Glass Half Empty - Glass Half Full


She spun into her partner’s arms and they glided around the varnished wooden floor. They paused in the corner, her smile stretched wide across her face, her green eyes glittering with delight as they continued their soft rise and fall of the Viennese Waltz. Carmen lifted her head as her partner lifted her and she was held a few feet off the floor while spinning, her long blonde hair fanning out behind her. He lowered her and she rested her head on his shoulder as the music stopped.

Carmen wrapped her arms around the broad shoulders of her partner and felt like nothing could wipe the smile off her face. They separated and walked over to the CD player talking about this rehearsal and what they’d do in the next rehearsal. Carmen went over to the sofa where she’d plonked her bag and switched her dance shoes for some trainers before walking into the girl’s toilets to change out of her dance clothes and into normal clothes.

A few minutes later she came out in her ruffled denim cut-offs and white lace tank top that hugged her lithe figure. She wrapped the multicoloured scarf around her neck and slung the large leather bag over her shoulder checking her watch for the time and grinning. She followed her partner downstairs and dropped off the keys to the dance studio at the main desk of the leisure centre. Bidding her partner goodbye she walked outside, pulling her long blonde hair out of the ponytail and running her hands through it. Carmen placed the dark sunglasses over her eyes as the sun broke through the clouds and stood at the zebra crossing with a handful of other people.

She pulled out her phone and sent a round of quick fire texts and pushed her thin phone into her pocket before pulling out the bottle of water and waited for her best friend’s response. It was nine-fifty on a Saturday morning; all the shops would be opening soon. Which was a good thing; because this shopping trip was one of the most crucial chopping trips they would ever go on. Carmen made a quick stop in Starbucks which had opened early and bought two frappuccinos as a consolation prize for getting her best friend out of bed so early.

Carmen stood in the centre of town, her long legs accentuated by the strappy sandals, ignoring the appreciative looks as her eyes glanced around for a certain black cloud amongst the sun soaked crowd.