‹ Prequel: Rehab Romances

Execution Of The Enemy

Finally you find out who is on the phone....

“Frank! Oh my god. Where are you?” He yelled. I felt a pain of happiness and surprise and so many emotions run through my body at once that I pushed over Gerard and grabbed the phone.
“Frank! Sweetie, Where are you?!” I asked frantically.
“Missy! Baby. I miss you so much. I didn’t think I would ever hear your voice again. Mary has me hostage with Jake. She killed my grandparents and drugged me and her and Tricia kept me in the back of her car. I’m at some old barn with Tricia. She’s asleep and I her phone to call Gerard. I need your help. Were in Hazleton, In Pennsylvania. Mary is with her sister Christina.”
“Yeah, I know. I miss you too. How’s Jake?” I asked.
“I don’t know. Mary has him right now and she isn’t with me and Tricia.”
“Where the hell did you get a phone? Who are you talking too? Is it that bitch Missy? If it is you are so dead.” I heard from the background.
“I have to go. I love you.” He said quickly as I heard the phone die.
“Frank? Frank!” I yelled. I broke down in tears.
“Is he okay?” Gerard asked as I handed him his phone.
“Mary has him with some bitch in a barn in the middle of nowhere.” Gerard started to walk over to the car. I heard the engine start.
“What are you doing?” Heather asked.
“Are we going to find him or not?” He asked.