Status: Complete. =) *I hate this story >xD*

Archangels in Black

Where This Thing Could Go

I am the singer for the band ArchAngels In Black. We have just finished work on our 1st album. Our 1st single has already been chosen: Black Roses. I was going through a pissed-off phase for 3 years so I wrote that for my ex and family. They kicked me out because of who I was friends with and our band's old rapper/growling male vocalist. Long story short: Big fight and we drifted apart. Then my music improved dramatically, or so the old fans and my band members claimed. We're putting up auditions for a male singer to record his voice on our songs. After his parts are recorded, the debut album is DONE! =D I'm excited as all Hell. Just like the other girls and Chris. =)

I sing and write the songs, Alura Raven Scarlett plays guitar, Jaden Vengeance is the female Synyster Gates, Eva plays keyboard and Chris is the bassist. I definitely say our live shows are much better than any recording the band has ever released. My biggest dream is to sing with my idol Dilana. Her voice is phenomenal and she is just an amazing woman! Plus..her tattoos are sexy. =) My opinion, personally. And in response to our "Male vocalist needed!!!" bulletin on the ArchAngels In Black website and our myspace, we've gotten several hundred videos. Some are ok, some shitty, some not the voice we need. We want a voice that immediately draws attention and keeps said attention while singing a single high note.

Which reminds me, I've got to watch this new video we just received. Oooh...he's *whistles* He looks amazing......


On the newest ArchAngels In Black website, the girls claimed they needed a new male vocalist. I'd always wanted to sing with a rock band and ArchAngels In Black just uploaded a bulletin advertising for a singer to fill the position...hehe. ;) I'm one of the few tenors with a LAAAAAAAAAAAARGE vocal range. I've stunned many of the greatest singers and vocal coaches of our time today. My coach had claimed I possessed a rare, RARE, RAAARE voice: 6 octave Tenor. I've sung nearly every genre of music: Rock, pop, dance, metal, Alternative, Classical, Opera- you name it, my voice can be heard. I've tried a solo career before....didn't really help. Plus, I've kind of got a smaall crush on Amira Diem. That voice is AMAZING! It's like Jonalyn Viray, Christina Aguilera and Amy Lee combined. Plus she's really pretty and seems down-to-Earth. Also she reminds me of someone I used to be friends with..impossible. But here I go. Brushing my black necklength hair aside, I start recording my audition."Hello there girls. I think I'd be perfect for your new male vocalist because I love to sing, act or do anything on or related to the stage. Plus it'd give me a chance to show off my range. I'm singing Ave Maria..." Here goes nothing. I take a breath and sing the 1st note..

*FF to after video*

"Thank you girls very much and I hope I'm the one chosen." I submit my video recording and turn off my computer to go to bed. I hope I'm one of the ones who get chosen to sing in FRONT of the band. 5 singers they liked are flown to their studio, sing one song live, receive praise or criticism then they find out if they're chosen. Hopefully I'll be picked to at least sing live. No one's really impressed with operatic vocals that much anymore but what about a 6 octave Tenor that can sound Classical/Rock? I hope so...

"Holy fucking shit. O_O Dude, we are so bringing this guy in with the other 4! We have 5 but I already want this guy to sing on the album!" The other girls speak in unison but his voice left me literally speechless. "Oh fuck nein. Bitch he's in the band already!" Loud yelps aside, I turn off the camera and wonder what he's like in person since he's spending the next few weeks recording his voice for the CD. I liked him the second he hit the 1st vocal note...heilig SCHEISSE that's what I call a voice! O_O He seemed nice too. =-D Jaden insists on saying that we should date....

Oh I so hope that happens. He's- GAH. =)
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I promise you this one wasn't meant to be so shitty....-_-