March 21, 2013


Today was gloomier then ever. I stared out my window to see the water being more active and stirring today. Suddenly an ear shattering scream pierced through my walls. I could only think of one person, Giselle. I sprinted to her door and banged on the door with my weak fists, at first it was a faint sound, but then I pounded harder. My adrenaline took over and finally she came to the door panting.

“Ari, I think I may be dying.” Giselle was sweating and clammy.
“Giselle I’m sure it’s just complications with your birth, how about you lay down?”
“I feel weak and tired and so cold. Ari, please help me.”
“Giselle just lay down!”

Tears were beginning to run down my face. Seeing her like this was my worst nightmare, after all she was the only good friend I had after The Disaster, and I was, well, close to her. Giselle went to her small twin bed and laid down. She looked so faint, so white, and she began to shiver. Suddenly she started to shake violently and began to foam at the mouth.

“Giselle!” I screamed. I was unable to think clearly as the tears ran down my face just like the fear was running down my body.

I heard a baby screaming in the background. Ryan. My heart sank knowing that Ryan had been here for all of this. I immediately went to his crib and held him close to my chest. He let out a high pitched scream of utter loss, and right then, I knew Giselle had died. I remained in the room for about two more hours just holding Ryan. His tiny little body was warming up and I could feel his fast paced heart-beat. I knew at that moment in time that Ryan was my responsibility, my child, my living memory of Giselle. I would not let anything happen to this child, and I would do my best to make sure his life was full of joy and happiness, even if the world around him was not.

Later I went out of the room and headed down to where the nurse was. I explained my situation, and her response was a hug, a simple hug of compassion and comfort. So many people had been dying that it was no shock anymore to hear of a death. Though, I think the nurse knew the impact of this death just as well as I did. We had the same procedure every time. One, we would take the body and put it down below where the others were. Two, after sometime, take the body and release it into the water to be taken ashore with the other souls. Three, take all of their belongings and burn it, making the room now available to other families. I always thought it was sad that we moved on so quickly, but that was the nature of our world today, you just had to deal with it. And that I did. I went through all of the steps of the procedure and finally let go of Giselle. I never knew her last name so I gave Ryan my own. His full name was now Ryan Austin Mays. He was mine and I was his.
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Comments are greatly appreciated. Not really sure if I want to continue, but I do have plans for it.
