Glass Half Empty - Glass Half Full


It was safe to say, Dakota Jennings was not a morning person. Especially when today was a Saturday, and Saturdays, if not previously booked with some bizarre early morning event, meant a lie in for Dakota.

Today, however, was no such day. At nine thirty Dakota dragged herself out of bed, and straight into the shower. Her banging head ached horribly, and she hoped the hot water would sooth it. Dakota and her best friend had gone to a party last night, much like every Friday, and she hadn't got to sleep until a few hours ago. She showered quickly, discovering the water didn't sooth her hangover. Dakota pulled on a pair of denim shorts, black tights, and a couple of layered vest tops, a blue one, and a white one since the weather was so sunny outside. She smiled at herself in the mirror as she applied a good few layers of mascara, a thick line of eyeliner, and a sheen of lipgloss.

Dakota glanced at the clock, seeing it was ten to ten. She cussed under her breath, and grabbed a hair band, quickly pulling her long, almost reaching her waist, dark, dark brown hair into two pigtails, leaving it damp. She snatched a hoodie from the end of her bed, since the wind might bite a little today, and shrugged it on. Dakota grabbed a tote bag from beside her desk, making sure a pair of simple flats were in there, as well as her purse, hairspray and other general shopping necessities. As she was clattering down the stairs, her phone let off a wolf whistle; a signal Dakota had a text message. She pulled out her phone from her pocket at the foot of the stairs, and quickly text her best friend back, she was just leaving for the town centre.

Dakota made her way to the door, and slipped on her gleaming white roller-skates, the ones with four wheels. Dakota had taken a liking to roller-skating when she was a lot younger, and now, was a total expert on them. They were her quickest mode of transport, and she'd never seen anyone else she knew on a pair. She made sure the laces were tight then pulled open the front door, quickly sliding the oversized sunglasses from the table onto her nose. She squinted into the sun, yet it made her smile. Dakota shut the door behind her, and pushed off from the step, easily gliding down the path to the road. Luckily, since she was running so late, Dakota lived quite near the town centre, and it was easy to weave in and out of the small amount of people on the streets.

Her hair billowed around her shoulders, and Dakota bit her lip happily, the swift, smooth movements of her skates beneath her. She pushed off on her left, then her right, then her left, swaying slightly from side to side. She swiftly turned a corner, terrifying a woman on the pavement with such a quick turn, and glided into the town square, weaving a little more as the pavements were a little more full. Dakota entirely ignored the strange stares of a seventeen - soon to be eighteen! – year old girl on roller-skates, until she spotted her best friend.

Carmen was holding two frappuccinos, and Dakota laughed a little in relief, the girl knew her too well. She bit her lip; she had an idea, and quickly skated up to her best friend, and straight past her. She grabbed the frappuccino Carmen was not drinking from as she glided past, and easily spun on her skates, dropping onto a bench. She took a sip of her drink, thankful for the cooling effect, and looked up expectantly. Carmen slowly walked over to her and sat on the bench next to her. She stared straight ahead for a few seconds, before lifting an extremely elegant hand to move her own sunglasses, so she could look over them at Dakota

"Are you ever going to stop doing that?" Carmen asked, and Dakota giggled, taking another sip of her drink and tapping her foot a few times.
