March 21, 2013


The days seem to be passing by faster and faster. It’s currently April 18 and almost four months have passed since The Disaster. Everybody seems to be getting healthier and healthier. The glow to everyone’s face is coming back, and personality and warmth is starting to shine once more. This gives me much comfort knowing that our world cannot completely break us. We shall stand strong and united as one through these tough days and persevere through any obstacle we may face. United we stand, divided we fall.

Seeing Mrs. Charles at the age of ninety-seven shedding her bright, wise, happy smile gives me hope. If she can survive The Disaster while being happy and content with what she has, then what is stopping the rest of us? As I look at Mrs. Charles I can feel the negative energy being blown away by the new sensation of hope and optimism. My bones are aching with the want to get off this island, and deep down inside I know we can figure out a way to get to land. Only one thing is stopping me, Ryan. There is no way I can risk a newborn baby’s life just for my self-satisfaction and pleasure. He deserves the best and nothing less than that. Period.
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Sorry it is so short, it's kind of a filler, but it's late and I needed to update.
Comments would be nice...and sorry if it is boring right now, I promise you it will get more exciting!
