March 21, 2013

Life After the End

The date is March 21, 2012 and I have survived the end of the world. I am just one amongst many others that survived this horrible occurrence. I wish not to recall what happened for it was very frightening and happened all within a flash. I am currently on the Coast of California Island. Yes, California broke of from the U.S. and is currently trying to get all of its citizens in order. We are trapped in a large business-like building in the middle of the ocean. It is currently raining and large Tsunami's keep crashing into our complex. I fell in love with a wonderful young man and he was about to propose when the tragedy struck. I was ripped away from him and my heart was broken. I don't feel much emotion anymore because of my distance from him. In addition I lost all of my family members...every single one of them. The last person I had left was my boyfriend. But as I have told you he is no longer with me. He is on the earth and dry. We can't even write to each other because there is no way of getting mail. I long for him and his warmth, everything here is so cold and depressing. All I want is my old life back, but I know that will never happen.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the beginning…
