March 21, 2013

Another Cold Day

Another day of cold, rainy weather, and it does not seem to be getting better. The waves are crashing higher and higher everyday and soon I am afraid we will be submerged. I fear for my neighbor Giselle. She just had a baby at the age of eighteen, and is in no position to take care of it. Yesterday night, I’m not sure what time it was, Giselle had her baby. Luckily, another lady on our floor used to be a nurse. Unfortunately, we had no medical supplies for Giselle, so she had to push through the pain. The baby was a healthy boy which she named Ryan. I was chosen as the Aunt for she also lost her family in the tragedy. I do fear for this young soul entering our world with no bright future. Most of the kids in our complex run around everyday, unaware of what is going on around them. I am only nineteen but I feel as if I am forty. I try and read to the children and tell them stories, but I can only get so far before I remember the past. My mother used to read to me the entire Dr. Sues collection when I was young. She was always happy to sit on my bed and tell me a night time story. I miss her so much for I know that she would have brightened everyone’s day and taken care of the loose children. Though, I have to remember she is gone and will never come back.

More and more people are trying to figure out ways to escape this complex. Only one man has tried to escape, but failed miserably and died due to the massive waves. I was told that his body was flown a thousand feet in the air and tossed around the waves. He never came back up to breathe. I could only imagine the desire he had to go out into the wild ocean and try to go ashore. He was a strong courageous man with a large body and a strong back. My grandmother told me; whenever I find the person I love make sure they have a strong back. She said it always meant they would be a strong supporting husband. I have always sought after my grandmother and will always remember her good and happy life. One resident in the complex is Mrs. Charles. She reminds me so much of my grandmother. She has a kind soft heart that everyone admires. She has also given me wonderful advice and has kept me somewhat positive through these past three months. She is ninety-seven so I am sure she will pass soon. She has even said so herself and is not fearing the day that she will meet her husband in heaven again. She always tells me that she will look after me my whole life, and will remember me and everyone that surrounds her with happiness and love. I really admire this woman and will remember her for my whole life. Hopefully, the others can figure out a way to get out of this horrible place, in which I will be the first one to risk my life. After all, what do I have to live for?
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So comment and tell me what you think, I would really appreciate it. :)
