at Heather.
“You alright?” He asked.
“Yeah.” She said looking at him. I could feel that tension that only happened when two people connected. It was quite confusing actually.
“You…you look really nice in the moonlight.” Gerard said to her and threw his cigarette on the ground.
“Thanks.” She smiled awkwardly back. They just looked at each other long and hard, into each other’s eyes. I felt my stomach lunge with jealousy. I wanted Frank. I wanted to feel that connection with him. I wanted him to hold me.
I watched as their face grew closer, both of them with a smile across their face. He moved a piece of hair from her face behind her ear. She smirked a cute little smile and they were inches from each other, as Gerard’s cell phone rang. I felt the tension break from between them as Gerard relaxed and grabbed his cell phone from his pocket.
“Who could possibly be calling me right now?” He asked, he seemed a bit pissed off.
“Hello?” He asked. His eyes grew wide.