Give Me The Sweetest Goodbye

Chapter 3

We wander the Hockey Hall of Fame, staring at all the exhibits, discussing about our favourite players and disagreeing with each other. The day is almost perfect. We walk in pairs, Livy and Cody in front, wildly discussing every possible item they stumble upon, Tyler and I trailing behind, talking about everything but hockey. Over the years Tyler and I had become very good friends. He and Cody had known each other since their second year of high school, now 6 years later in their last year of university, I saw Tyler as a best friend, no longer my brother’s best friend.
“I’ll kill him, Tyler. If he comes near her again, I’ll ring his neck.” I stop and look up into his crystal blue eyes. He instinctively reaches out and puts his hand on my shoulder, rubbing my shoulder blade with his thumb. He then pulls me into him and wraps his arm around me, causing my yellow hood to fall from my head, exposing my blonde hair to the world.
“I know Lex but, you can’t. You know how much it will hurt her.” I nod and he leans down and presses his face into my hair. I lean into him and close my eyes for a brief second, trusting Tyler to lead me. Before opening my eyes I feel a hand wrap around my free arm, the one not tucked in between Tyler and I. My eyes fling open and I see Livy, eyes wide.
“He’s here.” I look behind her and see Cody talking to Mike, his one hand running through his own blonde hair and his other bundling into a fist. Mike has his arm carelessly swung over Lauren’s shoulders, as if nothing ever happened. Clearly he had not seen Livy. Tyler releases me and starts off towards Cody. I grab his arm and pull him back, motioning for him to take hold of Livy. He nods and wraps his arms around her, pressing Livy’s face into Tyler’s chest. I stride over to Cody and smile, completely fake.
“Mike! How are you?” I hug him quickly and then turn to Lauren. My voice is overly preppy and sickenly sweet as I reach to give her a hug “And Lauren how are you?”
“I’m totally amazing Lexie!” Lauren is around 5’6, blonde, big boobs and I swear if you take a pin to her head, it would pop. Mike is 6’3, dark hair, dark eyes and a sly smile that will make you swoon. What I never can figure out is how the prick got into the university, I have it whittled down to bribery with sex or bribery with drugs, and he always seems to have both.
“Yeah, I’m pretty awesome too, I was just telling Cody how I overheard Tyler, Cody and you talking about coming to the Hall and I figured it would be a good idea!” His eyes lift from me and search behind me, I take the opportunity to shoot daggers at Cody before mike turns his attention back to me “where’s your partner in crime, Livy?”
“Livy is here, she’s talking to Tyler right now. I’m afraid she’s not in a great mood. You see this asshole she was secretly seeing went back to his old ways and well, she’s taking it very well.” I shake my head and look at Mike with sad eyes. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Cody’s jaw drop. I shrug and force a tiny smile. “Well what can you do but take her out and hope she cheers up.”
“Yeah well-“Mike starts but I cut him off. I lock eyes with him and send fire through mine to his. He looks taken back as I start to talk.
“Maybe she’ll find someone who isn’t a lying, conniving fucking prick who deserves to be hung by his ball sack.” Everyone’s jaws drop and I drop my eyes from Mike’s and smile. “Well have fun you two! There are some very interesting exhibits. Let’s go Cody.” I tuck my arm into Cody’s and drag him backwards to Tyler and Livy.
“What was that?” Cody hisses in my ear, I can tell he’s pissed but I don’t care. We reach Tyler and Livy, Livy tucked under Tyler’s arm while he makes her laugh by telling her stupid jokes. I smile with relief, lean over and whisper in Cody’s ear.
“I didn’t kill him, I didn’t kill his bitch, be thankful.” I straighten up and take a few more steps forward and smile as I reach Livy and Tyler. I hug Livy and pull away giving her a reassuring smile. “Want to go get food?”
“I thought you would never ask.” She sighs and I smile wider.
“What do you want to eat then?” She shrugs and I turn to the boys. “What about you guys, what do you want?”
“Pizza.” They say in unison and we all laugh. Tyler wraps his arm around my neck and Livy tucks her arm into Cody’s. She pulls her periwinkle hat from her pocket and sticks it on her head. I can hear Cody laugh as Tyler and I push through the crowds and finally out the door of the hall. I smile up at him and he smiles down at me with curiosity flickering in his eyes.
“What did you say to Mike?” I smile sweetly and shrug, looking away from him.
“Nothing, what makes you think I did?” He shrugs and navigates us through the people on the sidewalks of the busy streets.
“Well Cody had an astonished look on his face and you, my dear, looked quite smug with yourself. So what did you say?” I giggle and look over my shoulder. Livy is smiling and I knew even for a second, Mike has left her mind. In that instant I realise maybe everything will be ok for her. Maybe she’ll stop hurting eventually. She looks up and catches my eyes with her vibrant green ones, her smile falters and I nod, turning back around.
“I only said what he needed to hear and what was best for Livy. Plus I indirectly called him a lying, conniving fucking prick who deserves to be hung by his ball sack.” I smile to myself and Tyler lets out a deep, full body laugh.
“That’s just cruel.” We stop suddenly and I look up to read the sign ‘Tony’s Pizza’. I look at Tyler and shrug then turn to the door and push it open.
“Yeah well, the little bitch deserves it.”