Status: Inactive

"I think I love you..."

Chapter 13: The Dream

"Dum duh duh duh, Dum duh duh duh." Nichole hummed to me as she shook me awake. "Come on Tori! It's your big day!"

"AHH!!! I'm getting married in like.." I glanced over at the clock "...3 hours!? Holy crap, I have to get ready!"
I hurried up and jumped into the shower.

"Nichole! Can you help me do my hair? Please." I said pulling my hair up into a

"Yeah sure."

I hurried up and did my make up, before taking my hair out of the towel to blow dry it. I looked at my flat dark hair and knew exactly what I wanted to do with it. Wait. Wait a minute. Dark? My hair isn't dark. I'm a blonde! Oh well, I probably dyed it.

"Can you curl it, and then we'll pull it up or something?" I asked Nichole as she walked over.

"Of course." she said.

I stared at myself in the mirror in the back room of the church. I looked so nice. I was so excited to see my Marc-Andre.

Nichole, Kristen and Valerie all walked down the aisle before I did. Then as the doors opened, I walked down the aisle.

I saw him standing at the end of the aisle. My heart raced.
He then turned around. Tyler Kennedy? But.. I thought everything had been okay with Marc and I. Why was I marrying TK? Was it all a dream?
Just as we were pronounced man and wife, I heard someone talking loudly.

"Wake up, miss. Wake up. It's time to take your vitals."

I blinked and sat up. I was still in the hospital. I saw Marc-Andre snoring lightly in a chair over in the corner. I was just a dream.
I breathed a sigh of relief, and glanced at the clock. It was 7:35 am.

The nurse then took my blood pressure and all that stuff, and she helped me to the bathroom. I was feeling much better, and I could walk by myself, so I asked the nurse if I could sit in a chair for a bit. She allowed me to, and left the room.
Instead of going and sitting in the chair like a good girl, I went and sat right on Marc-Andre's lap. He snorted and woke up.

"Allo, mon cherie." he said his accent thick, and sleepy.

"Hi. I wanted to cuddle with you. I missed you." I said kissing his cheek.

He wrapped his arms around me "I missed you too. I was so scared you wouldn't wake up."

"Well, I'm awake now. Hey, you want to get married next month?"I asked smiling.

He laughed "We could get married right now if you wanted."

"I think we have to plan a little first, silly!" I said getting up. "Maybe I can go home now."

"You lay down and be good, I'll go find the doctor." Marcsaid getting up.

The doctor came in, did a check up on me, and told me I could go home. Marc grabbed all my things, and we drove to his house.

There were like a ton of cars in the driveway as we pulled up to his house.

"What the heck?" I said looking at Marc.

"Your welcoming comitee." he said smiling.

As we walked into the house, I was attacked by Nichole, Kristen, Jordan, Sid and Kris. They literally piled on top of me.

"Guys! Guys! Do you want me to go back to the hospital?" I said trying to breathe.

"Sorry!" I heard Nichole say and they all got up off of me.

I brushed myself off and looked them. "Okay guys. Marc and I have something to tell you."

"Are you knocked up?" Jordan asked, which caused him to get a slap from Nichole.

"Hoo hoo hoo, Way to go Fleury!" Kris said.

I rolled my eyes. "No. I'm not pregnant. Marc and I are going to get married next month."

Nichole squealed "I can't wait to help with this wedding!"

Kristen laughed "This is going to be fun. I know where to get the deals."

"Well, we've got alot to do, so let's get started!" I said reaching up to kiss Marc-Andre.